Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Family EPICRIIDAE Berlese, 1885


The Epicriidae is a family of about 35 species that are found in moss, forest litter, and rotting wood in Europe, Asia and North America (Lindquist et al. 2009). Noble et al. (1996) recorded an unidentified species of Epicriidae from western New South Wales. If this record of Epicriidae is correct, it would represent the first record of the family, and of the whole of the Epicriina, from the Southern Hemisphere. However, the specimens have apparently been lost and the record must be regarded as unconfirmed. It seems likely that this was an incorrect identification of a mite in some other family. The same is true for the record of Epicriidae (as Epiariidae) by Stone & Simpson (1990), which was repeated by Yousuf et al. (2014)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
01-May-2017 Acari 22-Jan-2017 MODIFIED Dr Bruce Halliday
07-May-2013 07-May-2013 MODIFIED
06-Nov-2011 06-Nov-2011 MOVED
06-Nov-2011 06-Nov-2011 MOVED
08-Aug-2010 08-Aug-2010 MOVED
09-Jul-2010 09-Jul-2010 ADDED
09-Jul-2010 09-Jul-2010 ADDED
12-Feb-2010 (import)