Bibliography for Margovula marginata (Sowerby, 1828)
The Margovula marginata (Sowerby, 1828) bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Allan, J. 1956. Cowry Shells of World Seas. Melbourne : Georgian House 170 pp.
- Cate, C.N. 1973. A systematic revision of the Recent cypraeid family Ovulidae. Veliger supplement 15: 1-116
- Lorenz, F. & Fehse, D. 2009. The living Ovulidae. A manual of the families of allied cowries: Ovulidae, Pediculariidae and Eocypraeidae. ConchBooks pp. 1-651.
- Paetel 1887. Catalog der Conchylien-Sammlung. I. Die Cephalopoden, Pteropoden und Meeres-Gastropoden. Berlin, Verlag von Gerbrüder Paetel. Berlin : Verlag von Gerbrüder Paetel pp. 1-16, 1-639.
- Sowerby, G.B. 1828. On the Recent species of the genus Ovulum. Zoological Journal of London 4: 145-162
- Wilson, B. 1993. Australian Marine Shells. Prosobranch Gastropods. Kallaroo, Western Australia : Odyssey Publishing Vol. 1 408 pp.
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