Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<em>Neopilumnoplax heterochir</em> [from Miers 1886: pl. 19 fig. 1]

Neopilumnoplax heterochir [from Miers 1886: pl. 19 fig. 1]


Regional Maps

Subfamily Carcinoplacinae H. Milne Edwards, 1852


Carapace xanthoid in shape, transversely oval to trapezoidal; dorsal regions not well defined; front relatively wide, truncate, slightly deflexed; eyes and orbits of normal xanthoid size and form, eyes well pigmented, movable; antennules folding transversely; antennal flagella of medium length. Epistome well defined, buccal cavern quadrate, usually completely closed by external maxillipeds; merus of third maxillipeds subquadrate. Male abdomen with base of third segment entirely covering sternum between last pair of legs. Male first gonopod slender, long; second male gonopod sometimes reaching half length of first.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
04-Jun-2012 04-Jun-2012 MOVED
10-May-2012 10-May-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)