Family TOMICHIIDAE Wenz, 1938
Bibliography for TOMICHIIDAE Wenz, 1938
The TOMICHIIDAE Wenz, 1938 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Angas, G.F. 1877. Descriptions of a new species of Bulimus from Western Australia, and of a Paludinella from Lake Eyre, South Australia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1877: 170-177 [1 Aug. 1877]
- Clench, W.J. & Turner, T. 1948. A catalogue of the family Truncatellidae with notes and descriptions of new species. Occasional Papers on Mollusks, Harvard 1(13): 157-212
- Cotton, B.C. 1942. Australian Gastropoda of the families Hydrobiidae, Assimineidae and Acmeidae. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 66(2): 124-129 [Date published Dec 18]
- Cox, J.C. 1868. A Monograph of Australian Land Shells. Sydney : Maddock 111 pp.
- Davis, G.M. 1979. The origin and evolution of the gastropod family Pomatiopsidae, with emphasis on the Mekong River Triculinae. Academy of Natural Sciences Philadadelphia, Monograph 20: 1-120
- Frauenfeld, G.R. von 1863. Vorläufige aufzählung der Arten der Gattungen Hydrobia Htm. und Amnicola Gld. Hldm. in der Kaiserlichen und in Cuming's Sammlung. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 13: 1017-1032
- Hedley, C. 1896. Notes on the Mollusca from the alpine zone of Mount Kosciusko. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 101-105 [Jan. 1896]
- Iredale, T. 1943. A basic list of the freshwater Mollusca of Australia. The Australian Zoologist 10(2): 188-230
- Johnston, R.M. 1879. Further notes on the fresh-water shells of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1878: 19-29 [24 Feb. 1879]
- Macpherson, J.H. 1954. Molluscs (sea shells and snails). in Willis, J.H. (ed.) The Archipelago of the Recherche. Aust. Geogr. Soc. Rep. 1: 55–63.
- Macpherson, J.H. 1957. A review of the genus Coxiella Smith, 1894, sensu lato. Western Australian Naturalist 5: 191-204
- Menke, C.T. 1843. Molluscorum Novae Hollandiae Specimen in Libraria Aulica Hahniana. Hannoverae : Libraria Aulica Hahniana pp. 1-46. [Apr. 1843].
- Mitchell, T.L. 1838. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia; with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix, and of the present colony of New South Wales. London : T. & W. Boone 2 ix 415 pp.
- Reeve, L.A. 1842. Conchologia Systematica or Complete System of Conchology: in which the Lepades and Conchiferous Mollusca are described and classified according to their natural organization and habits. London : Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans Vol. 2 337 pp., pls 131-300.
- Smith, B.J. & Kershaw, R.C. 1979. Field Guide to the Non-marine Molluscs of South-eastern Australia. Canberra : A.N.U. Press 285 pp.
- Smith, E.A. 1894. On the land-shells of Western Australia. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 1: 84-99 [June 1894]
- Smith, E.A. 1898. Notes on the genus Coxiella. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 3: 75-76 [July 1898]
- Tate, R. 1894. Notes on the organic remains of the osseous clays at Lake Callabonna. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 18: 195-196 [Nov. 1894]
- Wenz, W. 1938. Gastropoda. Allgemeiner Teil und Prosobranchia (Amphigastropoda u. Streptoneura). In, Schindewolf, O.H. (ed.). Handbuch der Paläozoologie. Band 6, Gastropoda. Berlin-Zehlendorf : Bornträger Bd. 6(Teil 1) pp. 1–240. [Mar. 1938 to Nov. 1944]
- Wenz, W. 1938-1944. Teil 3. pp. 481-720 in Schindewolf, O.H. (ed.). Handbuch der Paläozoologie. Band 6, Gastropoda. Berlin-Zehlendorf : Bornträger Bd. 6(Teil 1-7) xii + 1639 pp. [Lieferung 1, pp. 1-240 Mar 1938; Lfg. 3, pp. 241-480 Oct 1938; Lfg. 4, pp, 481-720 Jul 1939; Lfg. 6, pp. 721-960 Aug 1940; Lfg. 7, pp. 961-1200 Oct 1941; Lfg. 8, pp. 1201–1506 Oct 1943; Lfg. 9, pp. 1507–1639, i–xii Nov 1944]
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