Names List for BRACHIOPODA
The BRACHIOPODA names list is also available in CSV format.
- Superfamily CRANIOIDEA
- Family CRANIIDAE Menke, 1828
Novocrania Lee & Brunton, 2001
- Neocrania Lee & Brunton, 1986
- Novocrania Lee & Brunton, 2001
Novocrania lecointei (Joubin, 1901)
- Crania lecointei Joubin, 1901
- Crania patagonia Dall, 1902
- Crania joubini Thomson, 1918
- Crania antarcticaensis Hatai, 1963
Novocrania reevei (Lee & Brunton, 1986)
- Crania suessi Reeve, 1862
- Neocrania reevei Lee & Brunton, 1986
- Superfamily LINGULOIDEA
- Family LINGULIDAE Menke, 1828
Lingula Bruguière, 1789
- Lingula Bruguière, 1789
- Phareta Bolton, 1798
Lingula adamsi Dall, 1873
- Lingula adamsi Dall, 1873
- Lingula shantungensis Hatai, 1937
Lingula anatina Lamarck, 1801
- Lingula unguis Linnaeus, 1758
- Lingula anatina Lamarck, 1801
- Lingula affinis Hancock, 1858
- Lingula murphiana Reeve, 1859
- Lingula hirundo Reeve, 1859
- Lingula lepidula Adams, 1863
- Lingula smaragdina Adams, 1863
- Lingula nipponica Hayasaka, 1931
Lingula rostrum (Shaw, 1797)
- Mytilus rostrum Shaw, 1797
- Lingula hians Swainson, 1823
- Lingula exusta Reeve, 1859
- Lingula jaspidea Adams, 1863
- Lingula bancrofti Johnston & Hirschfeld, 1920
Lingula tumidula Reeve, 1841
- Lingula tumidula Reeve, 1841
- Lingula compressa Reeve, 1841
- Superfamily DISCINOIDEA
- Family DISCINIDAE Gray, 1840
Discina Lamarck, 1819
- Discina Lamarck, 1819
Discina striata (Schumacher, 1817)
- Crania striata Schumacher, 1817
- Discina ostreoides Lamarck, 1819
Pelagodiscus Dall, 1908
- Pelagodiscus Dall, 1908
Pelagodiscus atlanticus (King, 1868)
- Discina atlantica King, 1868
- Superfamily PUGNACOIDEA
- Family BASILIOLIDAE Cooper, 1959
- Subfamily Basiliolinae Cooper, 1959
Basiliolella d’Hondt, 1987
- Basiliolella d’Hondt, 1987
Basiliolella colurnus (Hedley, 1905)
- Hemithyris colurnus Hedley, 1905
- Family CRYPTOPORIDAE Muir-Wood, 1955
Aulites Richardson, 1987
- Aulites Richardson, 1987
Aulites brazieri (Crane, 1887)
- Atretia brazieri Crane, 1887
Cryptopora Jeffreys, 1869
- Atretia Jeffreys, 1869
- Cryptopora Jeffreys, 1869
- Mannia Davidson, 1874
- Neatretia Fischer & Oehlert, 1891
Cryptopora gnomon Jeffreys, 1869
- Cryptophora gnomon Jeffreys, 1869
- Superfamily NORELLOIDEA
- Family FRIELEIIDAE Cooper, 1959
Compsothyris Jackson, 1918
- Compsothyris Jackson, 1918
Compsothyris ballenyi Foster, 1974
- Compsothyris ballenyi Foster, 1974
Compsothyris racovitzae (Joubin, 1901)
- Rhynchonella gerlachei Joubin, 1901
- Rhynchonella racovitza Joubin, 1901
- Hemithyris striata Thomson, 1918
- Hispanirynchia antarctica Hatai, 1959
Manithyris Foster, 1974
- Manithyris Foster, 1974
Manithyris rossi Foster, 1974
- Manithyris rossi Foster, 1974
Neorhynchia Thomson, 1915
- Neorhynchia Thomson, 1915
Neorhynchia strebeli (Dall, 1908)
- Hemithyris strebeli Dall, 1908
- Neorhynchia profunda Cooper, 1972
- Family HEMITHYRIDIDAE Rzhonsnitzkaya, 1956
Pemphixina Cooper, 1981
- Pemphixina Cooper, 1981
Pemphixina pyxidata (Davidson, 1880)
- Rhynchocella nigricans pyxidata Davidson, 1880
- Family TEREBRATULIDAE Gray, 1840
- Subfamily Aenigmathyridinae Cooper, 1983
Abyssothyris Thomson, 1927
- Abyssothyris Thomson, 1927
Abyssothyris wyvillei (Davidson, 1878)
