Subfamily Pisinae Dana, 1851
Bibliography for Pisinae Dana, 1851
The Pisinae Dana, 1851 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Adams, A. & White, A. 1848. Crustacea. Part I. 1-66 pls I-XIII in Adams, A. (ed.). The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang under the Command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher during the years 1843–1846. London : Reeve, Benham & Reeve.
- Alcock, A. 1895. Materials for a Carcinological Fauna of India. No. 1. The Brachyura Oxyrhyncha. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 64(Pt 2 No. 2): 157-291 pls 3-5
- Balss, H. 1929. Expedition S. M. Schiff Pola in das Rote Meer. Nördliche und südliche Hälfte 1895/96–1897/98. Zool Ergebn, 36. Decapoden des Roten Meeres, 4. Oxyrhyncha und Schlussbetrachtungen. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 102: 1-30 figs 1-9 pl. 1
- Balss, H. 1935. Brachyura of the Hamburg Museum Expedition to South-Western Australia, 1905. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 21: 113-151, text-figs 1-3 pl. 13
- Balss, H. 1938. Die Dekapoda Brachyura von Dr. Sixten Bocks Pazifik-Expedition 1917–1918. Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samhälles Handlingar B 5(7): 1-85 figs 1-18 pls 1-2
- Bee Yan, L., Richer De Forges, B., & Ng, P. 2021. The generic affinities of the Indo-West Pacific species assigned to Rochinia A. Milne-Edwards, 1875 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majoidea: Epialtidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69: 19-44
- Bell, T 1835. Account of the Crustacea of the coasts of South America. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (III): 169-173
- Borradaile, L.A. 1903. Marine crustaceans X: The spider crabs (Oxyrhyncha). (pp. 681-690, pls. XLVII-XLVIII, figs 122-126) in Gardiner, J.S. (ed.). The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, being the account of work carried on and of the collections made by an expedition during the years 1899 and 1900. Cambridge : University Press Vol. II(Part II) pp. 589–698, pls. XXXV-XLVIII).
- Calman, W.T. 1909. On Decapod Crustacea from Christmas Island, collected by Dr. C.W. Andrews, F.R.S., F.Z.S. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1909: 703-713 pl. 72
- Dana, J.D. 1851. Conspectus Crustaceorum quae in Orbis Terrarum circumnavigatione, Carolo Wilkes e classe Reipublicae Faederatae Duce, lexit et descripsit. American Journal of Science and Arts 11(32): 268-274
- Dana, J.D. 1851. On the classification of the maioid Crustacea or Oxyrhyncha. American Journal of Science and Arts 2 11: 425-434
- Davie, P. 2002. Crustacea: Malacostraca: Eucarida (Part 2): Decapoda—Anomura, Brachyura. In Wells, A. & Houston, W.W.K. (eds) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 19.3B. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, Australia xiv 641 pp.
- Davie, P.J.F. & Short, J.W. 1989. Deepwater Brachyura (Crustacea: Decapoda) from southern Queensland, Australia with descriptions of four new species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 27(2): 157-187
- Davies, P.J.F. & Lee, B.Y. 2023. A new species and new record of Samadinia Ng & Richer de Forges, 2013 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Epaltidae) from deepwater off north-eastern Queensland, Australia. Zootaxa 5249(3): 393-400
- de Man, J.G. 1887. Report on the Podophthalmous Crustacea of the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr John Anderson, F.R.S., Superintendent of the museum. Part I. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 22(136): 1-64 pls 1-3
- Fabricius, J.C. 1793. Entomologia Systematica Emendata et Aucta. Secundum, Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, adjectis synonimis [sic], locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Hafniae : Christ. Gottl. Proft. Vol. 2 viii 519 pp.
