The PATELLOGASTROPODA bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Adams, H. 1869. Descriptions of a new genus and fourteen new species of marine shells. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1869: 272–275, pl. 19
- Adams, H. & Adams, A. 1854. The genera of Recent Mollusca arranged according to their organization. London : John Van Voorst Vol. 1(IX-XV) pp. 257-484, pls 33-60.
- Aktipis, S.W. & Giribet, G. 2011. Testing relationships among the vetigastropod taxa: a molecular approach. Journal of Molluscan Studies 78: 12–27
- Allan, J.K. 1950. Australian shells: with related animals living in the sea, in freshwater and on the land. Melbourne : Georgian House xix, 470 pp., 45 pls, 112 text figs.
- Anderson, D.T. 1962. The reproduction and early life histories of the gastropods Bembicium auratum (Quoy and Gaimard) (Fam. Littorinidae), Cellana tramoserica (Sower.) (Fam. Patellidae) and Melanerita melanotragus (Smith) (Fam. Neritidae). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 87: 62-68
- Angas, G.F. 1865. On the marine molluscan fauna of the Province of South Australia, with a list of all the species known up to the present time, together with remarks on their habitats and distribution, etc. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1865: 155-"180" (=190)
- Angas, G.F. 1878. Descriptions of ten species of marine shells from the province of South Australia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1878(4): 861-864
- Beesley, P.L., Ross, G.J.B. & Wells, A. (eds) 1998. Mollusca: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 5(Part B) pp. vi–viii, 565–1234.
- Bird, C.E., Holland, B.S., Bowen, B.W. & Toonen, R.J. 2011. Diversification of sympatric broadcast-spawning limpets (Cellana spp.) within the Hawaiian archipelago. Molecular Ecology 20: 2128–2141
- Blainville, H.M.D. de 1825. Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Paris & Strassburg : Levrault Vol. 34 319 pp.
- Blainville, H.M. de 1825. Mollusques, vers et zoophytes. In Defrance JLM (ed) Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. Paris : Levrault Vol. 38 528 pp.
- Born, I. von 1778. Index rerum naturalium Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis, pl. 1, Testacea. - Verzeichniss etc. Illust. Vindobonae. Vienna : J.P. Krauss xlii 458 pp.
- Bouchet, P. 2011. Iothia depressa (Hedley, 1916). De Broyer, C.; Clarke, A.; Koubbi, P.; Pakhomov, E.; Scott, F.; Vanden Berghe, E. and Danis, B. (Eds). The SCAR-MarBIN Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS). 2012-05-15.
- Bouchet, P. 2011. Iothia emarginuloides (Philippi, 1868). De Broyer, C.; Clarke, A.; Koubbi, P.; Pakhomov, E.; Scott, F.; Vanden Berghe, E. and Danis, B. (Eds). The SCAR-MarBIN Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS). 2012-05-16.
- Cernohorsky, W.O. 1974. Type specimens of Mollusca in the University Zoological Museum Copenhagen. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum 11: 143-195
- Cernohorsky, W.O. 1978. Tropical Pacific marine shells. Sydney : Pacific Publications 352 pp., 68 pls.
- Christiaens, J. 1975. Revision provisoire des mollusques marins récents de la famille des Acmaeidae (seconde partie). Informations de la Société Belge de Malacologie 4(4): 91-116
- Christiaens, J. 1975. Revision provisoire des Mollusques marins recents de la famille des Acmaeide. Informations de la Société Belge de Malacologie 4(1): 3-20
- Christiaens, J. 1986. Notes sur quelques Patellidae (Gastropoda) de l'Ocean Indien. Apex 1(4): 97-130
- Coleman, N. 1975. What Shell is That? Sydney : Lansdowne Press 298 pp.
- Cotton, B.C. 1959. South Australian Mollusca. Archaeogastropoda. Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia. Adelaide : South Australian Government Printer 449 pp.
- Crosse, H. & Fischer, P. 1864. Diagnoses Mollkuscorum Australiae méridionalis. Journal de Conchyliologie 12: 346-350
- Dall, W.H. 1871. On the Limpets; with special reference to the species of the west coast of America, and to a more natural classification of the group. American Journal of Conchology 6(3): 227-282
- Dall, W.H. 1882. On certain limpets and chitons from the deep waters off the eastern coast of the United States. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 4: 400-414
- Dautzenberg, Ph. & Bouge, J.L. 1933. Les Mollusques Testacés Marins des Établissements Français de L'Océanie. Journal de Conchyliologie 77(3): 351-469
- Deshayes, G.P. 1832. Zoologie. Mollusques. pp. 401-416 in Bélanger, M.C. (ed.). Voyage aux Indes-Orientales, par le nord de l'Europe, les provinces du Caucase, la Géorgie, l'Armenie et la Perse, suivide details topographiques, statistique et autre sur le Pégon, les Isles de Java, de Maurice et de Bourbon, sur le Cap-de-bonne-Espérance et Sainte Hélène. Paris : Arthur Bertrand Vol. 2.
