Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Jackson, R.R. 1987. Comparative study of releaser pheromones associated with the silk of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 14: 1-10

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Bavia aericeps Simon, 1877 Valid Name Bavia aericeps Simon, 1877 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis micarioides (L. Koch, 1880) Valid Name Cosmophasis micarioides (L. Koch, 1880) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Euryattus Thorell, 1881 Valid Name Euryattus Thorell, 1881 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Helpis minitabunda (L. Koch, 1880) Valid Name Helpis minitabunda (L. Koch, 1880) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Holoplatys Simon, 1885 Valid Name Holoplatys Simon, 1885 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Menemerus Simon, 1868 Valid Name Menemerus Simon, 1868 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Mopsus mormon Karsch, 1878 Valid Name Mopsus mormon Karsch, 1878 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Myrmarachne lupata (L. Koch, 1879) Valid Name Myrmarachne lupata (L. Koch, 1879) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Plexippus paykullii (Audouin, 1826) Valid Name Plexippus paykullii (Audouin, 1826) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Portia fimbriata (Doleschall, 1859) Valid Name Portia fimbriata (Doleschall, 1859) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Simaetha paetula (Keyserling, 1882) Valid Name Simaetha paetula (Keyserling, 1882) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Simaetha thoracica Thorell, 1881 Valid Name Simaetha thoracica Thorell, 1881 Introduction

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