Species Amblyomma australiense Neumann, 1905
- Amblyomma australiense Neumann, L.G. 1905. Notes sur les Ixodidés. - III. Archives de Parasitologie 9: 225-241.
Miscellaneous Literature Names
- Amblyomma (Adenopleura) australiensis Neumann, 1905. —
Barker, S.C., Walker, A.R. & Campelo, D. 2014. A list of the 70 species of Australian ticks; diagnostic guides to and species accounts of Ixodes holocyclus (paralysis tick), Ixodes cornuatus (southern paralysis tick) and Rhipicephalus australis (Australian cattle tick); and consideration of the place of Australia in the evolution of ticks with comments on four controversial ideas. International Journal for Parasitology 44: 941-953.
General References
Camicas, J.-L., Hervy, J.-P., Adam, F. & Morel, P.C. 1998. Les Tiques du Monde (Acarida, Ixodida). Paris : Orstom 233 pp. (as Amblyomma (Adenopleura) australiense)
Ferguson, E.W. 1925. Australian ticks. The Australian Zoologist 4: 24-35 (as Amblyomma australiense)
Fielding, J.W. 1926. Australasian ticks. Commonwealth of Australia Department of Health, Service Publication (Tropical Division) 9: 1-114 (as Amblyomma australiense)
Helgen, K.M., Miguez, R.P., Kohen, J.L. & Helgen, L.E. 2012. Twentieth century occurrence of the Long-Beaked Echidna Zaglossus bruijnii in the Kimberley region of Australia. ZooKeys 255: 103-132 [121]
Keirans, J.E. & Hillyard, P.D. 2001. A catalogue of the type specimens of Ixodida (Acari: Argasidae, Ixodidae) deposited in The Natural History Museum, London. Occasional Papers on Systematic Entomology 13: 1-74 (as Amblyomma australiense)
Neumann, L.G. 1911. Ixodidae. Das Tierreich 26: 1-169 (Reprinted 1966 by Verlag von J. Cramer, Weinheim) (as Amblyomma australiense)
Roberts, F.H.S. 1953. The Australian species of Aponomma and Amblyomma (Ixodoidea). Australian Journal of Zoology 1: 111-161 pls 1-4 (as Amblyomma australiense)
Roberts, F.H.S. 1964. Further observations on the Australian species of Aponomma and Amblyomma with descriptions of the nymphs of Amblyomma moreliae (L. Koch) and Amb. loculosum Neumann (Acarina : Ixodidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 12: 288-313 (as Amblyomma australiense)
Roberts, F.H.S. 1970. Australian Ticks. Melbourne : CSIRO 267 pp. (as Amblyomma australiense)
Robinson, L.E. 1926. Ticks. A Monograph of the Ixodoidea. Part IV. The Genus Amblyomma. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 302 pp. (as Amblyomma australiense)
Taylor, F.H. 1946. Spiders, ticks and mites, including the species harmful to man in Australia and New Guinea. Section 1. Descriptive. Commonwealth of Australia Department of Health, Service Publications (School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, University of Sydney) 6: 1-234 (as Amblyomma australiense)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
05-Dec-2019 | Acari | 08-Sep-2019 | MODIFIED | Dr Bruce Halliday |
01-May-2017 | Acari | 08-Feb-2017 | MODIFIED | Dr Bruce Halliday |
26-Apr-2016 | IXODIDAE Dugès, 1834 | 12-Nov-2014 | ADDED | Lyn Randall |
07-May-2013 | 13-Mar-2025 | MODIFIED | ||
07-May-2013 | 16-Feb-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
07-May-2013 | 08-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |