Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Order BAERIDA Borojevic, Boury-Esnault & Vacelet, 2000


Leuconoid Calcaronea with the skeleton either composed exclusively of microdiactines, or in which microdiactines constitute exclusively or predominantly a specific sector of the skeleton, such as choanoskeleton or atrial skeleton. Large or giant spicules are frequently present in the cortical skeleton, from which they can partially or fully invade the choanoderm. In sponges with a reinforced cortex, the inhalant pores can be restricted to a sieve-like ostia-bearing region. Dagger-shaped small tetractines (pugioles) are frequently the sole skeleton of the exhalant aquiferous system. Although the skeleton may be highly reinforced by the presence of dense layers of microdiactines in a specific region, an aspicular calcareous skeleton is not present.


ID Keys


(1) Skeleton composed of only diactines (Trichogypsiidae)----------------------------------------------------2
Skeleton composed of diactines, triactines and/or tetractines-------------------------------------------------4

(2) Microdiactines 'needle-eye' type----------------------------------------------------------------Kuarrhaphis
Lanceolate diactines with spines on one or both ends, or smooth diactines------------------------------3

(3) Lanceolate spiny diactines-----------------------------------------------------------------------Trichogypsia
Smooth diactines--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leucyssa

(4) Sponge with a specialized inhalant zone bearing pores---------------------------------------------------5
Sponge without a specialized inhalant zone (Baeriidae)-------------------------------------------------------6

(5) Cortex composed of scales derived from triactines---------------------------------------Lepidoleucon
Cortex composed of triactines and tetractines and sometimes diactines; pugioles are present in the atrial skeleton--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lamontia

(6) Calyciform sponges with inhalant ostia localized on the inner surface and oscula on the outer surface----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eilhardia
Not calyciform sponges-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

(7) Atrial skeleton with pugioles---------------------------------------------------------------------Leuconia
Atrial skeleton with microdiactines--------------------------------------------------------------Leucopsila


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
29-Mar-2018 PORIFERA Grant, 1836 30-Jun-2017 MODIFIED Dr Kathryn Hall
21-Dec-2011 21-Dec-2011 MOVED
12-Feb-2010 (import)