Family TRIPHORIDAE Gray, 1847
Names List for TRIPHORIDAE Gray, 1847
The TRIPHORIDAE Gray, 1847 names list is also available in CSV format.
- Triphorina Gray, 1847
METAXIINAE Marshall, 1977
- Metaxiinae Marshall, 1977
Metaxia Monterosato, 1884
- Metaxia Monterosato, 1884
Metaxia fuscoapicata Thiele, 1930
- Metaxia fuscoapicata Thiele, 1930
Metaxia protolineata (Laseron, 1951)
- Opimilda protolineata Laseron, 1951
Seilarex Iredale, 1924
- Seilarex Iredale, 1924
Seilarex turritelliformis (Angas, 1877)
- Bittium turritelliformis Angas, 1877
- Cerithiopsis (Seila) multilirata Sowerby, 1894
- Seila attenuata Hedley, 1900
- Eucharilda pleurorbis Laseron, 1951
Seilarex verconis Cotton, 1951
- Seilarex verconis Cotton, 1951
- Triphorina Gray, 1847
Aclophora Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora Laseron, 1958
Aclophora albozonata Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora albozonata Laseron, 1958
Aclophora alveata Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora alveata Laseron, 1958
Aclophora axialis Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora axialis Laseron, 1958
Aclophora cancellata Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora cancellata Laseron, 1958
Aclophora hedleyi Marshall, 1983
- Aclophora hedleyi Marshall, 1983
Aclophora islandica Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora islandica Laseron, 1958
Aclophora kerslakei Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora kerslakei Laseron, 1958
Aclophora linearis Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora linearis Laseron, 1958
Aclophora robusta Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora robusta Laseron, 1958
Aclophora tropica Laseron, 1958
- Aclophora tropica Laseron, 1958
Aclophora xystica (Jousseaume, 1884)
- Inella xystica Jousseaume, 1884
- Notosinister alveolatus Kosuge, 1926
- Notosinister grandiosa Laseron, 1954
Aclophoropsis Marshall, 1983
- Aclophoropsis Marshall, 1983
Aclophoropsis festiva (A. Adams, 1854)
- Triphoris festivus A. Adams, 1854
Aclophoropsis maculosa (Hedley, 1903)
- Triphora maculosa Hedley, 1903
- Notosinister robusta Laseron, 1954
Aclophoropsis univitta (Laseron, 1954)
- Notosinister univitta Laseron, 1954
Bouchetriphora Marshall, 1983
- Bouchetriphora Marshall, 1983
Bouchetriphora aspergata (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora aspergata Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora nigrogranosa Laseron, 1958
Bouchetriphora marrowi Marshall, 1983
- Bouchetriphora marrowi Marshall, 1983
Bouchetriphora pallida (Pease, 1870)
- Triphoris pallidus Pease, 1870
- Triphora infelix Webster, 1906
- Trifora angasi leuca Verco, 1909
- Notosinister glaciala Laseron, 1954
- Mesophora albomicra Laseron, 1958
- Notosinister candefactum Kosuge, 1963
Cautor Finlay, 1926
- Cautor Finlay, 1926
Cautor granulatus (Adams & Reeve, 1850)
- Triphoris granulatus Adams & Reeve, 1850
Cautor intermissa (Laseron, 1958)
- Coriphora intermissa Laseron, 1958
Cautor projectus (Laseron, 1958)
- Coriophora progressa Laseron, 1958
- Nanophora projecta Laseron, 1958
Cautotriphora Laws, 1940
- Cautotriphora Laws, 1940
Cautotriphora alveolata (Adams & Reeve, 1850)
- Triphoris alveolatus Adams & Reeve, 1850
Cautotriphora pavimenta (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora pavimenta Laseron, 1958
Cheirodonta Marshall, 1983
- Cheirodonta Marshall, 1983
Cheirodonta labiata (A. Adams, 1854)
- Triphoris labiatus A. Adams, 1854
- Notosinister conferta Laseron, 1954
Coriophora Laseron, 1958
- Mesophora Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora Laseron, 1958
Coriophora albocaelarea (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora albocaelarea Laseron, 1958
Coriophora arafura (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora arafura Laseron, 1958
Coriophora calcara (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora calcara Laseron, 1958
Coriophora capricornia Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora capricornia Laseron, 1958
Coriophora cnodax (Jousseaume, 1884)
- Mastoniaeformis cnodax Jousseaume, 1884
