Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Richards, A.M. 1967. Cockroaches (Blattodea) from Australian Caves. Helictite, Journal of Australasian Cave Research 5(2): 35-44

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA BLATTELLIDAE Neotemnopteryx australis (Saussure, 1863) Valid Name Neotemnopteryx australis (Saussure, 1863) Introduction 40
ARTHROPODA BLATTELLIDAE Neotemnopteryx douglasi (Princis, 1963) Valid Name Neotemnopteryx douglasi (Princis, 1963) Introduction 41
ARTHROPODA BLATTELLIDAE Paratemnopteryx atra Princis, 1963 Valid Name Paratemnopteryx atra Princis, 1963 Introduction 41
ARTHROPODA BLATTELLIDAE Trogloblattella nullarborensis Mackerras, 1967 Valid Name Trogloblattella nullarborensis Mackerras, 1967 Introduction
ARTHROPODA BLATTIDAE Polyzosteria mitchelli (Angas, 1847) Valid Name Polyzosteria mitchelli (Angas, 1847) Introduction 36
ARTHROPODA BLATTIDAE Polyzosteria pubescens Tepper, 1893 Valid Name Polyzosteria pubescens Tepper, 1893 Introduction 36
ARTHROPODA BLATTIDAE Zonioploca medilinea (Tepper, 1893) Valid Name Zonioploca medilinea (Tepper, 1893) Introduction 39
ARTHROPODA BLATTIDAE Zonioploca tepperi Mackerras, 1965 Valid Name Zonioploca tepperi Mackerras, 1965 Introduction 41

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