Bibliography for Schochidia Berg, 1898
The Schochidia Berg, 1898 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Allard, V. 1995. Les Coléoptères du Monde [The Beetles of the World]. Schizorhinini 1. English text by Brian Morris. Venette, France : Sciences Nat Vol. 23 152 pp. [Date published May-95]
- Berg, F.W.K. 1898. Substitución de nombres genéricos. Comunicaciones del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires 1898: 41-43
- Delpont, M. 1996. Kerowagia papua, nouveau genre, nouvelle espèce (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae Schizorhinini). Lambillionea, Revue Internationale d'Entomologie 96: 52-54 [Date published Feb/1996]
- Krikken, J. 1983. A new genus and species of cetoniine beetle (Col., Scarabaeoidea) from New Guinea. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 119: 137-139
- Krikken, J. 1984. A new key to the suprageneric taxa in the beetle family Cetoniidae, with annotated lists of the known genera. Zoologische Verhandelingen (Leiden) 1984(210): 1-75
- Rigout, J. in Rigout, J. & Allard, V. 1997. Les Coléoptères du Monde [The Beetles of the World]. Schizorhinini 3. Vols 1 & 2 Supplement & Lomaptera. English text by Brian Morris. Canterbury : Hillside Books Vol. 25 128 pp.
- Ruter, G. 1972. Contribution a l'étude des cétonides [Col. Cetonidae]. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France n.s. 8(1): 55-71
- Schenkling, S. 1921. Scarabaeidae: Cetoninae. pp. 1-431 in Schenkling, S. (ed.). Coleopterorum Catalogus. Scarabaeidae III. Berlin : W. Junk Vol. XXI Pt 72.
- Schoch, G. 1898. Nachtrag VII zu Schoch: Genera und Species meiner Cetoniden-Sammlung. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft / Bulletin of the Société Entomologique Suisse 10: 101-119
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