Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Stebbing, T.R.R. 1910. Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H.M.C.S. "Thetis" Crustacea Part V. Amphipoda. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 4(12): 567-658, pls 47-60

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA AMPHIPODA Latreille, 1816 Valid Name AMPHIPODA Latreille, 1816 Introduction
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Amphilochus marionis Stebbing, 1888 Valid Name Amphilochus marionis Stebbing, 1888 Introduction
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Gitanogeiton Stebbing, 1910 synonym Gitanogeiton Stebbing, 1910 Primary 578
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Gitanogeiton sarsi Stebbing, 1910 synonym Gitanogeiton sarsi Stebbing, 1910 Primary 579, pl. 57B
ARTHROPODA AMPITHOIDAE Ampithoe australiensis Spence Bate, 1862 synonym Species Inquirenda Secondary source 649
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Archaeobemlos philacanthus (Stebbing, 1888) Valid Name Archaeobemlos philacanthus (Stebbing, 1888) Introduction
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Paraorides Stebbing, 1910 synonym Paraorides Stebbing, 1910 Primary 606
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Paraorides unistilus Stebbing, 1910 synonym Paraorides unistilus Stebbing, 1910 Primary 606, pl. 53
ARTHROPODA ATYLIDAE Nototropis homochir (Haswell, 1885) Valid Name Nototropis homochir (Haswell, 1885) Distributions
ARTHROPODA CALLIOPIIDAE Harpinioides drepanocheir Stebbing, 1888 Species Excluded Misidentifications Harpinioides Stebbing, 1888 592
ARTHROPODA CALLIOPIIDAE Harpinioides drepanocheir Stebbing, 1888 Species Excluded Misidentifications Harpinioides Stebbing, 1888 592
ARTHROPODA CAPRELLIDAE Dodecas decacentrum Stebbing, 1910 synonym Dodecas decacentrum Stebbing, 1910 Primary 629, 652, pl. 60
ARTHROPODA CAPRELLIDAE Metaprotella haswelliana (Mayer, 1882) Generic Combination Metaprotella haswelliana (Mayer, 1882) 652
ARTHROPODA CAPRELLIDAE Metaproto novaehollandiae (Haswell, 1879) Generic Combination Metaproto novaehollandiae (Haswell, 1879) 651
ARTHROPODA CAPRELLIDAE Paraproto Mayer, 1903 synonym Paraproto Mayer, 1903 Secondary source 651
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Cerapus abditus (Templeton, 1836) Species Excluded Misidentifications Cerapus Say, 1817
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Cerapus abditus (Templeton, 1836) Species Excluded Misidentifications Cerapus Say, 1817
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Jassa falcata (Montagu, 1808) Species Excluded Misidentifications Jassa Leach, 1814
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Jassa falcata (Montagu, 1808) Species Excluded Misidentifications Jassa Leach, 1814
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Siphonoecetes australis Stebbing, 1910 synonym Australoecetes (Stebbingoecetes) australis (Stebbing, 1910) Primary 619, pl. 56
ARTHROPODA LILJEBORGIIDAE Liljeborgia aequabilis Stebbing, 1888 Valid Name Liljeborgia aequabilis Stebbing, 1888 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MELITIDAE Dulichiella fresneli (Audouin, 1826) Species Excluded Misidentifications Dulichiella Stout, 1912
ARTHROPODA MELITIDAE Dulichiella fresneli (Audouin, 1826) Species Excluded Misidentifications Dulichiella Stout, 1912
ARTHROPODA STEGOCEPHALIDAE Andaniotes corpulentus (Thomson, 1882) Species Excluded Misidentifications Andaniotes Stebbing, 1897
ARTHROPODA STEGOCEPHALIDAE Andaniotes corpulentus (Thomson, 1882) Species Excluded Misidentifications Andaniotes Stebbing, 1897
ARTHROPODA COROPHIIDAE Cheiriphotis australiae Stebbing, 1910 synonym Cheiriphotis australiae Stebbing, 1910 Primary 611, pl. 54
ARTHROPODA DEXAMINIDAE Paradexamine flindersi (Stebbing, 1888) Valid Name Paradexamine flindersi (Stebbing, 1888) Introduction
ARTHROPODA DEXAMINIDAE Paradexamine flindersi (Stebbing, 1888) Generic Combination Paradexamine flindersi (Stebbing, 1888) 567
ARTHROPODA ICILIIDAE ICILIIDAE Dana, 1849 Valid Name ICILIIDAE Dana, 1849 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ICILIIDAE Icilius australis Haswell, 1879 Valid Name Icilius australis Haswell, 1879 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ICILIIDAE Icilius danae Stebbing, 1888 Valid Name Icilius danae Stebbing, 1888 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ICILIIDAE Icilius punctatus Haswell, 1879 Valid Name Icilius punctatus Haswell, 1879 Introduction
ARTHROPODA OEDICEROTIDAE Oediceroides ornatus (Stebbing, 1883) Valid Name Oediceroides ornatus (Stebbing, 1883) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SYNOPIIDAE Bruzelia australis Stebbing, 1910 synonym Bruzelia australis Stebbing, 1910 Primary 590, pl. 50
ARTHROPODA UNCIOLIDAE Dryopoides westwoodi Stebbing, 1888 Valid Name Dryopoides westwoodi Stebbing, 1888 Introduction
ARTHROPODA HORNELLIIDAE Paraceradocus micramphopus Stebbing, 1910 synonym Metaceradocus micramphopus (Stebbing, 1910) Primary 597, pl. 51
ARTHROPODA MAERIDAE Elasmopus crassimanus (Miers, 1884) Valid Name Elasmopus crassimanus (Miers, 1884) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHOTIDAE Gammaropsis (Gammaropsis) thomsoni Stebbing, 1888 Valid Name Gammaropsis (Gammaropsis) thomsoni Stebbing, 1888 Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHOTIDAE Photis dolichommata Stebbing, 1910 synonym Photis dolichommata Stebbing, 1910 Primary 609, pl. 55B
ARTHROPODA PODOCERIDAE Podocerus hystrix Stebbing, 1910 synonym Podocerus hystrix Stebbing, 1910 Primary 622, pl. 58
ARTHROPODA IPHIMEDIIDAE Iphimedia discreta Stebbing, 1910 synonym Iphimedia discreta Stebbing, 1910 Primary 586, pl. 49
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Eusiroides caesaris Stebbing, 1888 Valid Name Eusiroides caesaris Stebbing, 1888 Introduction 594
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Eusiroides crassi Stebbing, 1888 Species Excluded Misidentifications Eusiroides Stebbing, 1888 594
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Eusiroides crassi Stebbing, 1888 Species Excluded Misidentifications Eusiroides Stebbing, 1888 594
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Paramoera fasciculata (Thomson, 1880) Generic Combination Paramoera fasciculata (Thomson, 1880) 640
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Prostebbingia laevis (Haswell, 1879) Valid Name Prostebbingia laevis (Haswell, 1879) Introduction 639
ARTHROPODA OCHLESIDAE OCHLESIDAE Stebbing, 1910 Valid Name OCHLESIDAE Stebbing, 1910 Introduction
ARTHROPODA OCHLESIDAE Ochlesis Stebbing, 1910 synonym Ochlesis Stebbing, 1910 Primary 581
ARTHROPODA OCHLESIDAE Ochlesis innocens Stebbing, 1910 synonym Ochlesis innocens Stebbing, 1910 Primary 582, pl. 48
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Parawaldeckia Stebbing, 1910 synonym Parawaldeckia Stebbing, 1910 Primary 571

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