- Grant, F.L.S. 1905. Crustacea dredged off Port Jackson in deep water. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 30(2): 312-324
- Griffin, D.J.G. 1966. A review of the Australian Majid Spider Crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura). The Australian Zoologist XIII(3): 259-297 pls 15-17, text-figs 1-3
- Griffin, D.J.G. 1968. Hyastenus hilgendorfi De Man, a majid spider crab new to Australia. The Australian Zoologist 15(1): 103-106 pl. 1
- Griffin, D.J.G. 1973. A revision of the Spider Crabs of the genus Phalangipus (Crustacea, Brachyura, Majidae). Journal of Natural History 7: 165-207
- Griffin, D.J.G. 1976. Spider crabs of the family Majidae (Crustacea: Brachyura) from the Philippine Islands. Journal of Natural History 10: 179-222
- Griffin, D.J.G. & Tranter, H. 1986. The Decapoda Brachyura of the Siboga Expedition. Part VIII. Majidae. Siboga Expéditie Monographie 39(c4): 1-335, 112 text-figs 22 pls
- Griffin, D.J.G. & Tranter, H.A. 1986. Some majid spider crabs from the deep Indo-West Pacific. Records of the Australian Museum 38: 351-371
- Haswell, W.A. 1880. Notes on the Australian Maioid Brachyura. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 5(26): 145–147
- Haswell, W.A. 1880. On the Australian Brachyura Oxyrhyncha. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 4: 431-458 pls 25-27
- Haswell, W.A. 1881. On some new Australian Brachyura. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 6(3): 540-551
- Henderson, J.R. 1893. A contribution to Indian Carcinology. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London Ser. 2, Zool. 5(1): 325-458 pls 36-40
- Herbst, J.F.W. 1803. Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse nebst einer Systematischen Beischreibung ihrer Verschieden Arten. Berlin & Stralsund Vol. 3 Pt 3 pp. 1–54 pls 55–58.
- Lamarck, J.B.P.A. 1818. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans vertèbres, présentant les caractères généraux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales espèces qui s'y rapportent; précédée d'une Introduction offrant la Détermination des caractères essentiels de l'Animal, sa distinction du végétal et des autres corps naturelles, enfin, l'Exposition des Principes fondamentaux de la Zoologie. Vol. 5. 612 pp.
- Latreille, P.A. 1825. Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle. Entomologie, ou Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes. Paris. Vol. 10. Pt 1. 832 pp.
- Latreille, P.A. 1828. Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle. Entomologie, ou Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes. Serville et Guérin : Le Peletier de St-Fargeau Vol. 10(2) 345-852 pp.
- Laurie, R.D. 1906. Report on the Brachyura collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. Part V. Supplementary Report. 349-432 figs 1-2 pls 1, 2 in Herdman, W.A. (ed.). Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. London : Royal Society.
- Leach, W.E. 1815. The Zoological Miscellany; being descriptions of new or interesting animals … illustrated with coloured figures drawn from nature by R.P. Nodder &c. London : E. Nodder & Son Vol. 2 pp. 145-154 pls 116-120. [published 1816]
- Lee, B.Y., Ahyong, S.T., Low, M.E.Y. & Ng. P.K.L. 2018. Hyastenus verreauxii A. Milne-Edwards, 1872, a synonym of Hyastenus elatus Griffin & Tranter, 1986: lectotype designation and reversal of precedence (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majoidea: Epialtidae). Zootaxa 4497(1): 145–150
- Lee, B.Y., Richer de Forges, B. & Ng, P.K.L. 2021. The generic affinities of the Indo-West Pacific species assigned to Rochinia A. Milne-Edwards, 1875 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majoidea: Epialtidae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69: 19-44
- Lee, B.Y. Richer de Forges, B. & Ng, P.K.L. 2019. Deep-sea spider crabs of the family Epialtidae MacLeay, 1838, from Papua New Guinea, with a redefinition of Tunepugettia Ng, Komai & Sato, 2017, and descriptions of two new genera (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea). Zootaxa 4619(1): 1-44
- Linnaeus, C. 1758. Cancer. pp. 625-634 in Linnaeus, C. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundem classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiae : Laurentii Salvii Vol. 1 10 Edn., 824 pp.
- Lockington, W.N. 1877. Description of seventeen new species of Crustacea. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 7: 44-46
- McCulloch, A.R. 1908. Studies in Australian Crustacea. No. 1. Records of the Australian Museum 7(1): 51-59 pl. 12
- Miers, E.J. 1879. Descriptions of new or little known species of Maioid Crustacea (Oxyrhyncha) in the collection of the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4: 1-28 pls 4, 5
- Miers, E.J. 1882. On some Crustaceans collected at Mauritius. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1882: 339-342 pl. 20, 538-543 pl. 36
- Miers, E.J. 1884. Crustacea. Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. `Alert' 1881–2. Part I. The collections from Melanesia. Part II. Collections from the western Indian Ocean. London : British Museum. pp. 178–322, 513–575 pls 18–32, 46–51.
