Family LITHODIDAE Samouelle, 1819
Bibliography for LITHODIDAE Samouelle, 1819
The LITHODIDAE Samouelle, 1819 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Ahyong, S.T. 2010. Neolithodes flindersi, a new species of king crab from southeastern Australia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Lithodidae). Zootaxa 2362: 55-62
- Ahyong, S.T. 2010. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: King Crabs of New Zealand, Australia and the Ross Sea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Lithodidae). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 123: 3-194
- Brandt, J.F. 1850. Vorlaüfige Bemerkungen über eine aus zwei noch unbeschreibenen Gattungen und Arten gebildette Unterabtheilung (Hapalogastrica) der Tribus Lithodina, begleitet von einer Charakteristik der eben genannten Tribus der Anomuren. Bulletin de la Classe Physique-Mathematique Academie Imperiale des Sciences, St Petersbourg 8: 266-269
- Dawson, E.W. 1989. King crabs of the world (Crustacea: Lithodidae) and their fisheries. A comprehensive bibliography. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Miscellaneous Publication 101: 1-336
- Dawson, E.W. & Yaldwyn, J.C. 1985. King crabs of the world or the world of king crabs: an overview of identity and distribution — with illustrated diagnostic keys to the genera of the Lithodidae and to the species of Lithodes. pp. 69-106 in Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Proceedings of the International King Crab Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A. January 22–24, 1985. Alaska Sea Grant Report 85–12 [November 1985]
- Hale, H.M. 1941. Decapod Crustacea. Report of the British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition, 1928–31 4(9): 257-285 figs
- International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1958. Opinion 511. Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Maja Lamarck, 1801 (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda) and designation under the same Powers of a type species for that genus in harmony with established practise. Opinions and Declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 18(15): 257-272
- Latreille, P.A. 1806. Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum secundum ordinem naturalem in famlias disposita, iconibus exemplisque plurimus explicita. Paris : König Vol. 1 xviii 302 pp. pls 1–16.
- Macpherson, E. 1988. Revision of the family Lithodidae Samouelle, 1819 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) in the Atlantic Ocean. Monografías de Zoología Marina 2: 9-153
- Macpherson, E. 1990. Crustacea Decapoda: On a collection of Nephropidae from the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific. pp. 289-329 figs 1-17 in Crosnier, A. Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, Volume 6. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris [1936-1950] 145(A): 1-388
- Milne Edwards, A. & Bouvier, E.L. 1894. Crustacés Décapodes provenant des campagnes du yacht l'Hirondelle 1886, 1887 et 1888. Brachyures et Anomoures. Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies par le Prince Albert I. Monaco 7: 1-112, pls 1-11
- Poore, G.C.B.,& Ahyong, S.T. 2023. Marine decapod Crustacea. A guide to families and genera of the World. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing pp. 928.
- Sakai, T. 1971. Illustrations of 15 species of crabs of the family Lithodidae, two of which are new to science. Researches on Crustacea 4–5: 1-49 pls 1-26
- Samouelle, G. 1819. The Entomologist's Useful Compendium; or an introduction to the knowledge of British Insects, comprising the best means of obtaining and preserving them, and a description of the apparatus generally used; together with the genera of Linné, and modern methods of arranging the Classes Crustacea, Myriapoda, spiders, mites and insects, from the affinities and structure, according to the views of Dr. Leach. Also an explanation of the terms used in entomology; a calendar of the times of appearance and usual situations of near 3,000 species of British Insects; with instructions for collecting and fitting up objects for the microscope. London : Thomas Boys 496 pp. 12 pls.
- White, A. 1856. Some remarks on Crustacea of the genus Lithodes with a brief description of a species apparently hitherto unrecorded. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 4: 132-135 pl. 42
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