Bibliography for SCOLOPACIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
The SCOLOPACIDAE Rafinesque, 1815 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Agassiz, L. 1846. Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis, continens nomina systematica classium, ordinum, familiarum et generum animalium omnium, tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum unicum disposita, adjectis homonymiis plantarum, nec non variis adnotationibus et emendationibus. Soloduri [= Solothurn, Switzerland] : Jent & Gassmann viii 393 pp. [published between 1846–1848]
- Antinori, O. 1864. Catalogo descrittivo di una Collezione di Uccelli fatta nell' interno dell' Affrica centrale Nord. Milano xxix, 118 pp.
- Baird, S.F. 1858. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean... 1853-6. Part II. General report upon the zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes. Birds. lvi + 1005 pp.
- Baker, A.J., Pereira, S.L. & Paton, T.A. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of Charadriiformes genera: multigene evidence for the Cretaceous origin of at least 14 clades of shorebirds. Biological Letters 3(2): 205-210
- Banks, R.C. 2012. Classification and nomenclature of the Sandpipers (Aves: Arenariinae). Zootaxa 3513: 86-88
- Bechstein, J.M. 1803. Ornithologisches Taschenbuch von und für Deutschland; oder, Kurze Beschreibung aller Vögel Deutschlands für Liebhaber dieses Theils der Naturgeschichte. Leipzig : Carl Friedrich Enoch Richter et al. Vol. 2 550 pp.
- Bennett, G. 1837. A Catalogue of the Specimens of Natural History and Miscellaneous Curiosities, Deposited in the Australian Museum. Sydney : Australian Museum 71 pp.
- Berthold, A.A. 1827. Latreille's Natürliche Familien des Thierreichs. Aus dem Franzosischen, mit Anmerkungen und Zusützen. Weimar : Verlage Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs Vol. x xiii, 606 pp.
- Billberg, G.J. 1828. Synopsis Faunae Scandinaviae. Tom. I, Pars 2. Aves. Holmiae 208 pp. [For publication date Richmond, C.W. 1900. Some necessary changes in nomenclature. Auk ns 17: 178–179 Lysaght, A. 1957. The first specimens of Dacelo novaeguineae and D. leachii in European collections. Emu 57: 209–210 Mathews, G.M. 1926. An important date. Emu 26: 148]
- Blyth, E. 1848. [Details not found]. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal xvii(1)
- Blyth, E. 1859. [title]. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 28
- Boie, J.F. 1826. Generalüebersicht der ornithologischen Ordnungen, Familien und Gattungen. Isis von Oken, Jena 19(10): 969-982 [Date published Oct 1826]
- Bonaparte, C.L. 1830. Sulla seconda edizione del Regno Animale del Barone Cuvier. Annali di Storia Naturale, Bologna 4(X, XI, XII): 3-26, 159-220, 303-389 [the article is split in three issues of vol. 4]
- Bonaparte, C.L.J.L. 1838. A Geographical and Comparative List of the Birds of Europe and North America. London : John Van Voorst vii, 67 pp.
- Brehm, C.L. 1830. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller Vögel Deutschlands, worin nach den sorgfältigsten Intersuchungen und den genauesten Beobachtungen mehr als 900 einheimische Vögel-Gattungen zur Begründung ihrer Naturgeschichte vollständig beschrieben sind. Ilmenau, Bernh. Friedr. : Voigt xxic 1085 pp. [for details on publication]
- Brehm, C.L. 1831. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller Vögel Deutschlands, worin nach den sorgfältigsten Untersuchungen und den genauesten Beobachtungen mehr als 900 einheimische Vögel-Gattungen zur Begrüngung einer ganz neuen Ansicht und Behandlung ihrer Naturgeschichte vollständig beschrieben sind. Ilmenau : Bernh. Friedh. Voigt xxiv 1085 pp.
- Brisson, M.-J. 1760. Ornithologia sive Synopsis methodica sistens avium divisionem in ordines, sectiones, genera, species, ipsarumque varietates. Paris : J.-B. Bauche.
