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Sub-publications- Arai, R. 1969. A new iniomous fish of the genus Neoscopelus from Suruga Bay, Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 12(3): 465-470 figs 1-3 pl. 1 [Tokyo]
- Baba, K. 1981. Deep-sea galatheidean Crustacea (Decapoda, Anomura) taken by the R/V Soyo-Maru in Japanese Waters. I Family Chirostylidae. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo A 1: 111-134
- Baba, K. 1982. Deep-sea galatheidean Crustacea (Decapoda, Anomura) taken by the R\V Soyo-Maru in Japanese waters, II. Family Galatheidae. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 8(3): 103-118 2 pls
- Brand, T. & Takeda, M. 1996. Glyphocrangon Shrimps from the Western Pacific Collected by the R/V Hakuho-Maru during the KH-72-1 Cruise. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo A 22(4): 263-281
- Galil, B. & Takeda, M. 1988. A revision of the genus Glabropilumnus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 14(2): 67-90 figs 1-10
- Habe, T. 1962. Trichotropidae of Japan (Mollusca). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 6: 65-77
- Habe, T. 1963. A classification of the scaphopod mollusks found in Japan and its adjacent areas. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 6: 252-281
- Habe, T. 1964. Notes on the Genus Cucullaea Lamarck (Mollusca). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 7(3): 259-261
- Habe, T. 1964. Notes on the species of the genus Amussium (Mollusca). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 7(1): 1-5, pls 1-2
- Habe, T. 1964. Razor shells in Japan and its adjacent areas. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 7: 7-16, 1 pl.
- Habe, T. 1965. Anadarinae in Japan and its adjacent areas. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 8: 73-84
- Habe, T. 1973. A new Spondylus from the South China Sea. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 16: 37-39
- Habe, T. 1975. Three new volutid species (Mollusca) from Formosa and the Arafura Sea. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 1(4): 195-198, 1 plate
- Habe, T. & Kosuge, S. 1964. List of the indo-Pacific Mollusca concerning to the Japanese Fauna. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 8
- Habe, T. & Nomoto, K. 1976. A new species of the genus Neotrigonia from off Western Australia. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 2(3): 175-177
- Habe, T. & Nomoto, K. 1976. A new species of the genus Neotrigonia from off Western Australia. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 2(3): 175-177
- Hanamura, Y. & Takeda, M. 1987. Family Pandalidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) collected by the R.V. "Soela" from the north-west Australian Shelf. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo Zool.) (A 13(3): 103-121
- Harris, V.A. & Iwasaki, N. 1996. Two new genera belonging to the family Porcellidiidae (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 22(3): 133-152
- Harris, V.A.P. & Iwasaki, N. 1997. A new species of Porcellidium and two new genera belonging to the family Porcellidiidae (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo A 23: 131-147
- Imadaté, G. 1964. Taxonomic arrangement of Japanese Protura (I). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 7: 37-81
- Imadaté, G. 1966. Taxonomic arrangement of Japanese Protura (IV). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 7: 37-81
- Imajima, M. 1967. Errant polychaetous annelids from Tsukomo Bay and vicinity of Noto Peninsula, Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo A, Zool. 10(4): 403-441
- Imajima, M. 1972. Review of the annelid worms of the family Nereidae of Japan, with description of five new species or subspecies. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 15: 37-153
- Imajima, M. 1973. Paraonidae (Polychaeta) from Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 16(2): 253-292
- Imajima, M. 1976. Serpulinae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Japan. I. The Genus Hydroides. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo A, Zool. 2(4): 229-248
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