Bibliography for Pterygocythereis Blake, 1933
The Pterygocythereis Blake, 1933 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Blake, C. 1933. Order Ostracoda. pp. 229-241 in Proctor, W. Biological Survey of the Mount Desert Region. Part V. Philadelphia : Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology pp. 402.
- Brady, G.S. 1880. Report on the Ostracoda dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger During the Years 1873-1876: Zoology Vol 1. 1-184 pp.
- Hanai, T., Ikeya, N. & Yajima, M. 1980. Checklist of Ostracoda from southeast Asia. University Museum, University of Tokyo. Bulletin 17: 1-236
- Yassini, I., Jones, B.G.& Jones M.R. 1993. Ostracods from the Gulf of Carpentaria, northeastern Australia. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 73(2): 375-406
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