- Miers, E.J. 1886. Report on the Brachyura collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873–76. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 17(49): i-xlix 1-362 pls 1-29
- Milne Edwards, A. 1865. Description de quelques Crustacés Nouveax, appartenant à la tribu des Maiens. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 4 5: 133-147 pls 3-5
- Milne Edwards, A. 1872. Recherches sur la faune carcinologique de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Pt. I. Groupe des Oxyrhynches. Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 8: 229-267 pls 10-14
- Milne Edwards, A. 1873. Description de quelques Crustacés nouveaux ou peu connus provenant du Musée de M.C. Godeffroy. Journal des Museum Godeffroy, Hamburg 1(4): 77-88 pls 12, 13
- Milne Edwards, A. 1875. Etudes sur les Xiphosures et les Crustacés podophthalmaires. pp. 1–368, 61 pls In, Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique centrale, Recherches Zoologiques pour servir à l'histoire de la faune de l'Amérique centrale et du Mexique. Pt. 5. [dates for the various parts covering the Oxyrhyncha are as follows, see L.B. Holthuis: 1873 (pp. 49–56; pls 13–14); 1875 (pp. 57–120; pls 15–20); 1878 (pp. 121–184; pls 21–27, 29, 30); 1879 (pp. 185–203; pls 31–36); 1879 (pls 15A, 28)]
- Milne Edwards, A. 1880. Etudes sur les Xiphosures et les Crustacés podophthalmaires. pp. 265–372 pls xlix–lxi In, Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique centrale, Recherches Zoologiques pour servir à l'histoire de la faune de l'Amérique centrale et du Mexique. Pt. 5.
- Milne Edwards, H. 1834. Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie et la classification de ces Animaux. Paris : Librairie encyclopédique de Roret Vol. 1 xxxv 468 pp.
- Miyake, S. 1939. Notes on Crustacea Brachyura collected by Professor Teiso Esaki's Micronesia Expeditions 1937–1938 together with a check list of Micronesian Brachyura. Records of the Oceanographic Works in Japan 10(2): 168-247 pls 12-17, 13 figs, 1 table
- Ng, P. & Richer de Forges, B. 2013. Samadinia longispina, a new genus and species of deep-sea spider crab from the Western Pacific, and a new species of Rochinia A. Milne-Edwards, 1875, from Papua New Guinea (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majoidea: Epialtidae). Zootaxa 3718: 357–366
- Nobili, G. 1899. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza della fauna carcinologica della Papuasia, delle Molucche e dell' Australia. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova 20: 230-282, 358, 473-523
- Ortmann, A.E. 1893. Abtheilung: Brachyura (Brachyura genuina Boas), I. Unterabtheilung: Majoidea und Crancroidea, 1: Section Portuninea. Die Decapoden-Krebse des Strassburger Museums, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der von Herrn Dr Döderlein bei Japan und bei den Liu-Kiu-Inseln gesammelten und z.Z. im Strassburger Museum aufbewahrten Formen, VI. Theil. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 7: 23-88 pl. 3
- Ortmann, A.E. 1894. Crustaceen. In, Semon, R. Zoologische Forshungreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel. Denkschriften der Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena 8(1): 1-80 pls 1-3
- Pocock, R.L. 1890. Report upon the Crustacea collected by P.W. Bassett-Smith, Esq., Surgeon during the Survey of the Macclesfield and Tizard Banks, in the China Sea, by H.M. Rambler, Commander W.V. Moore. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5: 72-82
- Poore, G.C.B., McCallum, A.W. & Taylor, J. 2008. Decapod Crustacea of the continental margin of southwestern and central Western Australia: preliminary identifications of 524 species from FRV Southern Surveyor voyage SS10-2005. Museum Victoria Reports 11. pp. 1-106
- Poupin, J. 1995. Etude des Naxioides du groupe robillardi (Miers, 1882) (Brachyura: Majidae: Pisinae). Journal of Natural History 29: 85-109
- Rathbun, M.J. 1902. Crabs from the Maldive Islands. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 39(5): 123-138 pl. 1
- Rathbun, M.J. 1907. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross", from August,1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U.S.N., commanding. IX. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross", from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut.-Commander L.M. Garrett, U.S.N., commanding. X. The Brachyura. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 35(2): 23-74 pls 1-9
- Rathbun, M.J. 1916. Scientific results of the Philippine cruise of the Fisheries Steamer "Albatross", 1907–1910. No. 34. New species of crabs of the families Inachidae and Parthenopidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 50(2135): 527-559
- Rathbun, M.J. 1918. Report on the spider crabs obtained by the F.I.S. "Endeavour" on the coasts of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania. pp. 1–29 figs 1–3 pls 1–15 in, Biological Results of the Fishing Experiments carried out by the F.I.S. "Endeavour", 1909–14. Sydney : Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Trade and Customs. Vol. 5 398 pp.