- Dunker, W. 1866. Bericht über die von der Novara-Expedition mitgebrachten Mollusken. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 16: 909-916
- Egorova, A.N. 1972. New species of Gastropoda (Prosobranchia) from Davis Sea. Issledovaniya Fauny Morei Akademia Nauk Zoological Institute 11(19): 383-394
- Engl, W. 2012. Shells of Antarctica. Hackenheim : Conchbooks 402 pp.
- Finlay, H.J. 1926. A further commentary on New Zealand molluscan systematics. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 57: 320-485 pls 18-23 [Issued separately 23 Dec 1926; but Vol. 57 issued 10 March, 1927]
- Gatliff, J.H. 1907. Additions to the Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 20(1): 31-37
- Gatliff, J.H. & Gabriel, C.J. 1922. Additions to and alterations in the catalogue of Victorian marine Mollusca. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria n.s. 34(2): 128–161
- Gmelin J.F. 1791. Caroli a Linné. Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Lipsiae : Georg. Emanuel. Beer Vermes. Vol. 1(Part 6) pp. 3021–3910. [officially regarded by the ICZN Opinion 296 (26 Oct 1954) as the 13th edition of Systema Naturae]
- Gould, A. 1846. Expedition Shells: Described for the Work of the United States Exploring Expedition Commanded by Charles Wilkis, U.S.N. during the years 1838-1842. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 2: 1-256
- Gray, J.E. 1826. Mollusca. pp. 474-496 in King, P.P. (ed.). Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia. Performed between the years 1818 and 1822; with Appendix B. London : John Murray Vol. 2 viii 637 pp., 9 pls. [Date published 15 Apr 1826: imprint 1827]
- Habe, T. 1964. Shells of the western Pacific in color. Osaka : Hoikusha Vol. 2 233 pp., 66 pls.
- Hedley, C. 1903. Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H.M.C.S. Thetis off the coast of New South Wales in February and March, 1898. Mollusca. Part II. Scaphopoda and Gastropoda. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 4(6): 325–402, pls 36-37 [Date published 8 October 1903]
- Hedley, C. 1915. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XII. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 39: 695–755, pls 77–85 [Date published 26 Feb.]
- Hedley, C. 1916. A preliminary index of the Mollusca of Western Australia. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Western Australia 1: 152-226
- Hedley, C. 1916. Mollusca. Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-14, Scientific Reports, Series C: Zoology & Botany 4(1): 1–80
- Hedley, C. 1923. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XIV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 48: 301-316, pls 30-33
- Higo, S., Callomon, P. & Goto, Y. 1999. Catalogue and Bibliography of the Marine Shell-bearing Mollusca of Japan. Japan : Elle Scientific Publications 749 pp.
- Holten, H.S. 1802. Enumeratio Systematica Conchyliae Beat. J.H. Chemnitz. Copenhagen : K.H. Scidelini 88 pp.
- Hombron, J.B. & Jacquinot, C.H. 1841. Description de quelques Mollusques provenant de la campagne de l'Astrolabe et de la Zéléc. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie 2, Zool. 16: 62-64, 190-192
- Hombron, J.B. & Jaquinot, C.H. 1841. Description de quelques Mollusques provenant de la campagne de l'Astrolabe et de la Zéléc. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie 2(16): 190-192
- Hutton, F.W. 1873. Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca. A Systematic and Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine and land shells, and of the soft Mollusks and Polyzoa of New Zealand and the ajacent Islands. Wellington : James Hughes, Lambton Quay 224 pp.