- Brisson, M.-J. 1760. Ornithologie ou méthode contenant la Division des oiseaux en Ordres, Sectiones, Genres, Espèces & leurs Variétés. Paris : J.-B. Bauche Vol. I xxiv 526 lxxiii pp. XXXVII pls.
- Brisson, M.-J. 1760. Ornithologie ou méthode contenant la Division des oiseaux en Ordres, Sectiones, Genres, Espèces & leurs Variétés. Paris : J.-B. Bauche Vol. V pp. 298-310.
- Buturlin, S.A. 1934. Polnyi Opredelitel Ptits S.S.S.R. Leningrad : Moskva Vol. 1 255 pp.
- Cabanis, J.L. 1857. [Title] No. 24. Journal of Ornithology 4
- Chapman, F.M. 1894. On the birds of the island of Trinidad. Auk 1(1): 1-86
- Christidis, L. & Boles, W.E. 1994. The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories. Monograph 2. Melbourne : Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union iv 112 pp.
- Christidis, L. & Boles, W.E. 2008. Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing 288 pp.
- Clayton, M., Wombey, J.C., Mason, I.J., Chesser, R.T. & Wells, A. 2006. CSIRO List of Australian Vertebrates: A Reference with Conservation Status. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing iv 162 pp.
- Coues, E. 1861. [Title]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 13: 190
- Cuvier, G.L. 1816. Le Régne Animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. L'Introduction, les Mammiéres et les Oiseaux. Paris : Déterville Vol. 1 xxxvii 540 pp.
- Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1800. Leçons d'anatomie comparée … de G. Cuvier; recueillies et publiées sous ses yeux par C. Duméril. Paris : Baudouin.
- Dresser, H.E. 1876. On a new species of Broad-billed Sandpiper. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1876: 674
- Engelmoer, M. & Roselaar, C. S. 1998. Geographical variation in waders. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers pp. 342.
- Fleming, J. 1822. Philosophy of Zoology; or a general view of the structure, functions, and classifications of animals. Edinburgh : Hurst Vol. 2 618 pp.
- Forster, J.R. 1817. Synonymic Catalogue of British Birds. London : British Museum Vol. 17.
- Frenzel, J.S.T. 1801. Beschr. Vögel und ihrer Eyer in der Gegend Wittenberg.
- Gibson, R. & Baker, A. 2012. Multiple gene sequences resolve phylogenetic relationships in the shorebird suborder Scolopaci (Aves: Charadriiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64(1): 66-72
- Giebel, C.G.A. 1874. Thesaurus ornithologiae. Repertorium der gesammten ornithologischen Literatur und Nomenclatur Sämmtlicher Gattungen und Arten der Vögel nebst Synonymen und geographischer Verbreitung. Leipzig : F.A. Brockhaus Vol. 2(fasc. 1) vi + 787 pp.
- Gill, B.G., Bell, B.D., Chambers, G.K., Medway, D.G., Palma, R.L., Scofield, R.P., Tennyson, A.J.D. & Worthy, T.H. 2010. Checklist of the birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica. Wellington : Te Papa Press 4th Edn, 500 pp.
- Gmelin, J.F 1789. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Linné, editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata. Regnum Animalium. Leipzig (Lipsiae) : G.E. Beer Vol. 1 pp. 501–1032.
- Gmelin, J.F. 1789. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Linné, editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata. Regnum Animalium. Leipzig (Lipsiae) : G.E. Beer Vol. 1(2) 501-1032 pp. [publication dated 1788]
- Gould, J. 1838. In Proceedings of meeting of Zoological Society of London, Dec. 26, 1837. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1837: 138-157
- Gould, J. 1841. In Proceedings of meeting of Zoological Society of London, Dec. 8, 1840. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1840: 168-178 [Date published Jul 1841: publication dated 1840]
- Gould, J. 1846. Untitled. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1846(14): 83-84 [Date published Nov 1846]
- Gould, J. 1848. Descriptions of some new species of Australian birds. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1847(15): 220-222 [Date published 29 Mar 1848]
- Gould, J. 1848. On seven new species of Australian birds. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1848(16): 38-40 [Date published 14 Nov 1848]
- Gould, J. 1865. Handbook to the Birds of Australia. London : J. Gould Vol. 2 629 pp. [For publication date Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp.]
