Species Dasyuroides byrnei Spencer, 1896
Bibliography for Dasyuroides byrnei Spencer, 1896
The Dasyuroides byrnei Spencer, 1896 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- ABRS 2001. Census of Australian Vertebrates. Australian Biological Resources Study.
- Archer, M. 1979. The status of Australian dasyurids, thylacinids and myrmecobiids. pp. 29-43 in Tyler, M.J. (ed.). The Status of Endangered Australasian Wildlife. Adelaide : Royal Zoological Society of South Australia.
- Aslin, H.J. & Lim, L. 1995. Kowari Dasyuroides byrnei. pp. 59-61 in Strahan, R. (ed.). The Mammals of Australia: The National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife. Sydney : Reed New Holland 756 pp.
- Beazley, L.D. & Dunlop, S.A. 1983. The evolution of an area centralis and visual streak in the marsupial Setonix brachyurus. Journal of Comparative Neurology 216: 211-231
- Clayton, M., Wombey, J.C., Mason, I.J., Chesser, R.T. & Wells, A. 2006. CSIRO List of Australian Vertebrates: A Reference with Conservation Status. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing iv 162 pp.
- Finlayson, H.H. 1961. On Central Australian mammals. Part IV - The distribution and status of Central Australian species. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 14: 141-191
- Ganslosser, U. & Meissner, K. 1984. Behavioural signs of oestrus in Dasyuroides byrnei (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Australian Mammalogy 7: 223-224
- Geiser, F., Matweijczyk, L. & Baudinette, R.V. 1986. From ectothermy to heterothermy: the energetics of the kowari, Dasyuroides byrnei (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Physiological Zoology 59: 220-229
- Harman, A.M. 1995. The optic chiasm of Australian marsupials. Australian Journal of Zoology 43: 467-477
- Kleinknecht, S., Erkert, H.G. & Nelson, J.E. 1985. Circadian and ultradian rhythms of activity and O2 consumption in three nocturnal marsupial species: Petaurus breviceps, Phalangeridae; Dasyuroides byrnei, Dasyuridae; Monodelphis domestica, Didelphidae. Zeitschrift fur Säugetierkunde 50: 321-329
- Lee, A.K., Woolley, P. & Braithwaite, R.W. 1982. Life history strategies of dasyurid marsupials. pp. 1-11 in Archer, M. (ed.). Carnivorous Marsupials. Sydney : Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales Vol. 1 i-vi, 396 pp.
- Lim, L. 1992. The Recovery Plan for the Kowari. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service and South Australian Department of Environment and Planning, Adelaide.
- Lim, L. 1998. Kowari Recovery Plan Project No. 186. Final Report Research Phase. Australian nature conservation Agency, Canberra and Department of Environment and Heritage, Brisbane.
- Mack, G. 1961. Mammals from south-western Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 13: 213-229
- MacMillen, R.E. & Dawson, T.J. 1986. Energy and water metabolism of the kowari, Dasyuroides byrnei (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) while resting and running. Australian Mammalogy 9: 141-144
- Maxwell, S., Burbidge, A.A. & Morris, K. 1996. The 1996 Action Plan for Australian Marsupials and Monotremes. Canberra : Wildlife Australia 234 pp.
- Meisner, K. & Ganslosser, U. 1985. Ontogeny of social behaviour of the kowari, Dasuroides byrnei Spencer, 1896 (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) II. Development of initiation, maintenance and termination of social contacts. Zoologischer Anzeiger 215: 1-8
- Meisner, K. & Ganslosser, U. 1985. Ontogeny of social behaviour of the kowari, Dasyroides byrnei Spencer, 1896 (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). I. A comparison of the behavioural repertoire of juvenile and adult kowaris. Zoologischer Anzeiger 214: 291-308
- Moore, S.J. & Sanson, G.D. 1995. A comparison of the molar efficiency of two insect-eating mammals. Journal of Zoology, London 235: 175-192
- Morton, S.R. 1982. Dasyurid marsupials of the Australian arid zone: an ecological review. pp. 117-130 in Archer, M. (ed.). Carnivorous Marsupials. Sydney : Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales Vol. 1 i-vi, 396 pp.
- Smith, B.K. & Dawson, T.J. 1984. Changes in the thermal balance of a marsupial (Dasyuroides byrnei) during cold and warm acclimation. Journal of Thermal Biology 9: 199-204
- Spencer, B. 1896. Mammalia. pp. 1-52 in Spencer, B. (ed.). Report on the Work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia. Pt 2 Zoology. Melbourne : Melville, Mullen & Slade. [Date published Feb. 1896]
- Suzuki, S., Nishida, T., Nishinakagawa, H. & Otsuka, J. 1990. Fine structure of the mandibular gland in crest-tailed marsupiual rat (Dasyuroides byrnei). Experimental Animals 39: 55-64
- Thomas, O. 1906. New mammals from the Australian region. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7 17: 324-332
- van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. 2008. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
- Watts, C.H.S. & Aslin, H.J. 1974. Notes on the small mammals of north-eastern South Australia and south-western Queensland. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 9: 61-69
- Woolley, P.A. 1987. Phallic morphology of Dasyuriodes byrnei and Dasycercus cristicauda (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Australian Journal of Zoology 35: 535-540
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