Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hutchings, P. & McRae, J. 1993. The Aphroditidae (Polychaeta) from Australia, together with a redescription of the Aphroditidae collected during the Siboga Expedition. Records of the Australian Museum 45: 279-363

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita Linnaeus, 1758 Valid Name Aphrodita Linnaeus, 1758 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita australis Baird, 1865 Valid Name Aphrodita australis Baird, 1865 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita australis Baird, 1865 Valid Name Aphrodita australis Baird, 1865 Synonymy references 290
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita bamarookis Hutchings & McRae, 1993 synonym Aphrodita bamarookis Hutchings & McRae, 1993 Primary 290-292
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita goolmarris Hutchings & McRae, 1993 synonym Aphrodita goolmarris Hutchings & McRae, 1993 Primary 295-298
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita kulmaris Hutchings & McRae, 1993 synonym Aphrodita kulmaris Hutchings & McRae, 1993 Primary 298-300
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita malkaris Hutchings & McRae, 1993 synonym Aphrodita malkaris Hutchings & McRae, 1993 Primary 303-305
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita marombis Hutchings & McRae, 1993 synonym Aphrodita marombis Hutchings & McRae, 1993 Primary 305-307
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita talpa Quatrefages, 1865 Valid Name Aphrodita talpa Quatrefages, 1865 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrodita terraereginae Haswell, 1883 Valid Name Aphrodita terraereginae Haswell, 1883 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrogenia Kinberg, 1856 Valid Name Aphrogenia Kinberg, 1856 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Aphrogenia margaritacea Augener, 1913 Valid Name Aphrogenia margaritacea Augener, 1913 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Laetmonice Kinberg, 1855 Valid Name Laetmonice Kinberg, 1855 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Laetmonice dolichoceras (Haswell, 1883) Valid Name Laetmonice dolichoceras (Haswell, 1883) Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Laetmonice producta Grube, 1878 Valid Name Laetmonice producta Grube, 1878 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Laetmonice wonda Hutchings & McRae, 1993 synonym Laetmonice wonda Hutchings & McRae, 1993 Primary 338-339
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Laetmonice yarramba Hutchings & McRae, 1993 synonym Laetmonice yarramba Hutchings & McRae, 1993 Primary 339-341
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Palmyra Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 Valid Name Palmyra Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 Custom: Citations
ANNELIDA APHRODITIDAE Pontogenia Claparède, 1868 Valid Name Pontogenia Claparède, 1868 Custom: Citations

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