Family PLATYGASTRIDAE Haliday, 1833
Bibliography for PLATYGASTRIDAE Haliday, 1833
The PLATYGASTRIDAE Haliday, 1833 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Ashmead, W.H. 1893. A monograph of the North American Proctotrypidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 45: 1-472
- Austin, A.D. 1990. A revision of Old World Parabaeus Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygasteridae), a group of highly modified apterous parasitoids inhabiting litter. Invertebrate Taxonomy 3: 647-659
- Bréthes, J. 1914. Les ennemis de la Diaspis pentagona dans la République Argentina. Nunquam Otiosus (Dresden) 1914: 1-16
- Buhl, P.N. 2004. New Australasian Platygastrinae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 65: 85-106
- Buhl, P.N. 2007. New or little known exotic Platygastrinae (Hymenaptere, Platygastridae). Entomofauna 23: 285-292
- Buhl, P.N. 2014. New species of Platygastrinae and Sceliotrachelinae (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea: Platygastridae) from Australia. International Journal of Environmental Studies 71(4): 425–448
- De Santis, L. 1941. [List of hymenopterous parasites and predators of the insects of Argentina.] Lista de himenopteros parasitos y predatores de los insectos de la República Argentina. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Agronomia 4: 1-66
- Dodd, A.P. 1913. A remarkable new Platygasterid genus from Australia. The Canadian Entomologist 45: 346-347
- Dodd, A.P. 1913. Some south Queensland Proctotrypoidea. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 2: 335-339
- Dodd, A.P. 1914. A new genus of Platygasteridae from Australia (Hymenoptera). Entomological News 25: 416
- Dodd, A.P. 1914. Australian Hymenoptera Proctotrypoidea. No. 2. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 38: 58-131
- Dodd, A.P. 1914. Further additions to the Australian Proctotrypoidea. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 79(8): 77-91 [Date published 1914: dated 1913]
- Dodd, A.P. 1914. Further new genera and species of Australian Proctotrypoidea. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 26: 91-140
- Dodd, A.P. 1916. Australian Hymenoptera Proctotrypoidea. No. 4. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 40: 9-32
- Dodd, A.P. 1924. Chalcidoidea and Proctotrupoidea from Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands, with descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 48: 162-186
- Foerster, A. 1856. Hymenopterologische Studien. II Heft. Chalcidiae und Proctotrupii. Aachen : Ernst ter Meer 152 pp.
- Forbes, S.A. 1885. Fourteenth report of the State Entomologist on the noxious and beneficial insects of the State of Illinois. H. W. Rokker, State Printer and Binder, Springfield. 136 pp.
- Förster, A. 1878. Kleine monographien parasitischer Hymenopteren. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 35: 42-82
- Girault, A.A. 1925. New Queensland Insecta captured without any reference to use. Privately Published. 2 pp.
- Girault, A.A. 1926. Characteristics of new Australian insects. Brisbane : Private Publication. 2 pp.
- Haldeman, S.S. 1850. On four new species of Hemiptera of the genera Ploiaria, Chermes, and Aleurodes, and two new Hymenoptera (Aleurodes aleurodinus, Eretmocerus corni), parasitic in the last named. Silliman Journal IX: 108-111
- Haliday, A.H. 1833. An essay on the classification of the parasitic Hymenoptera of Britain, which correspond with the Ichneumones minuti of Linnæus. Entomological Magazine. London 1: 259-276, 333-350, 480-491
- Jennings, J.T. & Austin, A.D. 2015. Synopsis of the hymenopteran fauna of Lord Howe Island with a preliminary checklist of species. Zootaxa 3931(3): 423–432
- Kieffer 1917. Neue Scelioniden aus den Philippinen-Inseln. Brotéria. Serie Ciências Naturais 15: 50-62
- Kieffer, J.J. 1910. Diagnosis de nouveaux genres et de nouvelles espèces de Scelionides (Hym.) des îles Sechelles. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 1910: 292-294
- Kieffer, J.J. 1914. Proctotrypidae (3e partie). In E. André. Species des Hyménoptères d'Europe et d'Algérie. 305-448 pp.
- Lahey, Z., Masner, L., Johnson,N.F. & Polaszek, A. 2019. Revision of Aleyroctonus Masner & Huggert (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Sceliotrachelinae). pp. 73-93 in Talamas, E. (Eds). Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73
- Lahey, Z., Masner, L. & Johnson, N.F. 2019. Calixomeria, a new genus of Sceliotrachelinae (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae) from Australia. ZooKeys 830: 63-73
- Lahey, Z., Talamas, E., Masner, L. & Johnson, N.F. 2021. Revision of the Australian genus Alfredella Masner & Huggert (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Sceliotrachelinae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87: 81–113
- Latreille, P.A. 1809. Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum secundum ordinem naturalem in familias disposita, iconibus exemplisque plurimus explicata. Parisiis et Argentorati : A. Koenig Vol. 4 399 pp.
- Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.
- Masner, L. & Huggert, L. 1989. World review and keys to genera of the subfamily Inostemmatinae with reassignment of the taxa to the Platygastrinae and Sceliotrachelinae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 121(Supplement S147): 1-214
- Perkins, R.C.L. 1905. Leaf-hoppers and their natural enemies. Part VI. Mymaridae, Platygasteridae. Bulletin of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association Experimental Station Entomological Series 1: 187-205
- Polaszek, A. 2009. Masnerium wellsae gen. n., sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Sceliotrachelinae) a parasitoid of Aleuroduplidens wellsae Martin (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae) in Australia. ZooKeys 119-125
- Walker, F. 1839. Monographia Chalciditum. London : Hyppolite Bailliere Vol. 2 100 pp.
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