- Coriophora claviculta Laseron, 1958
Coriophora continens (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora continens Laseron, 1958
Coriophora dolicha (Watson, 1886)
- Triforis dolicha Watson, 1886
- Triphora tribulationis Hedley, 1909
Coriophora eximia Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora eximia Laseron, 1958
Coriophora fulva Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora fulva Laseron, 1958
Coriophora fusca (Dunker, 1860)
- Triforis fusca Dunker, 1860
- Mastonia limosa Jousseaume, 1884
- Triphora nocturna Hedley, 1903
- Triphora hungerfordi Sowerby, 1914
- Mesophora bowenensis Laseron, 1958
Coriophora granosa (Pease, 1870)
- Triphorus granosus Pease, 1870
- Mastonia aegle Jousseaume, 1884
- Mastonia queenslandica Laseron, 1958
Coriophora inconspicua Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora inconspicua Laseron, 1958
Coriophora iniqua (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora iniqua Laseron, 1958
Coriophora mellita (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora mellita Laseron, 1958
Coriophora mistura (Laseron, 1958)
- Coriophora mistura Laseron, 1958
Coriophora monilifera (Hinds, 1843)
- Triphoris monilifer Hinds, 1843
Coriophora montuosa Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora montusa Laseron, 1958
Coriophora negrita Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora negrita Laseron, 1958
Coriophora pallenta (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora pallenta Laseron, 1958
Coriophora pura (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora pura Laseron, 1958
Coriophora purpurea (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora purpurea Laseron, 1958
Coriophora retusa Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora retusa Laseron, 1958
Coriophora rufosutura (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora rufosutura Laseron, 1958
Coriophora tigris Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora tigris Laseron, 1958
Coriophora torpedo (Laseron, 1958)
- Mesophora torpedo Laseron, 1958
Coriophora tryoni (Chang & Wu, 2005)
- Mesophora tryoni Chang & Wu, 2005
Coriophora ustulata (Hervier, 1897)
- Triforis (Mastonia) ustulata Hervier, 1897
- Triforis torquatus Hedley, 1899
Coriophora vermicula Laseron, 1958
- Coriophora vermicula Laseron, 1958
Costatophora Marshall, 1994
- Tetraphora Laseron, 1958
- Tetraphora (Costatophora) Marshall, 1994
- Brucetriphora Beu, 2004
Costatophora borealis (Laseron, 1958)
- Tetraphora borealis Laseron, 1958
- Brucetriphora borealis Laseron, 1958
Costatophora granifera Brazier, 1894
- Triphora granifera Brazier, 1894
- Triforis fasciata Tate & May, 1901
- Triphora adela Thiele, 1930
- Triphora albina Thiele, 1930
- Notosinister jacksonensis Laseron, 1954
- Notosinister topazica Laseron, 1954
- Notosinister pocula Laseron, 1954
Costatophora iniqua (Jousseaume, 1898)
- Mastonia iniqua Jousseaume, 1898
- Mesophora sardonyx Laseron, 1958
- Notosinister kawamarui Kosuge, 1962
- Triphora fuscolineae Kosuge, 1974
Costatophora mapoonensis (Laseron, 1958)
- Tetraphora mapoonensis Laseron, 1958
Costatophora mcgilpi (Cotton, 1953)
- Costatophora mcgilpi (Cotton, 1953)
Euthymella Thiele, 1929
- Euthymia Jousseaume, 1884
- Euthymella Thiele, 1929
- Torresophora Laseron, 1958
Euthymella alternata Laseron, 1958
- Euthymella alternata Laseron, 1958
Euthymella concors (Hinds, 1843)
- Triphoris concors Hinds, 1843
- Triphoris nodiferus Adams & Reeve, 1850
- Triphoris fucata Pease, 1861
- Euthymia regalis Jousseaume, 1884
- Triphora fuscoapicata Sowerby, 1907
Euthymella elegans (Hinds, 1843)
- Triphoris elegans Hinds, 1843
- Euthymia tibialis Jousseaume, 1884
- Triforis picturatus Sowerby, 1901
- Triphora granti Baker & Spicer, 1901
- Euthymella pannata Laseron, 1958
- Viriola kanamarui Oyama & Habe, 1962
Euthymella elongata (Laseron, 1958)
- Torresophora elongata Laseron, 1958
Euthymella kosugei Marshall, 1983
- Euthymella kosugei Marshall, 1983
Euthymella pilea Laseron, 1958
- Euthymella pilea Laseron, 1958
Eutriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
- Eutriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
Eutriphora armillata (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora armillata Verco, 1909
Eutriphora cana (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora cana Verco, 1909
Eutriphora pseudocana Marshall, 1983
- Eutriphora pseudocana Marshall, 1983
Eutriphora tricolor (Laseron, 1954)
- Notosinister tricolor Laseron, 1954
Hedleytriphora Marshall, 1983
- Hedleytriphora Marshall, 1983
Hedleytriphora basimacula Marshall, 1983
- Hedleytriphora basimacula Marshall, 1983
Hedleytriphora elata (Thiele, 1930)
- Triphora elata Thiele, 1930
Hedleytriphora fasciata (Tenison-Woods, 1879)
- Triforis tasmanica Tenison-Woods, 1877
- Triforis fasciata Tenison-Woods, 1879
Hedleytriphora innotabilis (Hedley, 1903)
- Triphora innotabilis Hedley, 1903
Hedleytriphora scitula (A. Adams, 1851)
- Triphoris scitulus A. Adams, 1851
- Triphoris pfeifferi Crosse & Fischer, 1865
Hypotriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
- Hypotriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
Hypotriphora subaura (Laseron, 1958)
- Notosinister subaura Laseron, 1958
Hypotriphora subula (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora subula Verco, 1909
Inella Bayle, 1879
- Ino Hinds, 1843
- Inella Bayle, 1879
Inella acicula Laseron, 1958
- Inella acicula Laseron, 1958
Inella carinata Marshall, 1983
- Inella carinata Marshall, 1983
Inella gigas (Hinds, 1843)
- Triphoris (Ina) gigas Hinds, 1843
Inella intercalaris Marshall, 1983
- Inella intercalaris Marshall, 1983
Inella kimblae Marshall, 1983
- Inella kimblae Marshall, 1983
Inella micans (Laseron, 1958)
- Notosinister micans Laseron, 1958
Inella obliqua (May, 1915)
- Triphora obliqua May, 1915
Inella obtusa Marshall, 1983
- Inella obtusa Marshall, 1983
Inella spina (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora spina Verco, 1909
Inella verrucosa (Adams & Reeve, 1850)
- Triphoris verrucosus Adams & Reeve, 1850
Iniforis Jousseaume, 1884
- Iniforis Jousseaume, 1884
Iniforis ducosensis (Jousseaume, 1884)
- Mastonia ducosensis Jousseaume, 1884
Iniforis ordinata Laseron, 1958
- Iniforis ordinata Laseron, 1958
Iniforis porrecta Laseron, 1958
- Iniforis porrecta Laseron, 1958
Iniforis tuberia Laseron, 1958
- Iniforis tuberia Laseron, 1958
Iniforis violacea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834)
- Cerithium violaceum Quoy & Gaimard, 1834
Iniforis zonata Laseron, 1958
- Iniforis zonata Laseron, 1958
Isotriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
- Isotriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
Isotriphora amethystina Marshall, 1983
- Triphora tasmanica lilacina Verco, 1909
- Isotriphora amethystina Marshall, 1983
Isotriphora aureovincta (Verco, 1910)
- Triphora tasmanica var. lilicina var. aureovincta Verco, 1910
Isotriphora disjuncta (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora disjuncta Verco, 1909
Isotriphora simulata Marshall, 1983
- Triphora disjuncta Verco, 1909
- Isotriphora simulata Marshall, 1983
Isotriphora tasmanica (Tenison-Woods, 1875)
- Triforis tasmanica Tenison-Woods, 1875
- Isotriphora echina Laseron, 1954
Isotriphora vercoi Marshall, 1983
- Isotriphora vercoi Marshall, 1983
Latitriphora Marshall, 1983
- Latitriphora Marshall, 1983
Latitriphora conferta (Laseron, 1958)
- Aclophora conferta Laseron, 1958
Latitriphora granicostata (Kosuge, 1962)
- Inella granicostata Kosuge, 1962
Latitriphora kesteveni (Hedley, 1903)
- Triphora kesteveni Hedley, 1903
Latitriphora latilirata (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora latilirata Verco, 1909
Liniphora Laseron, 1958
- Liniphora Laseron, 1958
Liniphora restis (Laseron, 1958)
- Liniphora restis Laseron, 1958
Litharium Dall, 1924
- Litharium Dall, 1924
Litharium marceda (Laseron, 1958)
- Coriophora marceda Laseron, 1958
Magnosinister Laseron, 1954
- Magnosinister Laseron, 1954
- Macrosinister Laseron, 1954
Magnosinister hedleyi Laseron, 1954
- Magnosinister hedleyi Laseron, 1954
Mastonia Hinds, 1843
- Mastonia Hinds, 1843
Mastonia anomala Laseron, 1958
- Mastonia anomala Laseron, 1958
Mastonia funebris Jousseaume, 1884
