Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Superfamily CYPRIDOIDEA Baird, 1845


The cypridoids are plesiotypically active swimmers, having long natatory setae on the antennula and sometimes antenna. However, some animals adapted to a crawling and/or digging mode of life, reducing their natatory setae either partly or completely. The superfamily comprises marine formes and a majority of freshwater forms, a number of which, however, tolerate or even prefer slightly brackish water.



Carapace small to very large (0.3–8 mm), with considerable variation in shape and structure. Valves usually weakly calcified. Eyes usually fused. Antennula usually 7-segmented. Exopod reduced to two setae. Antenna 4-segmented (or 5 in some males) and exopod reduced to small lobe with maximum of three setae. First thoracopod transformed into clasping organ in males. Second thoracopod transformed into walking leg with terminal claw, third thoracopod transformed into cleaning leg. Caudal ramus rod-shaped or flagelliform (reduced) rarely missing. Ductus ejaculatorius with a complex pump, the so-called Zenker's organ.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Mar-2025 28-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2010 MODIFIED