Bibliography for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
The Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903) bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Kramp, P.L. 1961. Synopsis of the medusae of the world. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 40: 1-469
- Maas, O. 1903. Die scyphomedusen der Siboga-Expedition. Siboga-Expeditie 11(livr. 10): 1–91, pls 1–12
- Mayer, A.G. 1910. Medusae of the World. Vol. 1 and 2, The Hydromedusae. Vol. 3, The Scyphomedusae. Washington, D.C. : Carnegie Institution 735 pp., 76 pls. [reprinted by A. Asher & Co., 1977]
- Stiasny, G. 1931. Über einige coelenterata von Australien. Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) 14(1–2): 27–42, 1 text-fig
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