- Hylleberg, J. & Kilburn, R.N. 2002. Annotataed inventory of molluscs from the Gulf of Mannar and vicinity. Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 26: 19-79
- Hylleberg, J & Kilburn, R.N. 2003. Marine Molluscs of Vietnam: Annotations, voucher material, and species in need of verification. Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 28: 1-299
- Iredale, T. 1915. A commentary on Suter's "Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca". Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 47: 417-497 [Date published 12 July 1915]
- Iredale, T. 1924. Results from Roy Bell's molluscan collections. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 49(3): 179–279, pls 33–36
- Iredale, T. 1929. Queensland molluscan notes, No. 1. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 9(3): 261–297, pls 30–31 [29 June 1929]
- Iredale, T. 1936. Australian molluscan notes. No. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 19(5): 267-340, pls 20-24
- Iredale, T. 1940. Marine molluscs from Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, Australia, and New Caledonia. The Australian Zoologist 9(4): 429-443, pl. 32-34 [Date published 9 December 1940]
- Iredale, T. & McMichael, D.F. 1962. A reference list of the marine Mollusca of New South Wales. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 11: 1–109
- Kirkendale, L.A. & Meyer, C.P. 2004. Phylogeography of the Patelloida profunda group (Gastropoda: Lottiidae): diversification in a dispersal-driven marine system. Molecular Ecology 13: 2749–2762
- Lesson, R. P. 1830. Zoologie, Chapter XI. Mollusques, Annélides et Vers: I. Mollusques. pp. 239-454 in Duperrey, L.I. (ed.). Voyage autour du Monde, exécuté sur la corvette de la Majesté la Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. Atlas. Paris : Bertrand Vol. 2, Part 1 471 pp.
- Lesson, R.P. 1831. Chap. XI. Mollusques, Annelides et Vers. pp. 239-471 in Voyage Autour du Monde Executé par Ordre du Roi, sur la Corvette de Sa Majesté, La Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. Zoologie. Paris : Betrand.
- Lindberg, D.R. 1986. Name changes in the "Acmaeidae". Veliger 29(2): 142-148
- Lindberg, D.R. 2007. Reproduction, ecology, and evolution of the Indo-Pacific Limpet Scutellastra flexuosa. Bulletin of Marine Science 81(2): 219–234
- Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundem classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiae : Laurentii Salvii Vol. 1 10 Edn., 824 pp.
- Linse, K. 2002. The shelled Magellanic molluscs with special reference to biogeographic relations in the Southern Ocean. A.B.A. Gantner Verlag 252 pp.
- Ludbrook, N.H. 1978. Quaternary molluscs of the western part of the Eucla Basin. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Western Australia 125: 1–286
- Macpherson, J.H. 1955. Preliminary revision of the families Patellidae and Acmaeidae in Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 67(2): 229-256
- Macpherson, J.H. 1966. Port Phillip Survey 1957–1963. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 27: 201–288
- Macpherson, J.H. & Gabriel, C.J. 1962. Marine molluscs of Victoria. Melbourne : Melbourne University Press & National Museum of Victoria 475 pp.
- Marshall, B.A. 1985. Recent and Tertiary deep-sea limpets of the genus Pectinodonta (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand and New South Wales. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 12: 273-282
- Marshall, B.A. 1986. Recent and Tertiary Cocculinidae and Pseudococculinidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand and New South Wales. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 12: 505-546 [Date published 2 Jul 1986]
- May, W.L. 1920. New species of Tasmanian Mollusca, with critical remarks on several described species, and additions to the list. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1919: 55-69 pls 14-17 [Date published 6 Mar 1920]
- May, W.L. 1923. An illustrated index of Tasmanian shells: with 47 plates and 1052 species. Hobart : Government Printer 100 pp. [Date published 31 July 1923]
- McMichael, D.F. 1960. Shells of the Australian sea-shore. Brisbane : Jacaranda Press 127 pp., 287 figs. [Date published December]
- McMichael, D.F. 1961. New Species and New Records of Marine Mollusca from Australia. Journal of the Malacological Society of Australasia (5): 51-57, pls 4, 5
- Menke, C.T. 1843. Molluscorum Novae Hollandiae Specimen in Libraria Aulica Hahniana. Hannoverae : Libraria Aulica Hahniana pp. 1-46. [Apr. 1843].
