Bibliography for Nyctemera baulus (Boisduval, 1832)
The Nyctemera baulus (Boisduval, 1832) bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Bethune-Baker, G.T. 1904. New Lepidoptera from British New Guinea. Novitates Zoologicae 11: 367-429, pls 4-6
- Boisduval, J.A.D. 1832. Voyage de Découvertes de l'Astrolabe exécuté par Ordre du Roi, Pendant les Années 1826–1827–1828–1829, sous le Commandement de M.J. Dumont D'Urville. Faune entomologique de l'Océan Pacifique, avec l'illustration des insectes nouveaux recueillis pendant le Voyage. Part 1: Lépidoptères. Paris : J. Tastu pp.267.
- Butler, A.G. 1887. Descriptions of New species of Bombycid Lepidoptera from the Solomon Islands. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 19: 214-225
- Eecke, R. van 1929. Fauna Buruana. Lepidoptera Heterocera, fam. Zygaenidae, Syntomidae and Arctiidae. Treubia 7: 341-350
- Fletcher, D.S. 1957. Macroheterocera of Rennell Island. Natural History of Rennell Island, British Solomon Islands 2: 31-66, [1-13], 90 figs
- Lucas, T.P. 1891. On Queensland and other Australian Lepidoptera with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2 6(2): 277-306
- Meyrick, E. 1886. On the synonymy of some species of Nyctemera. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 23: 15-16
- Niewenhuis, E.J. 1948. Lepidoptera van den Banggaai-Archipel. II. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 89: 139-148, pl.12
- Pagenstecher, A. 1901. Beiträge zur lepidopterenfauna des Malayischen Archipels. XIV. Über die gattung Nyctemera Hübn. und ihre verwandten. Jahrbuch des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 54: 89-175
- Roepke, W. 1957. The genus Nyctemera Hübner. II. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 100: 147-178
- Swinhoe, C. 1903. On the genus Deilemera, Hübner. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1903: 53-85, 2 pls
- Tams, W.H.T. 1935. Insects of Samoa and other Samoan Terrestrial Arthropoda. Part III. Lepidoptera, fasc. 4, Heterocera. London : British Museum pp. 169-290, pls 6-18.
- Walker, F. 1856. Lepidoptera Heterocera. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum 7: 1508-1808 [incl. Index to parts 1-7] [published May 1856]
- Walker, F. 1859. Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidoptera collected at Singapore by Mr. A.R. Walker with Descriptions of New Species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 3: 183-198
- Walker, F. 1865. Supplement 1. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum 31: 1-321 [Part 31 dated 1864 but published 11 February, 1865]
- Walker, F. 1866. Supplement 5. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum 35: 1534-2040 [incl. Summary and Index to parts 31-35]
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