Showing references 1 to 32 on page 1 of 1.
Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
CHORDATA | MARSUPIALIA | Valid Name | MARSUPIALIA | Introduction | ||
CHORDATA | PROTOTHERIA | Valid Name | PROTOTHERIA | Introduction | ||
CHORDATA | DASYURIDAE | Brush-tailed Mulgara | Common Name | Dasycercus blythi (Waite, 1904) | 47 | |
CHORDATA | DASYURIDAE | Crest-tailed Mulgara | Common Name | Dasycercus cristicauda (Krefft, 1867) | 49 | |
CHORDATA | DASYURIDAE | Dasycercus Peters, 1875 | Valid Name | Dasycercus Peters, 1875 | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | DASYURIDAE | Dasycercus cristicauda (Krefft, 1867) | Valid Name | Dasycercus cristicauda (Krefft, 1867) | Introduction | 49 |
CHORDATA | DASYURIDAE | Dasyuroides byrnei Spencer, 1896 | Valid Name | Dasyuroides byrnei Spencer, 1896 | Introduction | 52 |
CHORDATA | HIPPOSIDERIDAE | Hipposideros muscinus (Thomas & Doria, 1886) [misidentification; H. muscinus placed as a synonym of H. semoni in error] | Miscellaneous Literature Name | Hipposideros semoni Matschie, 1903 | ||
CHORDATA | MACROPODIDAE | Notamacropus eugenii (Desmarest, 1817) | Valid Name | Notamacropus eugenii (Desmarest, 1817) | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | MURIDAE | Pogonomys mollipilosus (Peters & Doria, 1880) | Valid Name | Pogonomys mollipilosus (Peters & Doria, 1880) | Introduction | 680 |
CHORDATA | MURIDAE | Pseudomys auritus Thomas, 1910 (extinct) | Valid Name | Pseudomys auritus Thomas, 1910 (extinct) | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | MURIDAE | Pseudomys delicatulus pumilus (Troughton, 1936) | Generic Combination | Pseudomys delicatulus (Gould, 1842) | 624 | |
CHORDATA | PERAMELIDAE | Isoodon obesulus (Shaw, 1797) | Valid Name | Isoodon obesulus (Shaw, 1797) | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | PHALANGERIDAE | Mountain Brushtail Possum | Common Name | Trichosurus cunninghami Lindenmayer, Dubach & Viggers, 2002 | ||
CHORDATA | PHALANGERIDAE | Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr, 1792) | Valid Name | Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr, 1792) | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | PTEROPODIDAE | Macroglossus minimus pygmaeus Andersen, 1911 | Valid Name | Macroglossus minimus pygmaeus Andersen, 1911 | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | SORICIDAE | Crocidura trichura Dobson, 1888 (extinct) | Valid Name | Crocidura trichura Dobson, 1888 (extinct) | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | DELPHINIDAE | Dwarf Spinner Dolphin | Common Name | Stenella longirostris roseiventris (Wagner, 1846) | ||
CHORDATA | DELPHINIDAE | Sousa chinensis Osbeck, 1765 [a misidentification] | Miscellaneous Literature Name | Sousa sahulensis Jefferson & Rosenbaum, 2014 | 836 | |
CHORDATA | PSEUDOCHEIRIDAE | Petauroides minor (Collett, 1887) | Valid Name | Petauroides minor (Collett, 1887) | Distributions | 241 |
CHORDATA | CANIDAE | Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758 | Valid Name | Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758 | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | KOGIIDAE | Kogia sima (Owen, 1866) | Valid Name | Kogia sima (Owen, 1866) | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | RHINONYCTERIDAE | Rhinonicteris aurantia (J.E. Gray, 1845) | Valid Name | Rhinonicteris aurantia (J.E. Gray, 1845) | Introduction | 470 |
CHORDATA | MOLOSSIDAE | Ride's Free-tailed Bat | Common Name | Ozimops ridei (Felten, 1964) | ||
CHORDATA | VESPERTILIONIDAE | Central Long-eared Bat | Common Name | Nyctophilus major J.E. Gray, 1844 | 525 | |
CHORDATA | VESPERTILIONIDAE | Chalinolobus gouldii (J.E. Gray, 1841) | Valid Name | Chalinolobus gouldii (J.E. Gray, 1841) | Synonymy references | 534 |
CHORDATA | VESPERTILIONIDAE | Myotis Kaup, 1829 | Valid Name | Myotis Kaup, 1829 | Introduction | 544 |
CHORDATA | VESPERTILIONIDAE | Nyctophilus Leach, 1821 | Valid Name | Nyctophilus Leach, 1821 | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | VESPERTILIONIDAE | Nyctophilus daedalus Thomas, 1915 | Valid Name | Nyctophilus daedalus Thomas, 1915 | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | VESPERTILIONIDAE | Nyctophilus major J.E. Gray, 1844 | Valid Name | Nyctophilus major J.E. Gray, 1844 | Introduction | |
CHORDATA | VESPERTILIONIDAE | Phoniscus Miller, 1905 | Valid Name | Phoniscus Miller, 1905 | Introduction |
Showing references 1 to 32 on page 1 of 1.
Showing publications 1 to 7 on page 1 of 1.
Sub-publications- Eldridge, M.D.B. & Pearson, D.J. 2008. Black-footed rock-wallaby Petrogale lateralis. pp. 376-380 in van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
- Hall, L.S. 2008. Large-eared Flying-fox Pteropus macrotis Peters, 1867. pp. 441-442 in van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
- Hall, L.S., Richards, G.C. & Spencer, H.J. 2008. Eastern Tube-nosed Bat, Nyctimene robinsoni. pp. 430-431 in van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
- Hall, L.S., Thomson, B.G. & Milne. D.J. 2008. Bare-rumped Sheath-tailed Bat Saccolaimus saccolaimus (Temminck, 1838). pp. 475-476 in van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
- Johnson, P. 2008. Black-striped Wallaby Macropus dorsalis. pp. 329–330 in van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
- Richards, G.C. 2008. Northern Tube-nosed Bat Nyctimene cephalotes (Pallas, 1767). p. 432 in van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
- Schulz, M., Richards, G.C., Coles, R.B., Spencer, H.J. & Kutt, A.S. 2008. Flute-nosed Bat, Murina florium. pp. 514-515 in van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
Showing publications 1 to 7 on page 1 of 1.