- Gray, G.R. 1840. A List of the Genera of Birds, with an indication of the typical species of each genus. London : R. & J.E. Taylor viii 80 pp. [Date published Apr 1840: published before Apr.]
- Gray, G.R. 1841. A List of the Genera of Birds, with their synonyms and an indication of the typical species of each genus. London : R. & J. Taylor xii 115 pp. [Date published Sep 1841]
- Gray, G.R. 1843. Some rectification of the nomenclature of Australian birds. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 1 11: 189-194
- Gray, G.R. 1844. List of Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum, London. London : British Museum Part 3.
- Gray, G.R. 1844. The Genera of Birds: comprising their generic characters, a notice of the habits of each genus and an extensive list of species referred to their several genera. London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans.
- Gray, J.E. 1831. Description of a new species of Snipe (Scolopax Hardwickii) discovered by Charles Hardwicke, Esq. in Van Diemen's Land. Zoological Miscellany (4): 16
- Greenway, J.C. 1978. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Pt 2. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 161: 1-306
- Güldenstädt, J.A. 1774. Nov. Comment. Acad. scient. imp. Petropol. Xxx : Xxx Vol. 19.
- Gunnerus, J.E. 1767. in Knud Leem's, Beskrivelse over Finmarken's Lapper. 101 plates. Copenhagen Vol. 1. [Date published 29 Jan 1767]
- Heine, F. & Reichenow, A. 1890. Nomenclator Musei Heineani Ornithologici. Berlin : R. Friedländer & Sohn Bd vi 373 pp. [publication dated as 1882–1890]
- Heuglin, M.T. 1861. [title]. Journal of Ornithology 9(51)
- Higgins, P.J. & Davis, S.J.J.F. 1996. Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds. Melbourne : Oxford University Press Volume 3 Snipe to Pigeons 1028 pp.
- Horsfield, T. 1821. Systematic arrangement and description of birds from the island of Java. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 13: 133-200
- Illiger, J.C.W. 1811. Prodromus Systematis Mammalium et Avium, additis terminis zoographicis utriusque classis, eorumque versione Germanica. Berolini : Sumptibus C. Salfeld xvii 301 pp.
- Jardine, W. & Selby, P.J. 1830. Illustrations of Ornithology. Edinburgh : Daniel Lizars Vol. 2.
- Kaup, J. 1829. Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Geschichte und Natürliches System der Europäischen Thierwelt. Leipzig : C.W. Leske xii 204 pp.
- Keyserling, A.F. & Blasius, J.H. 1840. Die Wirbelthiere Europa's; Die Unterscheidenden Charactere. Braunschweig : Friedrich Vieweg Vol. 1 xcviii 248 pp.
- Koch, K.L. 1816. System der baierischen Zoologie. Nürnberg : Steinischen Buchhandlung Vol. 1 xlviii 435 pp.
- Latham, J. 1790. Index ornithologicus, sive Systema Ornithologiae; complectens avium divisionem in classes, ordines, genera, species, ipsarumque varietates: adjectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, &c. London : Leigh & Sotheby Vol. 1 & 2 xviii 920 pp.
- Latham, J. 1801. Supplementum Indicis Ornithologici, sive Systematis Ornithologiae. London : G. Leigh, J. & S. Sotheby 74 pp.
- Leach, W.E. 1816. Systematic Catalogue of the Specimens of the Indigenous Mammals and Birds that are preserved in the British Museum. London : British Museum 42 pp.
- Leisler, J.P.A. 1812. Nachträge zu Bechstein's Naturgeschichte Deutschlands. Heft 1. Hanau : J.G. Scharneck xii + 100 pp.
