Bibliography for Megokris Pérez Farfante & Kensley, 1997
The Megokris Pérez Farfante & Kensley, 1997 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Dall, W. 1957. A revision of the Australian species of Penaeinae (Crustacea Decapoda: Penaeidae). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 8(2): 136-230 figs 1-29
- De Grave, S. & Fransen, C.H.J.M. 2011. Carideorum Catalogus: The recent species of the Dendrobrachiate, Stenopodidean, Procarididean and Caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) 85(9): 195-589, figs 1-59
- de Man, J.G. 1907. Diagnoses of new species of Macrurous Decapod Crustacea from the "Siboga-Expedition" II. Notes from the Leyden Museum 29: 127-145
- Grey, D.L., Dall, W. & Baker, A. 1983. A Guide to the Australian Penaeid Prawns. Darwin : Northern Territory Government Printing Office 140 pp. 51 colour pls.
- Hall, D.N.F. 1961. Further taxonomic notes on the Malayan species. The Malayan Penaeidae (Crustacea, Decapoda) Part 2. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum 26: 76-119
- Haswell, W.A. 1879. On the Australian species of Penaeus, in the Macleay Museum, Sydney. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 4, 1879: 38-44
- Pérez Farfante, I. & Kensley, B. 1997. Penaeoid and sergestoid shrimps and prawns of the world. Keys and diagnoses for the families and genera. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris [1936-1950] 175: 1-233
- Racek, A.A. & Dall, W. 1965. Littoral Penaeinae (Crustacea Decapoda) from northern Australia, New Guinea and adjacent waters. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen [Verh. Akad. Amsterdam] 56(3): 1-119 figs 1-16 pls 1-13
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