- Terebratula wyvillei Davidson, 1878
Xenobrochus Cooper, 1981
- Xenobrochus Cooper, 1981
Xenobrochus australis Cooper, 1981
- Xenobrochus australis Cooper, 1981
- Subfamily Gryphinae Sahni, 1929
Epacrosina Cooper, 1983
- Epacrosina Cooper, 1983
Epacrosina fulva (Blochmann, 1906)
- Lyothrina fulva Blochmann, 1906
- Subfamily Terebratulinae Gray, 1840
Liothyrella Thomson, 1916
- Liothyrella Thomson, 1916
Liothyrella blochmanni (Jackson, 1912)
- Liothyrina blochmanni Jackson, 1912
Liothyrella multiporosa Foster, 1974
- Liothyrella multiporosa Foster, 1974
- Liothyrella uva (Broderip, 1833)
Liothyrella uva antarctica (Blochmann, 1906)
- Liothyrina antarctica Blochmann, 1906
Liothyrella uva georgiana Fosters, 1974
- Liothyrella uva georgiana Foster, 1974
Incertae Sedis
- Terebratula pisum Lamarck, 1819
- Terebratula rubella Sowerby, 1846
- Subfamily Cancellothyridinae Thomson, 1926
Cancellothyris Thomson, 1926
- Cancellothyris Thomson, 1926
Cancellothyris hedleyi Finlay, 1927
- Terebratulina cancellata Koch, 1843
- Cancellothyris hedleyi Finlay, 1927
- Cancellothyris australis Thomson, 1927
Cancellothyris radula (Hedley, 1904)
- Terebratulina radula Hedley, 1904
Murravia Thomson, 1916
- Murravia Thomson, 1916
Murravia exarata (Verco, 1910)
- Magasella exarata Verco, 1910
Terebratulina D'Orbigny, 1847
- Terebratulina D'Orbigny, 1847
Terebratulina cavata Verco, 1910
- Terebratulina cavata Verco, 1910
Terebratulina reevei Dall, 1920
- Terebratulina reevei Dall, 1920
- Subfamily Eucalathinae Fischer & Oehlert, 1890
Eucalathis Fischer & Oehlert, 1890
- Eucalathis Fischer & Oehlert, 1890
Eucalathis magna Cooper, 1981
- Eucalathis magna Cooper, 1981
Eucalathis murrayi (Davidson, 1878)
- Terebratulina murrayi Davidson, 1878
- Kingenoidea
- Aulacothyropsidae Dagys, 1972
Fallax Atkins, 1960
- Fallax Atkins, 1960
Fallax antarcticus Foster, 1974
- Fallax antarcticus Foster, 1974
Fallax neocaledonensis Laurin, 1997
- Fallax neocaledonensis Laurin, 1997
- Superfamily LAQUEOIDEA
- Family LAQUEIDAE Thomson, 1927
Aldingia Thomson, 1916
- Aldingia Thomson, 1916
Aldingia furculifera (Tate, 1880)
- Terebratella furculifera Tate, 1880
Aldingia willemoesi (Davidson, 1878)
- Megerlia willemoesi Davidson, 1878
Aldingia woodsi (Tate, 1880)
- Terebratella woodsi Tate, 1880
Frenulina Dall, 1895
- Frenulina Dall, 1895
Frenulina pulchella (Sowerby, 1844)
- Terebratula pulchella Sowerby, 1844
Frenulina sanguinolenta (Gmelin, 1791)
- Anomia sanguinolenta Gmelin, 1791
Macandrevia King, 1859
- Macandrevia King, 1859
Macandrevia americana Dall, 1895
- Eudesia fontaineana Dall, 1890
- Macandrevia americana Dall, 1895
Macandrevia vanhoeffeni Blochmann, 1906
- Macandrevia vanhoeffeni Blochmann, 1906
- Magellania fragilis Joubin, 1914
- Macandrevia lata Thomson, 1918
- Family MEGATHYRIDIDAE Dall, 1870
Argyrotheca Dall, 1900
- Cistella Gray, 1853
- Argyrotheca Dall, 1900
Argyrotheca australis (Blochmann, 1910)
- Cistella australis Blochmann, 1910
Argyrotheca mayi Blochmann, 1913
- Argyrotheca (Cistella) mayi Blochmann, 1913
- Superfamily PLATIDIOIDEA
- Family PLATIDIIDAE Thomson, 1927
Amphithyris Thomson, 1918
- Amphithyris Thomson, 1918
Amphithyris cavernicola Nauendorf, Wörheide & Lüter, 2014