- Nakano, T., Marshall, B.A., Kennedy, M. & Spencer, H.G. 2009. The phylogeny and taxonomy of New Zealand Notoacmea and Patelloida species (Mollusca: Patellogastropoda: Lottiidae) inferred from DNA sequences. Molluscan Research 29: 33–59
- Nakano, T. & Ozawa, T. 2007. Worldwide phylogeography of limpets of the order Patellogastropoda: molecular, morphological and Palaeontological evidence. Journal of Molluscan Studies 73: 79–99
- Nakano, T. & Sasaki, T. 2011. Recent advances in molecular phylogeny, systematics and evolution of patellogastropod limpets. Journal of Molluscan Studies 77: 203–217
- Oliver, W.R.B. 1924. The Australian Eight-rayed Limpet (Scutellastra chapmani Tenison-Woods). New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 7(4): 244
- Oliver, W.R.B. 1926. Australasian Patelloididae. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 56: 547-582
- Oostingh, C.H. 1925. Report on a collection of recent shells from Obi and Halmahera, Molluccas. Mededeelingen van de Landbouwhoogeschool te Wageningen 29(1): 1–362
- Philippi, R.A. 1848. Centuria tertia testaceorum novorum. Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie 5(II): 161-176
- Philippi, R.A. 1849. Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer oder wenig gekannter Conchylien unter mithufte meherer deutscher Conchyliologen. Cassel : Theodor Fischer Vol. 3 pp. 1-88. [Vol. 3 published in 4 sections from 1847 to 1850]
- Philippi, R.A. 1868. Conchylia nova potissimum magallanica. Malakozoologische Blätter 15: 222-226
- Phillips, D.A.B., Handreck, C., Bock, P.E., Burn, R., Smith, B.J. & Staples, D.A. (eds) 1984. Coastal Invertebrates of Victoria: an atlas of selected species. Melbourne : Marine Research Group of Victoria & Museum of Victoria 168 pp.
- Pilsbry, H. 1891. Acmaeidae, Lepetidae, Patellidae, Titiscaniidae. Manual of Conchology 13: 1-195, 74 plates
- Pilsbry, H.A. 1891. Acmaeidae, Lepetidae, Patellidae, Titiscaniidae. Parts 49–52. xiii 195 pp., 74 pls in Tyron, G.W. (ed.). Manual of Conchology. Philadelphia : Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
- Pilsbry, H.A. 1895. Note on Tasmanian Acmaea and Ischnochiton. Nautilus 8: 127-129 [Date published Mar. 1895]
- Ponder, W.F. & Creese, R.A. 1980. A revision of the Australian species of Notoacmea, Collisella and Patelloida (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Acmaeidae). Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia 4(4): 167-208
- Powell, A.W.B. 1973. The patellid limpets of the world (Patellidae). Indo-Pacific Mollusca 3(15): 75-206
- Prashad, B. & Rao, S. 1934. Notes on the bionomics of Trochus niloticus Linn. II. On two new species of limpet-like gastropods from the Andaman waters. Records of the Indian Museum 36(1): 1-4
- Preston, H.B. 1911. Descriptions of six new species of shells from Bengal and Madras. Records of the Indian Museum 6(1): 39-42
- Quoy, J.R. & Gaimard, J.P. 1834. Voyage de Découvertes de l'Astrolabe exécuté par Ordre du Roi, Pendant les Années 1826-1829. Paris : J. Tastu Zoologie Vol. 3 366 pp.
- Rajagopal, A.S. & Mookherjee, H.P. 1978. Contributions to the molluscan fauna of India. Pt. I. Marine molluscs of the Coromandel Coast, Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar - Gastropoda: Archaeogastropoda. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 12: 1-48
- RAMS 2010. Nacella kerguelenensis (Smith, 1877). De Broyer, C.; Clarke, A.; Koubbi, P.; Pakhomov, E.; Scott, F.; Vanden Berghe, E. and Danis, B. (Eds). The SCAR-MarBIN Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS). 2012-05-16.
- Reeve, L.A. 1842. Conchologia Systematica or Complete System of Conchology: in which the Lepades and Conchiferous Mollusca are described and classified according to their natural organization and habits. London : Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans Vol. 2 337 pp., pls 131-300.
- Reeve, L.A. 1855. Monograph of the genus Patella. pls 1-42 in Reeve, L.A. (ed.). Conchologia Iconica. London : Reeve & Co. Vol. 8 unnumbered pages. [published Jan 1855]
- Röding, P.F. 1798. Museum Boltenianum sive Catalogus cimeliorum e tribus regnis naturae quae olim collegerat Joa. Hamburg : Trappii 199 pp. [Date published September 1798]
- Satyamurti, S.T. 1952. Mollusca of Krusadai Is. I. Amphineura and Gastropoda. Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum, Natural History ns 1(no. 2, pt 6): 267 pp., 34 pls
- Schepman, M.M. 1908. The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition. Rhipidoglossa and Docoglossa. With an appendix by Prof. R. Bergh [Pectinobranchiata]. Siboga-Expéditie Report 49a(1): pp. 1-108, 9 pls
- Schumacher, C.F. 1817. Essai d'un Nouveau Systéme des Habitations des vers Testacés. Copenhagen : Schultz 287 pp., pls 1-22.
