Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Houston, W.W.K. 1986. Exocrine glands in the forelegs of dung beetles in the genus Onitis F. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 25: 161-169

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Coptodactyla glabricollis (Hope, 1842) Valid Name Coptodactyla glabricollis (Hope, 1842) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Coptodactyla monstrosa Felsche, 1909 Valid Name Coptodactyla monstrosa Felsche, 1909 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Coptodactyla onitoides Gillet, 1925 Valid Name Coptodactyla onitoides Gillet, 1925 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Onitis aygulus (Fabricius, 1781) Valid Name Onitis aygulus (Fabricius, 1781) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Onitis caffer Boheman, 1857 Valid Name Onitis caffer Boheman, 1857 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Onitis pecuarius Lansberge, 1875 Valid Name Onitis pecuarius Lansberge, 1875 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Onitis tortuosus Houston, 1983 Valid Name Onitis tortuosus Houston, 1983 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Onitis viridulus Boheman, 1857 Valid Name Onitis viridulus Boheman, 1857 Introduction

Showing references 1 to 8 on page 1 of 1.