Family TRIVIIDAE Troschel, 1863
Bibliography for TRIVIIDAE Troschel, 1863
The TRIVIIDAE Troschel, 1863 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Allan, J. 1956. Cowry Shells of World Seas. Melbourne : Georgian House 170 pp.
- Allan, J.K. 1950. Australian shells: with related animals living in the sea, in freshwater and on the land. Melbourne : Georgian House xix, 470 pp., 45 pls, 112 text figs.
- Beechey, D.L. 2000. Trivia merces . The seashells of new South Wales. website.
- Beechey, D.L. 2000. Trivia merces (Iredale 1924).
- Beechey, D.L. 2000. Trivia oryza (Lamarck, 1810).
- Cate, C.N. 1979. A review of the Triviidae. Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Natural History 10: 1-126
- Cernohorsky, W.O. 1968. The Ovulidae, Pediculariidae and Triviidae of Fiji. Veliger 13(4): 353-374
- Dautzenberg, P. 1921. Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Trivia. Journal de Conchyliologie 65(4): 330-331
- Dillwyn, L.W. 1817. A Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells, arranged according to the Linnaean method; with particular attention to the synonymy. London : John and Arthur Arch 2 volumes 1092 + 29 pp.
- Dolin, L. 2001. Les Triviidae (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda) de l'Indo-Pacifique: Revision des genres Trivia, Dolichupis et Trivellona. pp. 201-242 in Bouchet, P. & Marshall, B.A. (eds). Tropical deep-sea benthos, Volume 22. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris [1936-1950] 185: 1–406
- Fehse 1998. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Triviidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) I. Die Gatting Trivirostra von Western Samoa. Club Conchylia Informationen 30(4-6): 39-67
- Fehse, D 2008. Triviidae. 668-680, pl. 279-285 in Poppe, G.T. Philippine Marine Mollusks. Volume 1. Gastropoda Part 1. Hackenheim, Germany : ConchBooks Vol. 3 pp.1-758, pls 1-312.
- Fehse, D. 2002. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Triviidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) V. Kritische Beurteilung der Genera und Beschreibung einer neuen Art der Gattung Semitrivia Cossmann, 1903. Acta Conchyliorum 6: 3-48
- Fehse, D. 2004. Article regarding Triviidae, VII. A new, unusual Cleotrivia Jousseaume 1884 from Indonesia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trivioidea). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 133(1-2): 63-67
- Fehse, D. & Grego, J. 2002. Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) IV. New species in the genus Trivirostra Jousseaume, 1884 and Dolichupis Iredale, 1930. La Conchiglia (302): 43-56
- Fehse, D. & Grego, J. 2004. Contribution to the knowledge of Triviidae IX Revision of the genus Trivellona Iredale, 1931. Published by the authors 47, 31 plates, 31 maps.
- Fehse, D. & Grego, J. 2009. Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). X. The Triviidae from the Red Sea with a decription of a new genus Purpurcapsula and a new species in the genus Trivirostra Jousseaume, 1884. Visaya 2(5): 18-79
- Fehse, D. & Grego, J. 2010. Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae. XVI. Revision of the genus Ellatrivia Iredale, 1931 with the description of a new species (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Visaya August 2010: 21-61
- Fehse, D. & Grego, J. 2010. Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). XV. News of the genus Dolichupis Iredale, 1930 (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Visaya 2(6): 4-20
- Finlay, H.J. 1926. A further commentary on New Zealand molluscan systematics. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 57: 320-485 pls 18-23 [Issued separately 23 Dec 1926; but Vol. 57 issued 10 March, 1927]
- Gaskoin, J.S. 1836. Descriptions of new species of Cypraea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 3: 198-204
- Gaskoin, J.S. 1849. Description of a new species of Cypraea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1848: 90-98
- Gray, J.E. 1827. Monograph on the Cypraeidae, a Family of Testaceous Mollusca. Zoological Journal of London 3: 363-371
- Gray, J.E. 1831. Descriptions of some new species of Cowries, as an addition to the Monograph in the Zoological Journal. pp. 35-36 in Zoological Miscellany; being descriptions of new or interesting animals. Vol. 4.
- Hedley, C. 1907. The results of deep sea investigation in the Tasman Sea. Mollusca from eighty fathoms off Narrabeen. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 283–304
- Hedley, C. 1918. A checklist of the marine fauna of New South Wales. Part 1. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 51: M1–M120
- Iredale, T. 1924. Results from Roy Bell's molluscan collections. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 49(3): 179–279, pls 33–36
- Iredale, T. 1930. Queensland Molluscan notes, No. 2. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 10(1): 73–88
- Iredale, T. 1931. Australian molluscan notes. No. 1. Records of the Australian Museum 18(4): 201–235, pls xxii–xxv [Date published 29 June]
- Iredale, T. 1935. Australian cowries. The Australian Zoologist 8(2): 96-135, pl. 8-9
- Iredale, T. 1936. Family Scalidae. pp. 294-306 in Iredale, T. Australian molluscan notes. No. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 19(5): 267-340, pls 20-24
- Iredale, T. & McMichael, D.F. 1962. A reference list of the marine Mollusca of New South Wales. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 11: 1–109
- Jousseaume, F.P. 1884. Division des Cypraeidae. Le Naturaliste 6(52): 414-415 [Date published 15 February 1884]
- Kay, E.A. 1979. Hawaiian marine shells. Reef and shore fauna of Hawaii. Section 4 : Mollusca. Honolulu, Hawaii : Bishop Museum Press Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication Vol. 64(4) 653 pp.