- Singleton, F.A. 1937. Lady Julia Percy Island. 1935 Expedition. Mollusca. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 49: 387-396
- Smith, E.A. 1877. Mollusca. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences 168: 167-192, pl. IX
- Smith, E.A. 1881. Mollusca and Molluscoidea. pp. 22-44, pls 3-5 in Günther, A. (ed.). Account of the zoological collections made during the survey of the HMS 'Alert' in the Straits of Magellan and on the coast of Patagonia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1881
- Smith, E.A. 1907. Mollusca. II. — Gastropoda. National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904, Natural History 2: 12 pp.
- Smith, E.A. 1911. Description of a new species of Acmaea from Bombay, and notes on other forms from that locality. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 9: 356-358
- Sowerby, G.B. 1834. The genera of Recent and Fossil shells. London Vol. 2 pls 127-262, and unnumbered text.
- Sowerby, G.B. (1st) 1825. A catalogue of the shells contained in the collection of the late Earl of Tankerville : arranged according to the Lamarckian conchological system: together with an appendix, containing descriptions of many new species. London : printed by E.J. Stirling for G.B. Sowerby vii, 92 pp. + appendix of xxiv pp. + coloured plates.
- Springsteen, F.J. & Leobrera, F.M. 1986. Shells of the Philippines. Manila : Carfel Seashell Museum 377 pp., 100 pls.
- Strebel, H. 1908. Die Gastropoden. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 1901–1903 6(1): 1-112
- Suter, H. 1906. Notes on New Zealand Mollusca, with descriptions of new species and subspecies. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 38: 316-333
- Tate, R. & May, W.L. 1900. Descriptions of new genera and species of Australian Mollusca (chiefly Tasmanian). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 24(2): 90-103 [Date published after 2 October 1900]
- Tenison-Woods, J.E. 1876. Description of new Tasmanian shells. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1875: 131–159 [Date published 21 Mar 1876]
- Tenison-Woods, J.E. 1877. On some new Tasmanian marine shells. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1876: 131–159 [Date published 27 Feb 1877]
- Tenison-Woods, J.E. 1877. On some Tasmanian Patellidae. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1876: 43-58 [Date published 27 Feb 1877]
- Test, A.R. 1945. Description of new species of Acmaea. Nautilus 58(3): 92-96
- Thiele, J. 1930. Die Fauna Südest Australiens. Gastropoda und Bivalvia. Fauna Südwest-Australien 9(8): 580-589
- Thornley, G. 1945. Limpets of New South Wales. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1944-1945: 22-30 [Date published August 31]
- Trew, A. 1983. The Melvill-Tomlin Collection. Handlists of the Molluscan Collections in the Department of Zoology, National Museum of Wales. Parts 19, 20 & 21. Pleurotomariacea, Fissurellacea and Patellacea. National Museum of Wales, Cardiff.
- Vaught, K.C. 1989. A Classification of the Living Mollusca. Melbourne, Florida : American Malacologists Inc. xii, 195 pp.
- Verco, J.C. 1904. Notes on South Australian marine Mollusca with descriptions of New Species. Part I. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 28: 135-145 [Date published 4 Dec.]
- Verco, J.C. 1906. Notes on South Australian marine Mollusca with descriptions of new species. Part IV. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 30: 205-224
- Verco, J.C. 1907. Notes on South Australian marine Mollusca with descriptions of new species. Part V. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 31: 99-110 [Date published Dec.]
- Verco, J.C. 1912. Notes on South Australian marine Mollusca with descriptions of new species. Part XV. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 36: 181-191
- Verco, J.C. 1912. Notes on the marine shells of Western Australia. Part II. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 36: 192-205
- Warén, A., Nakano, T. & Sellanes, J. 2011. A new species of Iothia (Gastropoda: Lepetidae) from Chilean methane seeps, with comments on the accompanying gastropod fauna. Nautilus 125(1): 1-14
- Wilson, B. 1993. Australian Marine Shells. Prosobranch Gastropods. Kallaroo, Western Australia : Odyssey Publishing Vol. 1 408 pp.
- Wilson, B. 2002. A handbook to Australian seashells on seashores east to west and north to south. Sydney : Reed New Holland 185 pp.
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