Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Walter, D.E., Halliday, R.B. & Lindquist, E.E. 1993. A review of the genus Asca (Acarina: Ascidae) in Australia, with descriptions of three new leaf-inhabiting species. Invertebrate Taxonomy 7: 1327-1347

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca Von Heyden, 1826 Valid Name Asca Von Heyden, 1826 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca australica Womersley, 1956 Valid Name Asca australica Womersley, 1956 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca foliata Womersley, 1956 Valid Name Asca foliata Womersley, 1956 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca garmani Hurlbutt, 1963 Valid Name Asca garmani Hurlbutt, 1963 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca grostali Walter, Halliday & Lindquist, 1993 synonym Asca grostali Walter, Halliday & Lindquist, 1993 Primary
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca macromela Walter, Halliday & Lindquist, 1993 synonym Asca macromela Walter, Halliday & Lindquist, 1993 Primary
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca major Womersley, 1956 Valid Name Asca major Womersley, 1956 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca mindi Walter, Halliday & Lindquist, 1993 synonym Asca mindi Walter, Halliday & Lindquist, 1993 Primary
ARTHROPODA ASCIDAE Asca porosa Wood, 1966 Valid Name Asca porosa Wood, 1966 Introduction

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