Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Walsingham, Lord 1897. Revision of the West-Indian Micro-Lepidoptera with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1897: 54-183

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA GRACILLARIIDAE Dialectica Walsingham, 1897 synonym Dialectica Walsingham, 1897 Primary 150
ARTHROPODA TORTRICIDAE Phalaena pomonella Linnaeus, 1758 Type Species subsequent designation Cydia Hübner, 1825 130
ARTHROPODA BLASTOBASIDAE Oecophora phycidella Zeller, 1839 Type Species subsequent designation Blastobasis Zeller, 1855 91
ARTHROPODA COSMOPTERIGIDAE Batrachedra stigmatophora Walsingham, 1897 synonym Pyroderces rileyi (Walsingham, 1882) Primary 104
ARTHROPODA GELECHIIDAE Eucatoptus Walsingham, 1897 synonym Aristotelia Hübner, 1825 Primary 69
ARTHROPODA GELECHIIDAE Lathontogenus Walsingham, 1897 synonym Mesophleps Hübner, 1825 Primary 87
ARTHROPODA GELECHIIDAE Lathontogenus adustipennis Walsingham, 1897 synonym Mesophleps palpigera (Walsingham, 1891) Primary 88
ARTHROPODA TINEIDAE Ereunetis lanceolata Walsingham, 1897 synonym Erechthias zebrina (Butler, 1881) Primary
ARTHROPODA TINEIDAE Ereunetis minuscula Walsingham, 1897 synonym Erechthias minuscula (Walsingham, 1897) Primary 155
ARTHROPODA DRYADAULIDAE Ditrigonophora Walsingham, 1897 synonym Dryadaula Meyrick, 1893 Primary 117
ARTHROPODA LECITHOCERIDAE Oecia Walsingham, 1897 synonym Oecia Walsingham, 1897 Primary 111
ARTHROPODA LECITHOCERIDAE Oecia maculata Walsingham, 1897 synonym Oecia oecophila (Staudinger, 1876) Primary 111

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