Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps


Compiler and date details

Kevin L. Lamprell, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia John M. Healy, Center for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


The presence of strong longitudinal ribbing and the absence of an anterior contraction of the shell can lead to confusion between the Entalinidae and members of the order Dentaliida (shells of which typically have marked ribbing). Interestingly, the Entalinidae differ from all other Gadilida, and resemble the Dentaliida, in lacking a central pair of pedal retractor muscles. (Steiner 1992a, 1992b).

Entalinids, however, possess a vermiform foot which indisputably places this family among the Gadilida. Typically, the shells are moderately to strongly curved and the ribs raised (Palmer 1974; Steiner 1992b; Lamprell & Healy 1998; Steiner & Palmer 1998). The Entalinidae includes important cosmopolitan genera such as Bathoxiphus, Entalina, Heteroschismoides, Costentalina, Spadentalina and Pertusiconcha, of which only the first two are positively recorded from Australian waters. Steiner & Palmer (1998) remarked that species of Costentalina are known from Australia, but we are unaware of any records, published or otherwise (a paratype of Costentalina elegans Chistikov, 1882, from Stn 5193, 32°48.9'S 103°58.2'E, 5300 m, cannot be considered an Australian record as its collection site lies outside the 200 km Australian Territorial Zone). Species of Bathoxiphus can be recognised easily by the pronounced lateral compression of the shell and lens-shaped profile of the aperture. The genera Rhomboxiphus Chistikov, 1983 and Solenoxiphus Chistikov, 1983 have been proposed for strongly keeled or longitudinally striated members of the subfamily Bathoxiphinae, but herein we have assigned all Australian material to Bathoxiphus sensu lata.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)