Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Ross, H.H. 1968. The evolution and dispersal of the grassland leafhopper Exitianus with keys to the Old World species. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 22(1): 1-30

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Carvaka contempta (Kirkaldy, 1906) Valid Name Carvaka contempta (Kirkaldy, 1906) Synonymy references 22
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Chiasmini Distant, 1908 Valid Name Chiasmini Distant, 1908 Introduction 4
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Exitianus Ball, 1929 Valid Name Exitianus Ball, 1929 Introduction 4
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Exitianus Ball, 1929 Valid Name Exitianus Ball, 1929 Diagnosis 4
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Exitianus indicus (Distant, 1908) Valid Name Exitianus indicus (Distant, 1908) Introduction 12
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Exitianus indicus (Distant, 1908) Valid Name Exitianus indicus (Distant, 1908) Synonymy references 12
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Exitianus nanus (Distant, 1908) Valid Name Exitianus nanus (Distant, 1908) Synonymy references 7
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Exitianus nanus (Distant, 1908) Generic Combination Exitianus nanus (Distant, 1908) 7
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Exitianus plebeius (Kirkaldy, 1906) Valid Name Exitianus plebeius (Kirkaldy, 1906) Synonymy references 15
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Exitianus plebeius (Kirkaldy, 1906) Generic Combination Exitianus plebeius (Kirkaldy, 1906) 15
ARTHROPODA CICADELLIDAE Hybrasil contemptus (Kirkaldy, 1906) Generic Combination Carvaka contempta (Kirkaldy, 1906) 22

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