Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Swain, R., Allbrook, P. & Lake, P.S. 1977. The aquatic invertebrate fauna of western Tasmania. pp. 81-100 in Kirkpatrick, J. & Banks, M. (eds). Landscape and Man. Hobart : Royal Society of Tasmania.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA AUSTROPERLIDAE Tasmanoperla larvalis (Illies, 1969) Valid Name Tasmanoperla larvalis (Illies, 1969) Introduction
ARTHROPODA AUSTROPERLIDAE Tasmanoperla thalia (Newman, 1839) Valid Name Tasmanoperla thalia (Newman, 1839) Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Cardioperla nigrifrons (Kimmins, 1951) Valid Name Cardioperla nigrifrons (Kimmins, 1951) Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Dinotoperla marmorata Hynes, 1976 Valid Name Dinotoperla marmorata Hynes, 1976 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Dinotoperla opposita (Walker, 1852) Valid Name Dinotoperla opposita (Walker, 1852) Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Dinotoperla serricauda Kimmins, 1951 Valid Name Dinotoperla serricauda Kimmins, 1951 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Leptoperla beroe Newman, 1839 Valid Name Leptoperla beroe Newman, 1839 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Leptoperla varia Kimmins, 1951 Valid Name Leptoperla varia Kimmins, 1951 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Newmanoperla prona Hynes, 1982 Valid Name Newmanoperla prona Hynes, 1982 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Riekoperla triloba triloba McLellan, 1971 Valid Name Riekoperla triloba triloba McLellan, 1971 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Trinotoperla hardyi Perkins, 1958 Valid Name Trinotoperla hardyi Perkins, 1958 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Trinotoperla tasmanica (McLellan, 1971) Valid Name Trinotoperla tasmanica (McLellan, 1971) Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Trinotoperla zwicki McLellan, 1971 Valid Name Trinotoperla zwicki McLellan, 1971 Introduction
ARTHROPODA EUSTHENIIDAE Eusthenia costalis Banks, 1913 Valid Name Eusthenia costalis Banks, 1913 Introduction
ARTHROPODA EUSTHENIIDAE Eusthenia spectabilis Gray, 1832 Valid Name Eusthenia spectabilis Gray, 1832 Introduction
ARTHROPODA KOONUNGIDAE Micraspides calmani Nicholls, 1931 Valid Name Micraspides calmani Nicholls, 1931 Introduction
ARTHROPODA NOTONEMOURIDAE Austrocerca tasmanica (Tillyard, 1924) Valid Name Austrocerca tasmanica (Tillyard, 1924) Introduction
ARTHROPODA NOTONEMOURIDAE Austrocercoides zwicki Illies, 1975 Valid Name Austrocercoides zwicki Illies, 1975 Introduction
ARTHROPODA NOTONEMOURIDAE Notonemoura lynchi Illies, 1975 Valid Name Notonemoura lynchi Illies, 1975 Introduction

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