- Amphithyris cavernicola Nauendorf, Wörheide & Lüter, 2014
Amphithyris hallettensis Foster, 1974
- Amphithyris hallettensis Foster, 1974
- Family PHANEROPORIDAE Zezina, 1981
Phaneropora Zezina, 1981
- Phaneropora Zezina, 1981
Phaneropora galatheae Zezina, 1981
- Phaneropora galatheae Zezina, 1981
DALLINIDAE Beecher, 1893
- Dallininae Beecher, 1893
Campages Hedley, 1905
- Campages Hedley, 1905
Campages furcifera Hedley, 1905
- Campages furcifera Hedley, 1905
- Campages asthenia Dall, 1920
Dallina Beecher, 1893
- Dallina Beecher, 1893
Dallina tasmaniaensis Verhoeff, 2023
- Dallina tasmaniaensis Verhoeff, 2023
Jaffaia Thomson, 1927
- Jaffaia Thomson, 1927
Jaffaia jaffaensis (Blochmann, 1910)
- Magasella jaffaensis Blochmann, 1910
- Family TEREBRATELLIDAE King, 1850
- Subfamily Magadinae Davidson, 1886
Anakinetica Richardson, 1987
- Anakinetica Richardson, 1987
Anakinetica cumingii (Davidson, 1852)
- Terebratella cumingii Davidson, 1852
- Terebratula (Bouchardia) fibula Reeve, 1861
Magadinella Thomson, 1915
- Magadinella Thomson, 1915
Magadinella mineuri Richardson, 1987
- Magadinella mineuri Richardson, 1987
Parakinetica Richardson, 1987
- Parakinetica Richardson, 1987
Parakinetica stewarti Richardson, 1987
- Parakinetica stewarti Richardson, 1987
Pirothyris Thomson, 1927
- Pirothyris Thomson, 1927
Pirothyris vercoi (Blochmann, 1910)
- Magasella vercoi Blochmann, 1910
- Subfamily Neothyridinae Allan, 1940
Gyrothyris Thomson, 1918
- Gyrothyris Thomson, 1918
- Gyrothyris mawsoni Thomson, 1918
Gyrothyris mawsoni mawsoni Thomson, 1918
- Gyrothyris mawsoni Thomson, 1918
- Subfamily Terebratellinae King, 1850
Magellania Bayle, 1880
- Waldheimia King, 1850
- Magellania Bayle, 1880
- Aerothyris Allan, 1939
Magellania flavescens (Lamarck, 1819)
- Terebratula flavescens Lamarck, 1819
- Terebratula dentata Lamarck, 1819
- Terebratula incurva Defrance, 1828
- Terebratula recurva Quoy & Gaimard, 1835
- Terebratula australis Quoy & Gaimard, 1835
- Terebratula spadae Aradas, 1846
- Magellenia iredalei Allan, 1939
Magellania fragilis Smith, 1907
- Magellania fragilis Smith, 1907
- Stethothyris antarctica Thomson, 1918
Magellania joubini Blochmann, 1906
- Magellania joubini Blochmann, 1906
- Magellania sulcata Smith, 1907
Magellania kerguelenensis (Davidson, 1878)
- Waldheimia kerguelenensis Davidson, 1878
Magellania macquariensis Thomson, 1918
- Magellania macquariensis Thomson, 1918
Magellania mayi (Blochmann, 1913)
- Terebratella mayi Blochmann, 1913
Magellania spinosa Foster, 1974
- Magellania spinosa Foster, 1974
- Family KRAUSSINIDAE Dall, 1870
Megerlina Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1884
- Megerlina Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1884
Megerlina atkinsoni (Tenison-Woods, 1878)
- Kraussia atkinsoni Tenison-Woods, 1878
Megerlina lamarckiana (Davidson, 1854)
- Kraussia lamarckiana Davidson, 1854
- Superfamily THECIDEOIDEA
- Family THECIDELLINIDAE Elliott, 1958
Thecidellina Thomson, 1915
- Thecidellina Thomson, 1915
- Thecidellella Hayasaka, 1938
Thecidellina blochmanni Dall, 1920
- Thecidellina blochmanni Dall, 1920
Thecidellina maxilla (Hedley, 1899)
- Thecidea maxilla Hedley, 1899
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