- Mastonia funebris Jousseaume, 1884
Mastonia iris Laseron, 1958
- Mastonia iris Laseron, 1958
Mastonia obtusa Laseron, 1958
- Mastonia obtusa Laseron, 1958
Mastonia papillata (Hervier, 1897)
- Triforis papillata Hervier, 1897
Mastonia peanites (Jousseaume, 1898)
- Mastoniaeformis peanites Jousseaume, 1898
- Mastonia squamosa Kosuge, 1962
Mastonia rubra (Hinds, 1843)
- Triphoris ruber Hinds, 1843
Mastonia thetis (Hedley, 1899)
- Triforis thetis Hedley, 1899
Mastoniaeforis Jousseaume, 1884
- Mastoniaeforis Jousseaume, 1884
- Epiforis Laseron, 1958
- Contraforis Laseron, 1958
Mastoniaeforis australis (Laseron, 1958)
- Epiforis australis Laseron, 1958
Mastoniaeforis decorata (Laseron, 1958)
- Epiforis decorata Laseron, 1958
Mastoniaeforis insulana (Laseron, 1958)
- Contraforis insulana Laseron, 1958
Mastoniaeforis radix (Laseron, 1958)
- Epiforis radix Laseron, 1958
Monophorus Grillo, 1877
- Monophorus Grillo, 1877
- Biforina Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1884
- Notosinister Finlay, 1926
Monophorus angasi (Crosse & Fischer, 1865)
- Triphoris angasi Crosse & Fischer, 1865
- Cerithium minimus Hutton, 1873
- Notosinister fulvalinearis Laseron, 1954
Monophorus australicus Marshall, 1983
- Monophorus australica Marshall, 1983
Monophorus constrictus (Laseron, 1958)
- Notosinister constricta Laseron, 1958
Monophorus diminutus (Laseron, 1958)
- Notosinister diminuta Laseron, 1958
Monophorus episcopalis (Hervier, 1897)
- Triforis (Inella) episcopalis Hervier, 1897
Monophorus hopensis (Laseron, 1958)
- Notosinister hopensis Laseron, 1958
Monophorus nigrofuscus (A. Adams, 1854)
- Triphoris nigrofuscus A. Adams, 1854
- Triphora cinerea Hedley, 1903
Monophorus rufulus (Watson, 1886)
- Triforis rufula Watson, 1886
Monophorus stipara (Laseron, 1958)
- Notosinister stipara Laseron, 1958
Monophorus strictus (Laseron, 1958)
- Notosinister stricta Laseron, 1958
Monophorus tubularis (Laseron, 1958)
- Coriophora tubularis Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora Laseron, 1958
- Nanaphora Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora caloundra (Laseron, 1958)
- Nanaphora caloundra Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora cylindrica Laseron, 1958
- Nanaphora cylindrica Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora leucomys (Hervier, 1897)
- Triforis (Mastonia) leucomys Hervier, 1897
- Nanaphora torquesa Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora mamilla Laseron, 1958
- Nanaphora mamilla Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora melwardi Laseron, 1958
- Nanaphora melwardi Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora minuta Laseron, 1958
- Nanaphora minuta Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora murrayensis Laseron, 1958
- Nanaphora murrayensis Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora rufozonata Laseron, 1958
- Nanaphora rufozonata Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora tricolor (Laseron, 1958)
- Nanaphora tricolor Laseron, 1958
Nanaphora truncis (Laseron, 1958)
- Nanaphora truncis Laseron, 1958
Nototriphora Marshall, 1983
- Nototriphora Marshall, 1983
Nototriphora regina (Hedley, 1903)
- Triphora regina Hedley, 1903
Nototriphora sarcira (Laseron, 1954)
- Notosinister sarcira Laseron, 1954
Nototriphora unicarinata Marshall, 1983
- Nototriphora unicarinata Marshall, 1983
Nototriphora vestita Marshall, 1983
- Nototriphora vestita Marshall, 1983
Obesula Jousseaume, 1897
- Obesula Jousseaume, 1897
Obesula albovittata (Hedley, 1903)
- Triphora albovittata Hedley, 1903
- Notosinister alborda Laseron, 1954
Obesula mamillata (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora albovittata mamillata Verco, 1909
Obesula profundior Marshall, 1983
- Obesula profundior Marshall, 1983
Obesula tribulationis (Hedley, 1909)
- Triphora tribulationis Hedley, 1909
Opimaphora Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora albescens Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora albescens Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora albogemmata Laseron, 1958
- ?Triphoris triticea Pease, 1861
