Bibliography for Pratylenchus brachyurus (Godfrey, 1929)
The Pratylenchus brachyurus (Godfrey, 1929) bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Filipjev, I.N. & Schuurmans Stekhoven, J.H. 1941. A Manual of Agricultural Helminthology. Leiden : Brill 878 pp.
- Godfrey, G.H. 1929. A destructive root disease of pineapples and other plants due to Tylenchus brachyurus, n. sp. Phytopathology 19: 611-629
- Goodey, T. 1932. The genus Anguillulina Gervais & van Beneden, 1859, vel Tylenchus Bastian, 1865. Journal of Helminthology 10: 75-180
- Lordello, L.G.E., Zamith, A.P.L. & Boock, O.J. 1954. Novo nematodeo parasito da batatinha. Bragantia 13: 141-149
- Steiner, G. 1949. Plant nematodes the grower should know. Bulletin of the Florida Department of Agriculture 131: 47pp.
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