Bibliography for Ocyphaps lophotes (Temminck, 1822)
The Ocyphaps lophotes (Temminck, 1822) bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Bennett, G. 1837. A Catalogue of the Specimens of Natural History and Miscellaneous Curiosities, Deposited in the Australian Museum. Sydney : Australian Museum 71 pp.
- Condon, H.T. 1975. Checklist of the Birds of Australia. Part 1 Non-Passerines. Melbourne : Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union xx 311 pp.
- Frith, H.J. 1977. Some display postures of Australian pigeons. Ibis 119: 167-182
- Frith, H.J. 1982. Pigeons and Doves of Australia. Adelaide : Rigby vii 304 pp., 32 pls.
- Frith, H.J., Brown, B.K. & Barker, R.D. 1974. Food of the Crested and Common Bronzewing Pigeons in inland New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 1: 129-144
- Frith, H.J., Carpenter, S.M. & Braithwaite, L.W. 1976. Sexual cycles of pigeons in arid and semi-arid Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 24: 331-351
- Goodwin, D. 1974. Columbidae. In, Hall, B.P. (ed.). Birds of the Harold Hall Australian Expeditions 1962–70. A report on the collections made for the British Museum (Natural History). Results of the Harold Hall Australian Expeditions. London : British Museum Vol. 33 xi 396 pp., 10 pls col. pl. map.
- Hindwood, K.A. 1947. Occurrence of the Crested Pigeon near Sydney, NSW. The Emu 47: 63-64
- Mathews, G.M. 1912. A Reference-List to the Birds of Australia. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 171-455 [Date published 31 Jan 1912]
- Mathews, G.M. & Iredale, T. 1921. A Manual of the Birds of Australia. Orders Casuarii to Columbae. London : H.F. & G. Witherby Vol. 1 xxiv 279 pp. 36 pls.
- Mayr, E. 1951. Notes on some pigeons and parrots from Western Australia. The Emu 51: 137-145
- Mees, G.F. 1961. An annotated catalogue of a collection of bird-skins from West Pilbara, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 44: 97-143
- Peters, J.L. 1937. Check-list of Birds of the World. Cambridge : Harvard University Press Vol. 3 xiii 311 pp.
- Salvadori, T. 1893. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Columbae, or Pigeons. London : British Museum Vol. 21 xvii 676 pp. XV pls.
- Schodde, R. in Schodde, R. & Mason, I.J. 1997. Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). In, Houston, W.W.K. & Wells, A. (eds). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, Australia Vol. 37.2 xiii 440 pp.
- Stanger, M., Clayton, M., Schodde, R., Wombey, J. & Mason, I. 1998. CSIRO List of Australian Verebrates: A Reference with Conservation Status. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing iii 124 pp.
- Temminck, C.J. in Temminck, C.J. & Laugier de Chartrouse, M. 1822. Nouveau Recueil de Planches Coloriées d'Oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de complément aux Planches enluminées de Buffon. Paris : G. Levrault Vol. 2 livr. 24 pp. [publication dated as 1838]
- Woodall, P. 1985. Crested and Feral Pigeons feeding on fig-seeds: commensalism, feeding rates and vigilance. The Emu 85: 121-125
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