- Triphoris crassula Martens, 1880
- Opimaphora albogemmata Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora coralina (Laseron, 1958)
- Opimaphora coralina Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora impara Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora impara Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora inflata Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora inflata Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora integra Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora integra Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora litorea Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora litorea Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora metellona Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora metellona Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora molecula Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora molecula Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora sarcira Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora sarcira Laseron, 1958
Opimaphora trichroma Laseron, 1958
- Opimaphora trichroma Laseron, 1958
Sagenotriphora Marshall, 1983
- Sagenotriphora Marshall, 1983
Sagenotriphora ampulla (Hedley, 1903)
- Triphora ampulla Hedley, 1903
Subulophora Laseron, 1958
- Subulophora Laseron, 1958
Subulophora indianica (Laseron, 1958)
- Subulophora indianica Laseron, 1958
Subulophora marginata Laseron, 1958
- Subulophora marginata Laseron, 1958
Subulophora minima Laseron, 1958
- Subulophora minima Laseron, 1958
Subulophora rutilans (Hervier, 1897)
- Triforis (Inella) rutilans Hervier, 1897
- Notosinister stramentia Laseron, 1954
- Subulophora exporrecta Laseron, 1958
Subulophora strigosa Laseron, 1958
- Subulophora strigosa Laseron, 1958
Subulophora virgina Laseron, 1958
- Subulophora virgina Laseron, 1958
Subulophora whitleyi Laseron, 1958
- Subulophora whitleyi Laseron, 1958
Talophora Gründel, 1975
- Talophora Gründel, 1975
Talophora subulata (Laseron, 1958)
- Notosinister subulata Laseron, 1958
Teretriphora Finlay, 1926
- Teretriphora Finlay, 1926
- Distophora Laseron, 1958
Teretriphora distorta (Laseron, 1958)
- Distophora distorta Laseron, 1958
Teretriphora gemmegens (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora gemmegens Verco, 1909
Teretriphora novapostrema (Verco, 1910)
- Triphora novapostrema Verco, 1910
Teretriphora ponderorum Marshall, 1983
- Teretriphora ponderorum Marshall, 1983
Teretriphora spica (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora spica Verco, 1909
Triforis Deshayes, 1834
- Triforis Deshayes, 1834
Triphora Blainville, 1828
- Triphora Blainville, 1828
- Triphoris Deshayes, 1832
Triphora cornuta (Hervier, 1898)
- Triforis cornuta Hervier, 1898
- Iniforis sp. Laseron, 1958
Triphora delicatula (Thiele, 1912)
- Triforis delicatula Thiele, 1912
Triphora nivea (Verco, 1909)
- Triphora tasmanica nivea Verco, 1909
Triphora taeniolta (Hervier, 1897)
- Triforis (Mastonia) taeniolta Hervier, 1897
- Triphora eupunctata Sowerby, 1907
- Coriophora monovitta Laseron, 1958
Triphora tristomus (Blainville, 1824)
- Cerithium tristoma Blainville, 1824
Viriola Jousseaume, 1884
- Viriola Jousseaume, 1884
- Sinistroseila Oliver, 1915
- Solosinister Laseron, 1954
- Orbitriphora Laseron, 1958
Viriola albomarmorata (Hervier, 1897)
- Viriola triliata albomarmorata Hervier, 1897
Viriola cancellata (Hinds, 1843)
- Triphoris cancellatus Hinds, 1843
- Orbitophora iredalei Laseron, 1958
Viriola corrugata (Hinds, 1843)
- Triphoris corrugatus Hinds, 1843
- Triforis interfiliata Gould, 1861
- Solosinister pagoda Laseron, 1954
Viriola excelsior (Melvill & Standen, 1899)
- Triforis (Ino) excelsior Melvill & Standen, 1899
Viriola interfilatus (Gould, 1861)
- Triphoris interfilatus Gould, 1861
Viriola oceanica Laseron, 1958
- Viriola oceanica Laseron, 1958
Viriola truncata Marshall, 1983
- Viriola truncata Marshall, 1983
Viriolopsis Marshall, 1983
- Viriolopsis Marshall, 1983
Viriolopsis occidua Marshall, 1983
- Viriolopsis occidua Marshall, 1983
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