Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Genus Derrickia Womersley, 1956


Womersley (1956a) described Derrickia setosa from a protonymph, and later (Womersley 1956b) added a description of the deutonymph. He placed this genus in the family Podocinidae on the basis of its general appearance. However, Halliday (1990) showed that this species cannot belong in the Podocinidae but should probably be in some family of Trigynaspida. Its exact position cannot be determined until the adults are discovered. It is provisionally placed in the Paramegistidae, following Proctor et al. (2011).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
19-Jan-2013 19-Jan-2013 MOVED
06-Nov-2011 05-Sep-2010 MOVED
08-Aug-2010 08-Aug-2010 MOVED
08-Aug-2010 09-Jul-2010 ADDED
09-Jul-2010 09-Jul-2010 ADDED
08-Jul-2010 MODIFIED