Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Subfamily Phyllospongiinae Keller, 1889


Phyllospongiinae differs from Thorectinae in comprising foliose, lamellate or folio-digitate growth forms, with tertiary fibres in the skeleton (except in one genus).

Database Notes

Synonymy. Phyllospongiinae Bergquist, Sorokin & Karuso, 1999: 57



Foliose or folio-digitate sponges in which the spongin fibres making up the anastomosing skeleton are finely laminated and contain a differentiated pith. Zones of disjunction between successive fibrous layers remain tightly adherent, producing an overall homogeneous structure with visible contiguous laminae. The pith is not sharply disjunct from the investing spongin fibre but rather merges into it. Secondary fibres show a surface striation. The skeleton is made up of cored primary and uncored secondary fibres to which uncored vermiform or reticulate tertiary elements are added in most genera. Choanocyte chambers are large, spherical and diplodal. The matrix is only very lightly infiltrated with collagen and appears fibrous macroscopically rather than fleshy. Cyanobacteria are always incorporated. Phyllospongiinae are also characterised by a secondary metabolite compliment which includes a series of unique bishomoscalaranes (Bergquist, Sorokin & Karuso 1999).


ID Keys


1a. Tertiary fibres form lattice-like complexes to fascicules in lamella; surface membranous .......Polyfibrospongia
1b. Tertiary fibres do not form lattice-like complexes or fascicules; surface not membranous ......2
2a. Tertiary fibres vermiform or reticulate, rare in upper lamellae ..................................................Phyllospongia
2b. Tertiary fibres dominate in lamella, reticulate with rare cross connections ..............................Strepsichordaia


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
03-Mar-2022 DEMOSPONGIAE Sollas, 1885 10-Aug-2021 MODIFIED
29-Mar-2018 15-Dec-2011 MOVED
29-Mar-2018 13-Apr-2011 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)