Subgenus Metopochetus (Seva) McAlpine, 1998
Bibliography for Metopochetus (Seva) McAlpine, 1998
The Metopochetus (Seva) McAlpine, 1998 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Hennig, W. 1935. Revision der Tyliden (Dipt., Acalypt.). II. Teil: die ausseramerikanischen Taeniapterinae, die Trepidariinae und Tylinae. Allgemeines über die Tyliden. Zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Ergebnissen der Sunda-expedition Rensch, 1927 [part]. Konowia 14: 192-216, 289-310. [Publication split: pp. 192-216 (15 June); 289-310 (15 December)]
- Macquart, J. 1846. Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Supplément. Mémoires de la Société des sciences, de l'agriculture et des arts de Lille 1844: 133-364, pls 1-20 [The date on the wrapper of the journal is 1846, the date on the title page is 1845. The last 4 pages of this paper in the journal (containing the index) are numbered 363, 364, 363, 364. The next article in the journal begins on page 365. The pagination of the reprint is continuous, thus the reprint appears to contain 2 additional pages. Reprinted with pagination 5-238, Roret, Paris, with "1846" on both the wrapper and title page. Reprint recorded in the 7 November 1846 issue of Bibliogr. Fr. The Bibliogr. Fr. mentions the journal version in the 22 August 1846 issue; it was presented by Macquart at the 22 July 1846 meeting of the Société Entomologique de France]
- McAlpine, D.K. 1998. Review of the Australian stilt flies (Dipera : Micropezidae) with a phylogenetic analysis of the family. Invertebrate Taxonomy 12: 55-134
- Walker, F. 1853. Diptera. Part IV. pp. 253-414 in Saunders, W.W. (ed.). Insecta Saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William Wilson Saunders, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. London : Van Voorst Vol. 1.
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