- Lesson, R.P. 1831. Traité d'Ornithologie, ou Tableau Méthodique des ordres, sous-ordres, familles, tribus, genres, sous-genres et races d'oiseaux. livr. 7. Paris : F.G. Levrault.
- Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundem classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiae : Laurentii Salvii Vol. 1 10 Edn., 824 pp.
- Linnaeus, C. 1766. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Holmiae [=Stockholm] : Laurentii Salvii, Tomus I. Regnum Animale(1) Editio duodecima, reformata [3 vols., 1766-68], 532 pp.
- Longmore, N.W. 1991. Type specimens of birds in the Australian Museum. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum n 4: 1-42
- Mathews, G.M. 1912. Additions and corrections to my Reference List to the Birds of Australia. Austral Avian Records 1(2): 25-52 [Date published 2 Apr 1912]
- Mathews, G.M. 1912. A Reference-List to the Birds of Australia. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 171-455 [Date published 31 Jan 1912]
- Mathews, G.M. 1913. The Birds of Australia. London : Witherby & Co. pt 3 pp. 205-300 pls 151-166. [Date published 18 Aug. 1913]
- Mathews, G.M. 1913. The Birds of Australia. London : Witherby & Co. Vol. 3 pts 1-4 pp. 1-380 pls 125-177.
- Mathews, G.M. 1915. Additions and corrections to my List of the Birds of Australia. Austral Avian Records 2: 123-133 [Date published 129]
- Mathews, G.M. 1916. In Proceedings of meeting of British Ornithologists' Club, May 10, 1916. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 36: 82-83
- Mathews, G.M. 1916. Changes in name to be made to my "List of the birds of Australia," 1913. The Emu 16(1): 34-36 [Date published 1 Jul 1916]
- Mathews, G.M. 1917. New subspecies and notes on species. Austral Avian Records 3(4): 69-78 [Date published 21 Jul 1917]
- Menkhorst, P., Rogers, D., Clarke, R., Davies, J., Marsack, P. & Franklin, K. 2019. The Australian Bird Guide. Clayton South, VIC : CSIRO Publishing 2nd, pp. 576.
- Merrem, B. 1804. Allg. Lib. Zeitung II, # 168. Richmond Catalogue.
- Meyer, Bernhard & Wolf 1810. Taschenbuch der deutschen Vögelkunde; oder. Kurse Beschreibung aller Vögel Deutschlands. Frankfurt am Main : Friedrich Wilmans Vol. 2 xviii + 614 pp.
- Middendorff, A.T. 1851. Reise Nord. und Ost. Siberien. Zoology. xxx : xxx Vol. 2.
- Moehring, P.H.G. 1758. Geslachten der Vogelen … Uit het Latyn vertaald en met Aantekeningen vermeerderd / door C. Nozeman, en naar die Vertsaling uitgegeeven en met eene Voorreden, Aantekeningen en Naamlyst der voornaamste Schryveren die over de Vogelen geschreeven hebben vermeerderd ; door A. Vosmaer. te Amsteldam Vol. 2 [xxvii, 7] 97 [3], 2 pls col. 8.
- Moering, P.H.G. 1758. Geslachten der Vogelen. Amsterdam : Pieter Meijer Vol. 7 97 pp.
- Naumann, J.A. 1836. Naturgeschichte der Vögel Deutschlands, nach eigenen Erfahrungen entworfen ... Aufs neue herausgegeben von dessen Sohne Johann Friedrich Naumann. Leipzig : Ernst Fleischer Vol. 8 x + 560 pp.
- Nuttall, T. 1834. A manual of the ornithology of the United States and of Canada. Cambridge, Mass. : Hilliard & Brown Vol. 2.
- Olson, S.L. 1998. Lectotypification of Charadrius rubricollis Gmelin, 1789. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 118(4): 256-259
- Pallas, P.S. 1764. Adumbratiunculae In: Vroeg, A. Catalogue raisonne' d'une collection supérieurement belle d'oiseaux, tant exotiques qu'Euroe'ens, de quadrupedes et d'insectes...; collection qu'on offre sux amateurs entiére & à un prix raisonnable, jusqu'au 22 septembre de cette année. La Haye xvi + 49, 7 pp.