- Kenyon, A. 1900. On some recent conchological discoveries in Victoria, Australia. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 4(1): 39
- Kiener, L.C. 1843. Spécies général et Iconographie des coquilles vivantes, comprenant la collection du Muséum d'histoire Naturelle de Paris, la collection de Lamarck, celle du Prince Massena (appartenant maintenant a M. le Baron B. Delessert) et les découvertes récentes des voyageurs. Paris : Ballière 130pp., 47 pls.
- Kiener, L.C. 1845. Spécies général et Iconographie des coquilles vivantes, comprenant la collection du Muséum d'histoire Naturelle de Paris, la collection de Lamarck, celle du Prince Massena (appartenant maintenant a M. le Baron B. Delessert) et les découvertes récentes des voyageurs. Paris : Rousseau et Baillière Vol. 2.
- Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de M. 1810. Suite de la détermination des espêces de mollusques testacés. Continuation du genre Porcellaine et des genres Ovula, Tarrière, Ancillaire, et Olive. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 16: 89-114, 195-222, 300-328
- Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de M. 1822. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres. Suite des Gastéropodes. Paris : J.B. Lamarck Vol. 6(2) 232 pp. [Date published Apr. 1822]
- Mestayer, M.K. 1927. Some New Zealand molluscs. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 17: 186, figs 1-6
- Mighels, J.W. 1845. Descriptions of shells from the Sandwich Islands and other localities. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 2: 18-25
- Odhner, N.H. 1917. Results of Dr E. Mjöbergs Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia. 1910–1913, pt XVII, Mollusca. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Academiens Nya Handlingar, Stockholm 52(16): 1–115 pls 1–3 [Date published 19 Sept. 1917]
- Okutani, T. 2000. Marine mollusks in Japan. Tokyo : Tokai University Press 1173 pp.
- Pease, W.H. 1868. Descriptions of Marine Gasteropodae inhabiting Polynesia. American Journal of Conchology 4(2/3): 71-80, 91-132
- Potiez, V.L.V. & Michaud, A.L.G. 1838. Galerie des mollusques ou catalogue méthodique, descriptif et raisonné des Mollusques et Coquilles du Muséum de Douai. Paris : J.B. Baillière Vol. 1 560 pp.
- Reeve, L.A. 1846. Monograph of the genus Cypraea. pls 17-27 in Reeve, L.A. (ed). Conchologia Iconica. London : L. Reeve & Co. Vol. 3.
- Rehder, H.A. 1980. The marine mollusks of Easter Island (Isla de Pascura) and Sala y Gómez. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 289: 1–167
- Roberts, S.R. 1870. Catalogue of the families Porcellanidae and Amphiperasidae. American Journal of Conchology 5: 189-214
- Schepman, M.M. 1909. The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition. Part 2. Taenioglossa and Ptenoglossa. 109-231, pls 10-16 in Weber, M. (ed.). Siboga Expeditie. Leiden : Brill Vol. 49.
- Schilder, F.A. 1932. Cypraeacea. Fossilium Catalogus, I: Animalia. Pars 55. 276 pp.
- Schilder, F.A. 1933. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Cypraeacea (Moll. Gastr.) VII. Zoologischer Anzeiger 288-303
- Schilder, F. A. 1936. Anatomical characters of the Cypraeacea which confirm the conchological classification. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 22(2): 75-112, pls 11-12
- Schilder, F.A. 1941. Verwandtschaft und Verbreitung der Cypraeacea. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 73(2-3): 57-120, pl. 8-9
- Schilder, F.A. & Schilder, M 1944. Westpazifische Cypraeacea von den Forschngreisen des Professor Dr. Sixten Bock. Arkiv för Zoologi 36A(2): 1-32
- Schilder, M. & Schilder, F.A. 1971. A catalogue of living and fossil cowries. Taxonomy and Bibliography of Triviacea and Cypraeacea (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia). Mémoires de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 2 85: 1-246
- Severns, M. 2011. Shells of Hawaiian Islands: the sea shells. The verifiable species and their described variants illustrated by 2828 images on 225 plates. Hachenheim, Germany : ConchBooks.
- Shaw, H.O.N. 1909. Notes on the genera Cypraea and Trivia. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 8: 188-313
- Shikama, T. 1963. Selected shells of the world illustrated in colour. Tokyo : Hokuryu-Kan Vol. 1 pp. 1-154.
- Sowerby, G.B. (1st) 1832. Cypraea. pp. 1-18, figs 1-61 in Sowerby, G.B. (2nd) (ed). The Conchological Illustrations or coloured figures of all the hitherto unfigured recent shells. London : G.B. Sowerby (2nd) Vol. 1-8.
- Sowerby, G.B. (3rd) 1914. Descriptions of new species of mollusca from New Caledonia, Japan and other localities. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 11: 5-10
- Steele, P.H. 1957. Easter Island shells. Nautilus 70(4): 111-113
- Subba Rao, N.V. 2003. Indian Seashells (Part 1). Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper (192): 1-416
- Vayssière, A. 1923. Recherches zoologiques et anatomiques sur les mollusques de la famille des Cypraeides. Part 1. Annales du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille 18: 1-120
- Weinkauff, H.C. 1881. Die Gattungen Cypraea und Ovula. 81-231, pls 25-53 in Küster, H.C., Martini, F.W. & Chemnitz, J.H. (eds). Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz. Nürnberg : Bauer & Raspe Vol. 5.
- Wilson, B. 1993. Australian Marine Shells. Prosobranch Gastropods. Kallaroo, Western Australia : Odyssey Publishing Vol. 1 408 pp.
- Wilson, B. 2002. A handbook to Australian seashells on seashores east to west and north to south. Sydney : Reed New Holland 185 pp.
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