Bibliography for Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fumouze & Robin, 1868)
The Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fumouze & Robin, 1868) bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Carne, P.B. (ed.) 1987. Scientific and Common Names of Insects and Allied Forms Occurring in Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO 120 pp.
- Champ, B.R. 1965. An investigation of peanut storage pests in Queensland. 1. Introduction, species and pest status. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Science 22: 227-240
- Champ, B.R. 1966. Insects and mites associated with stored products in Queensland. 4. Acarina and Pseudoscorpiones. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Science 23: 197-210
- Díaz, A., Okabe, K., Eckenrode, C.J., Villani, M.G. & OConnor, B.M. 2000. Biology, ecology, and management of the bulb mites of the genus Rhizoglyphus (Acari: Acaridae). Experimental and Applied Acarology 24: 85–113
- Eyndhoven, G.L.van 1968. Rhizoglyphus engeli nov. spec., with notes on the genus Rhizoglyphus (Acari, Acaridae). Beaufortia 193: 95-103
- Fain, A. 1977. Caractères comparés des hypopes de Rhizoglyphus echinopus Fum. et Robin et de Sancassania chelone Oudemans (Astigmates : Acaridae). Acarologia 19: 105-111
- Fain, A. 1988. Notes sur le genre Rhizoglyphus Claparède, 1869 (Acari, Acaridae) avec description de deux espèces nouvelles. Acarologia 29: 53-62
- Fan, Q.-F. & Zhang, Z.-Q. 2004. Revision of Rhizoglyphus Claparède (Acari: Acaridae) of Australasia and Oceania. London : Systematic and Applied Acarology Society pp. 374.
- Fumouze, A. & Robin, C. 1868. Observations sur une nouvelle espèce d'Acariens du genre Tyroglyphus. Journal de l'Anatomie et de la Physiologie Normales et Pathologiques de l'Homme et des Animaux 5: 287-306
- Lea, A.M. 1908. Insect and Fungus Pests of the Orchard and Farm. Hobart, Tasmania : Government Printer 3, 175 pp.
- Manson, D.C.M. 1972. A contribution to the study of the genus Rhizoglyphus Claparede, 1869 (Acarina : Acaridae). Acarologia 13: 621-650
- Meyer, M.K.P. (Smith) 1981. Mite pests of crops in southern Africa. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Republic of South Africa, Science Bulletin 397: 1-92
- Michael, A.D. 1903. British Tyroglyphidae. London : Ray Society Vol. 2 183 pls i-x.
- Naumann, I. 1993. CSIRO Handbook of Australian Insect Names. Common and Scientific Names for Insects and Allied Organisms of Economic and Environmental Importance. Melbourne : CSIRO Publications v 200 pp. [Date published 31/12/1993]
- Southcott, R.V. 1976. Arachnidism and allied syndromes in the Australian region. Records of the Adelaide Children's Hospital 1: 97-186
- Southcott, R.V. 1978. Australian Harmful Arachnids and Their Allies. Mitcham, South Australia : R. V. Southcott 36 pp.
- Womersley, H. 1941. Studies in Australian Acarina. (2). Tyroglyphidae (s. l.). Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 6: 451-488
- Zakhvatkin, A.A. 1941. Fauna of U.S.S.R. Arachnoidea. Vol. VI. No. 1. Tyroglyphoidea (Acari).Translated and edited by A. Ratcliffe and A. M. Hughes, 1959. Washington D.C. : American Institute of Biological Sciences 573 pp.
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