Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) trilineata Lütken, 1869

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia



Queensland, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Indian, Indo-Pacific, South Africa, South Pacific

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Lord Howe Province (14), Northeast Province (18), Timor Province (2), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Northwest Transition (3), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental shelf, continental slope, inshore, marine.


General References

Balinsky, J.B. 1957. The Ophiuroidea of Inhaca Island. Annals of the Natal Museum 14(1): 1-32 figs 1-7 pl. 1 [21] (as Placophiothrix trilineata)

Cherbonnier, G. & Guille, A. 1978. Faune de Madagascar. 48. Echinodermes: Ophiurides. Paris : Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 272 pp, 77 figs, 17 pls. [144-146, pl. 7(5-6), fig. 61(13,18)] (as Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) trilineata)

Clark, A.H. 1952. Echinoderms from the Marshall Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 102: 265-303 [293] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Clark, A.M. & Courtman-Stock, J. 1976. The Echinoderms of Southern Africa. British Museum of Natural History Publication 766: 277 pp, 276 figs [145] (as Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) trilineata)

Clark, H.L. 1917. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. Commander L.M. Garrett, U.S.N., commanding. X. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 61(12): 429-453 pls 1-5 [439] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Clark, H.L. 1921. The echinoderm fauna of Torres Strait. Papers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington 10: 1-224, 38 pls [115, pl. 16(4-6), 33(4-5)] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Clark, H.L. 1923. The echinoderm fauna of South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 13(7): 221-435 figs 1-4 pls 8-23 [341] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Clark, H.L. 1938. Echinoderms from Australia. An account of collections made in 1929 and 1932. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 55: 1-596, figs 1-64, pls 1-28 [315] (as Placophiothrix trilineata)

Clark, H.L. 1946. The echinoderm fauna of Australia. Its composition and its origin. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 566: 1-567 [226] (as Placophiothrix trilineata)

Farquhar, H. 1895. Notes on New Zealand echinoderms. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 27: 194-208, pls 10-13 [199] (as Ophiothrix caerulea)

Guille, A. & Jangoux, M. 1978. Astérides et Ophiurides littorales de la region d'Amboine (Indonésie). Annales de l'Institut Océanographique, Paris 54: 47-74 [61] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Guille, A. & Wolff, W.J. 1984. Résultats biologiques de l'Expédition Snellius Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea I. 1 fig., 6 pis. Zoologische Verhandelingen (Leiden) 213: 138 [27-29, pl. 5c-d] (as Ophiothrix (O.) trilineata)

Irimura, S. & Tachikawa, H. 2003. Ophiuroids from the Ogasawara Islands. Ogasawara Research 28: 1-26 [10] (as Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) trilineata)

Koehler, R. 1898. Échinodermes, receuillis par l'Investigator dans l'Océan Indien. II. Les ophiures littorales. Bulletin Scientique de la France et de la Belgique 31: 55-124, pls 2-5 [90] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Koehler, R. 1905. Ophiures littorales. Siboga Expéditie Monographie 45(b): 1-142, pls 1-18 [73-74] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Koehler, R. 1922. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. Ophiurans of the Philippine seas and adjacent waters. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 100(5): 1-486, pls 1-103 [279, pl. 46(1-3), 102(4)] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Koehler, R. 1930. Ophiures recueillies par le Docteur Th. Mortensen dans les Mers d'Australie et dans l'Archipel Malais. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 89: 1-295 pls 1-22 [151-152] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Liao, Y. & Clark, A.M. 1995. The echinoderms of southern China. Beijing : Science Press 614 pp., 23 pls. [250-251, fig. 134] (as Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) trilineata)

Lyman, T. 1882. Ophiuroidea. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 5: 1-385 pls 1-48 [222] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Marsh, L.M. 1986. Echinoderms. In Faunal surveys of the Rowley Shoals, Scott Reef and Seringaham Reef, north-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 25: 63-74 [71] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Marsh, L.M., Vail, L.L., Hoggett, A.K. & Rowe, F.W.E. 1993. Part 6. Echinoderms of Ashmore Reef and Cartier Island. pp. 53-65 2 tables in Berry, P.F. (ed.). Marine faunal surveys of Ashmore Reef and Cartier Island North-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 44: 91 pp. [61] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

McKnight, D.G. 1989. Further records of Tasman and Coral Sea echinoderms. DMFS Reports 3: 3-18 [11-12] (as Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) trilineata)

McKnight, D.G. 1989. Some echinoderm records from the tropical Southwest Pacific Ocean. DMFS Reports 3: 19-30 [26] (as Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) trilineata)

Price, A.R.G. & Rowe, F.W.E. 1996. Indian Ocean echinoderrms collected during the 'Sindbad' voyage (1980-81): 3. Ophiuroidea and Echinoidea. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 62(2): 71-82 [74] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp. [423] (as Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) trilineata)

Sloan, N.A., Clark, A.M. & Taylor, J.D. 1979. The echinoderms of Aldabra and their habitats. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zool. 37(2): 81-128 figs 1-22 [103] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)

Studer, T. 1882. Übersicht über die Ophiuriden, welche während der Reise S.M.S. Gazelle um die Erde 1874–1876 gesammelt wurden. Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1: 1-37, pls 1-3 [26] (as Ophiothrix trilineata)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED
29-Mar-2010 MODIFIED