Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Williams, J.T. & Machida, Y. 1992. Echiodon anchipterus: a valid western Pacific species of the pearlfish family Carapidae with comments on Eurypleuron. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 38(4): 367-373

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CHORDATA CARAPIDAE Echiodon anchipterus Williams, 1984 Valid Name Echiodon anchipterus Williams, 1984 Introduction
CHORDATA CARAPIDAE Eurypleuron cinereum (Smith, 1955) Valid Name Eurypleuron cinereum (Smith, 1955) Introduction 372
CHORDATA CARAPIDAE Eurypleuron cinereum (Smith, 1955) Generic Combination Eurypleuron cinereum (Smith, 1955) 372
CHORDATA CARAPIDAE Eurypleuron owasianum (Matsubara, 1953) Species Excluded Misidentifications Eurypleuron Markle & Olney, 1990 372

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