- Rathbun, M.J. 1924. Results of Dr. E. Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expedition to Australia 1910–1913. 37. Brachyura, Albuneidae and Porcellanidae. Arkiv för Zoologi 16(23): 1-33, text-figs 1-7 pl. 1
- Richer de Forges, B. 1992. A new species of Sphenocarcinus A. Milne Edwards, 1875 from Tasmantid Guyots, S. lowryi n.sp. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) with notes on the taxonomic status of the genus. Records of the Australian Museum 44: 1-5
- Richer de Forges, B. & Ng, P.K.L. 2009. New genera, new species and new records of Indo-West Pacific spider crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Epialtidae: Majoidea). Zootaxa 2025: 1-20
- Richer de Forges, B. & Ng, P.K.L. 2009. On the majoid genera Oxypleurodon Miers, 1886, and Sphenocarcinus A. Milne-Edwards, 1875 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Epialtidae), with descriptions of two new genera and five new species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 20: 247-266 [Supplement]
- Richer de Forges, B. & Poore, G.C.B. 2008. Deep-sea majoid crabs of the genera Oxypleurodon and Rochinia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Epialtidae) mostly from the continental margin of Western Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 63-70
- Roux, P. 1828. Crustacés de la Méditerranée et de son littoral. pls 1–45 with accompanying text, unnumbered. Paris & Marseille.
- Rumphius, G.E. 1705. D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer, behelzende eene beschryvinge van allerhande zoo weeke als harde schaalvisschen, te weeten raare Krabben, Kreeften, en diergelyke Zeedieren, als mede allerhande Hoorntjes en Schulpen, die men in d'Amboinsche Zee vindt : daar beneven zommige Mineraalen, Gesteenten, en soorten van Aarde, die in d'Amboinsche, en zommige omleggende Eilanden gevonden worden : Verdeelt in drie bocken, &c. Rumpf, Georg Eberhard, 1627–1702. Amsterdam Vol. 1. 340 pp. 60 pls.
- Sakai, K. 1999. J. F. W. Herbst-Collection of decapod Crustacea of the Berlin Zoological Museum, with remarks on certain species. Naturalists, Tokushima Biological Laboratory, Shikoku University 6: 1-45 pls 1-21
- Serène, R. & Lohavanijaya, P. 1973. The Brachyura (Crustacea: Decapoda) collected by the Naga Expedition, including a review of the Homolidae. In, Scientific Results of Marine Investigations of the south China Sea and the gulf of Thailand 1959–1961. Naga Report. Scientific Results of Marine Investigations of the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand 4(4): 1-186 figs 1-21
- Stebbing, T.R.R. 1902. South African Crustacea, Part II. Marine Investigations in South Africa 2: 1-92 pls 5-16
- Stimpson, W. 1871. Notes on North American Crustacea in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, No. III. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History New York 10(4–5): 92-136
- Tavares, M. 1991. Redéfinition des genres Rochinia A. Milne-Edwards, Sphenocarcinus A. Milne-Edwards et Oxypleurodon Miers, et établissement du genre Nasutocarcinus gen. nov. (Crustacea, Brachyura, Majidae). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] 13(1–2): 159-179
- Ward, M. 1935. Notes on a collection of crabs from Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum 9: 5-28 pls 1-3 [Dated as 1934 but published in Feb 1935, see Low & Tan (2009)]
- White, A. 1847. Descriptions of new Crustacea from the Eastern Seas. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 15: 56-58
- White, A. 1847. List of the Specimens of Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum viii 143 pp. [Date published Apr/1847]
- Whitelegge, T. 1900. Crustacea, Part 1. In Scientific results of the trawling Expedition of H.M.C.S. "Thetis" off the coast of New South Wales in February and March, 1898. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 4, 1(2): 135-199 figs 11-14 pls 32-35
- Wood-Mason, J. & Alcock, A. 1891. Natural History notes from H. M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer `Investigator', Commander R. F. Hoskyn, R.N., commanding. No 21. Note on the results of the last season's deep-sea dredging. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6 7: 1-19, 186-202, 258-272
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