Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Rhopilema hispidum (Vanhöffen, 1888)

Compiler and date details

June 2012 - Lisa-ann Gershwin


This taxon is under review. This record is released now for public view, prior to final verification. For further information or comment email us.

Generic Combinations




Northern Territory

Extra Distribution Information

Rhopilema hispidum was reported in Australian waters by Williamson et al. (1996), from the Northern Territory. It was subsequently found again in Darwin Harbour by Gershwin (unpublsihed notes, 2004). Elsewhere in the world, it has been reported from various localities throughout the Indo-Pacific (see Kramp 1961).

Ecological Descriptors

Carnivorous, epipelagic, estuary, marine, neritic.



250-340 mm wide, exumbrella with numerous small, sharp-pointed, conical projections; in each octant about eight velar lappets, oblong, rounded; mouth-arms terminate in a large club-shaped appendage with a faceted, swollen end, other club-shaped appendages between the mouths on the three wings.



Rhopilema hispidum is easily distinguished by its whitish bell with numerous fine red dots, and thick, elongate pyramidal appendages on the oral arms, which may be reddish in colour.

The species was originally described into the genus Rhizostoma, and was moved to the genus Rhopilema by Maas (1903), where it has remained stable. The species R. verrucosa Kishinouye from Japan was thought by Mayer (1910) to be conspecific, as was the species R. visayana Light (1914b) from the Philippines (Stiasny 1921).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Aug-2013 MODIFIED