Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Dakin, W.J. & Colefax, A.N. 1940. The plankton of the Australian coastal waters off New South Wales. Part I. Publications of the University of Sydney, Department of Zoology. Monograph 1: 1-215

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CNIDARIA PORPITIDAE Porpita porpita (Linnaeus, 1758) Valid Name Porpita porpita (Linnaeus, 1758) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYSIDA Boas, 1883 Valid Name MYSIDA Boas, 1883 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYSIDAE Australomysis incisa (Sars, 1883) Valid Name Australomysis incisa (Sars, 1883) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYSIDAE Australomysis incisa (Sars, 1883) Generic Combination Australomysis incisa (Sars, 1883)
ARTHROPODA MYSIDAE Haplostylus indicus (Hansen, 1910) Valid Name Haplostylus indicus (Hansen, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYSIDAE Haplostylus robusta (Panampunnayil, 1989) Valid Name Haplostylus robusta (Panampunnayil, 1989) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYSIDAE Siriella australis Tattersall, 1927 Valid Name Siriella australis Tattersall, 1927 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYSIDAE Siriella longidactyla Tattersall, 1940 Valid Name Siriella longidactyla Tattersall, 1940 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYSIDAE Siriella vincenti Tattersall, 1927 Valid Name Siriella vincenti Tattersall, 1927 Introduction
ARTHROPODA BRACHYSCELIDAE Brachyscelus crusculum Spence Bate, 1861 Valid Name Brachyscelus crusculum Spence Bate, 1861 Introduction 123, fig.. 212
ARTHROPODA PETALOPHTHALMIDAE Pseudopetalophthalmus australis (Panampunnayil, 1982) Valid Name Pseudopetalophthalmus australis (Panampunnayil, 1982) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPERIIDAE Hyperia hydrocephala Vosseler, 1901 Species Excluded Misidentifications Hyperia Latreille, 1823 121
ARTHROPODA HYPERIIDAE Hyperia hydrocephala Vosseler, 1901 Species Excluded Misidentifications Hyperia Latreille, 1823 121
ARTHROPODA LYCAEIDAE Lycaea bajensis Shoemaker, 1925 Valid Name Lycaea bajensis Shoemaker, 1925 Introduction 124
ARTHROPODA LYCAEIDAE Simorhynchotus antennarius Claus, 1871 Valid Name Simorhynchotus antennarius Claus, 1871 Introduction 125
ARTHROPODA LESTRIGONIDAE Lestrigonus bengalensis Giles, 1887 Valid Name Lestrigonus bengalensis Giles, 1887 Introduction 121
ARTHROPODA LESTRIGONIDAE Lestrigonus schizogeneios (Stebbing, 1888) Valid Name Lestrigonus schizogeneios (Stebbing, 1888) Introduction 121
ARTHROPODA OXYCEPHALIDAE Oxycephalus clausi Bovallius, 1887 Valid Name Oxycephalus clausi Bovallius, 1887 Introduction 127
ARTHROPODA OXYCEPHALIDAE Rhabdosoma whitei Spence Bate, 1862 Valid Name Rhabdosoma whitei Spence Bate, 1862 Introduction 128
ARTHROPODA PHRONIMIDAE Phronima colletti Bovallius, 1887 Valid Name Phronima colletti Bovallius, 1887 Introduction 122
ARTHROPODA PHRONIMIDAE Phronimella elongata (Claus, 1862) Valid Name Phronimella elongata (Claus, 1862) Introduction 122
ARTHROPODA PHROSINIDAE Anchylomera blossevillii Milne Edwards, 1830 Valid Name Anchylomera blossevillii Milne Edwards, 1830 Introduction 123
ARTHROPODA PHROSINIDAE Primno latreillei Stebbing, 1888 Valid Name Primno latreillei Stebbing, 1888 Introduction 123
ARTHROPODA PLATYSCELIDAE Tetrathyrus forcipatus Claus, 1879 Valid Name Tetrathyrus forcipatus Claus, 1879 Introduction 128

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