Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Ooceraea biroi (Forel, 1907)

Generic Combinations

  • Ooceraea biroi (Forel, 1907).



Ooceraea biroi is a tramp species that has been more widely introduced across tropical regions of the world, including Australia.
O. biroi is perhaps the best studied doryline species. While army ants like Eciton and Dorylus have been extensively researched in the field, but their huge colonies are exceptionally difficult to manipulate in laboratory conditions, O. biroi is a species much more amenable to experimental manipulation and has been the focal organism for multiple published laboratory-based studies (Borowiec 2016).



Extra Distribution Information

Widespread tropical Asia from where has been imported in many tropical regions


Other Regions

Christmas Island terrestrial & freshwater

History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
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01-Jun-2021 FORMICIDAE 19-Jan-2017 MODIFIED