- Pallas, P.S. 1776. Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reiches in einem ausführlichen Auszuge. Frankfurt und Leipzig : Fleischer Vol. 3.
- Partenko, L. 1936. The Bar-tailed Godwit and its races. Auk 53: 194-197
- Pontoppidan, E.L. 1763. Den Danske Atlas eller Konge-Riget Dannemark. Kisbenhavn : Trykt hos Kongelig Iniversiteta Bogtrykker A.H. Godiche Vol. 1 724 pp.
- Scopoli, G.A. 1786. Deliciae florae et faunae insubricae; seu Novae, aut minus cognitae species plantarum et animalium quas in Insubria austriaca tam spontaneas, quam exoticas vidit, descripsit, et aeri incidi curavit Ionnes Antonius Scopoli. 3 pts. Ticini : Ex Typographia Reg. et Imp. Monasterii S. Salvatoris Vol. 2.
- Sharpe, R.B. 1896. Catalogue of the Limicolae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 24 xii + 794 pp.
- Stanger, M., Clayton, M., Schodde, R., Wombey, J. & Mason, I. 1998. CSIRO List of Australian Verebrates: A Reference with Conservation Status. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing iii 124 pp.
- Stejneger, L. 1884. Analecta Ornithologica. Second Series. Auk 1: 225-236
- Stephens, J.F. 1824. General Zoology or Systematic Natural History, commenced by the late George Shaw, M.D.F.R.S. & C. Aves, Part 1. London : J. & A. Arch et al. Vol. XII(1) pp. 1-297, pl. 1-35.
- Swainson, W. 1836. On the Natural History and Classification of Birds. In, Lardner, D. (ed.). The Cabinet Cyclopaedia. London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman and John Taylor Vol. 1 viii+361 pp.
- Swinhoe, R. 1861. Notes on ornithology taken between Takoo and Peking, in the neighbourhood of the Peiho River, Province of Chelee, North China, from August to December, 1860. Ibis 1 3: 323-345
- Temminck, C.J. in Temminck, C.J. & Laugier de Chartrouse, M. 1821. Nouveau Recueil de Planches Coloriées d'Oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de complément aux Planches enluminées de Buffon. Paris : G. Levrault Vol. 1 livr. 7e pp.
- Tomkovich, P.S. 2001. A new subspecies of Red Knot Calidris canutus from the New Siberian Islands. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 121(4): 257-263
- Vieillot, L.P. 1816. Analyse d'une nouvelle ornithologie élémentaire. Paris : Déterville 70 pp. [Date published 14 Apr 1816]
- Vieillot, L.P. 1816. Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, appliquée aux arts, à l'Agriculture, à l'Écomomie rurale et domestique, à la Médecine, etc. Par une société de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Paris : Chez Deterville Vol. 6. [Date published 14 Dec 1816]
- Vieillot, L.P. 1817. Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, appliquée aux arts, principalement à l'Agriculture, à l'Écomomie rurale et domestique, à la Médecine, etc. Par une société de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Nouvelle edition. Paris : Déterville Vol. 8.
- Vieillot, L.P. 1819. Nouveau Dictionaire d'Histoire Naturelle, appliquée aux arts, à l'Agriculture, à l'Écomomie rurale et domestique, à la Médecine, etc. Par une société de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Nouvelle edition. Paris : Déterville Vol. 34. [Date published December 1819]
- Voigt, F.S. 1831. Das Thierreich, geordnet nach seiner Organisation. Als Grundlage der Naturgeschichte der Thiere und Einleitung in die vergleichende Anatomie. Von Baron von Cuvier. Leipzig : F.A. Brockhaus Vol. 1 xlviii 975 pp.
- Wied, 1833. Beitr. Naturg. Brasilien. Zweite Abth. Vol. 4.
- Wood, C.T. 1835. The Ornithological Guide: in which are discussed several interesting points in ornithology. London : Whittaker & Co. 236 pp.
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