Australian Biological Resources Study

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Family NOCTUIDAE Latreille, 1809


Within the Noctuoidea, the most controversial family group taxon is Noctuidae. Many of the traditional subfamilies are now recognized as unnatural (Kitching 1984; Speidel et al. 1996; Kitching & Rawlins 1998; Fibiger & Lafontaine 2005; Mitchell et al. 2006).

Much work has been done on the North American fauna but applying this to other parts of the world involves major revision of the noctuid fauna of these areas and in the case of Australia this has not been done yet. The classification within the Noctuoidea has been examined in detail in recent papers such as Zahiri et al. (2011, 2013), but a significant proportion of Australian genera have not been included in these recent analyses.


General References

Edwards, E.D. 1996. Noctuidae. pp. 291-333 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM.

Fibiger, M. & Lafontaine, J.D. 2005. A review of the higher classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) with special reference to the Holarctic fauna. Esperiana Buchreihe zur Entomologie 11: 7-92 [Date published 29/06/2005]

Hampson, G.F. 1900. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Nolinae, Lithosianae) in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 2 xx 589 pp.

Hampson, G.F. 1901. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Arctianae) and Agaristidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 3 xix 690 pp., 1 folded page.

Hampson, G.F. 1903. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 4 xx 689 pp.

Hampson, G.F. 1905. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 5 xvi 634 pp.

Hampson, G.F. 1908. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 7 xv 709 pp., 1 folded page.

Hampson, G.F. 1909. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 8 xiv 583 pp., 1 folded page.

Hampson, G.F. 1910. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 10 xix 829 pp., 1 folded page.

Hampson, G.F. 1910. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 9 xv 552 pp., 1 folded page.

Hampson, G.F. 1912. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 11 xvii 689 pp.

Hampson, G.F. 1913. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 13 xiv 609 pp.

Hampson, G.F. 1913. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Noctuidae in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 12 xiii 626 pp., 1 folded page.

Hampson, G.F. 1926. Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Lepidoptera Phalaenae of the subfamily Noctuinae (Noctuidae) in the British Museum (Natural History). London : British Museum (Natural History) 641 pp.

Holloway, J.D. 1985. The moths of Borneo. Part 14. Family Noctuidae: Subfamilies Euteliinae, Stictopterinae, Plusiinae, Pantheinae. Malayan Nature Journal 38: 157-317

Holloway, J.D. 1989. The Moths of Borneo (part 12): family Noctuidae: trifine subfamilies: Noctuinae, Heliothinae, Hadeninae, Acronictinae, Amphipyrinae, Agaristidae. Kuala Lumpur : Malayan Nature Society Part 12 57-226 pp., 404 figs, 8 pls.

Holloway, J.D. 2009. The moths of Borneo (part 13): family Noctuidae, subfamilies Pantheinae (part), Bagisarinae, Acontiinae, Aediinae, Eustrotiinae, Bryophilinae, Araeopteroninae, Aventiinae, Eublemminae and further miscellaneous genera. Malayan Nature Journal 62: 1–240

Holloway, J.D. 2011. The Moths of Borneo. Phaudidae, Himantopteridae, Zygaenidae. Complete checklist, checklist notes, historical appendix, index. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : Southdene Sdn. Bhd. Vol. Part 2 pp.1-548.

Kitching, I.J. 1984. An historical review of the higher classification of the Noctuidae (Lepidoptera). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 49: 153-234

Lafontaine, J.D. & Fibiger, M. 2006. Revised higher classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). The Canadian Entomologist 138(5): 610-635

Mitchell, A., Mitter, C. & Regier, J.C. 2006. Systematics and evolution of the cutworm moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): evidence from two protein-coding nuclear genes. Systematic Entomology 31: 21–46

Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds) 1996. Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM.

Poole, R.W. 1989. Noctuidae. Parts 1–3, Lepidopterorum Catalogus 118 (New Series). Parts 1–3, Lepidopterorum Catalogus 118 (New Series). E.J. Brill & Flora & Fauna Publications : Leiden & Gainsville. xii +1314 pp.

Seitz, A. (ed.) 1938. The Macrolepidoptera of the World. The Macrolepidoptera of the Indo-Australian Fauna. 11. Noctuiform Phalaenae. Stuttgart : Alfred Kernen Verlag.

Turner, A.J. 1920. Revision of the Australian Noctuidae. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 44: 120-189

Zahiri, R., Kitching, I.J., Lafontaine, J.D., Mutanen, M., Kaila, L., Holloway, J.D. & Wahlberg, N. 2011. A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). Zoologica Scripta 40: 158-173

Zahiri, R., Lafontaine, J.D., Schmidt, C., Holloway, J.D., Kitching, I.J., Mutanen, M. & Wahlberg, N. 2013. Relationships among the basal lineages of Noctuidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) based on eight gene regions. Zoologica Scripta 42(5): 488–507


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
27-Jul-2017 NOCTUOIDEA 12-Jul-2017 MODIFIED Karin Koch
05-Nov-2012 MODIFIED