Genus Idaea Treitschke, 1825
Type species:
Phalaena aversata Linnaeus, 1758 by original designation.- Sterrha Hübner, J. 1825. Verzeichniss bekannter Schmetterlinge [sic]. Augsburg (1816–[1825]) 431 pp. [309].
Type species:
Geometra sericeata Hübner, 1796 by original designation. - Pyctis Hübner, J. 1825. Verzeichniss bekannter Schmetterlinge [sic]. Augsburg (1816–[1825]) 431 pp. [309].
Type species:
Geometra aureolaria [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775 by original designation. - Arrhostia Hübner, J. 1825. Verzeichniss bekannter Schmetterlinge [sic]. Augsburg (1816–[1825]) 431 pp. [311].
Type species:
Phalaena aversata Linnaeus, 1758 by original designation. Type species:
Phalaena biselata Hufnagel, 1767 (Cited as dilutata Haworth, a misidentification of biselata Hufnagel and an emendation of dilutaria Hübner) by original designation.- Hyria Stephens, J.F. 1829. The Nomenclature of British Insects; together with their synonyms: being a compendious list of such species as are contained in the systematic catalogue of British insects, and of those discovered subsequently to its publication; forming a guide to their classification, etc. London : Baldwin & Craddock 68 pp. [45] [junior homonym; of Hyria Lamarck, 1819 (Mollusca)].
Type species:
Pyralis auroralis [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775 by original designation. Type species:
Phalaena emarginata Linneaus, 1758 by original designation.- Goniacidalia Packard, A.S. 1873. unknown title. Report of the Peabody Academy of Science 5 [68].
Type species:
Goniacidalia furciferata Packard, 1873 by original designation. - Pythodora Meyrick, E. 1886. Descriptions of Lepidoptera from the South Pacific. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1886: 189-296 [205].
Type species:
Pythodora rhipistis Meyrick, 1886 by original designation. Type species:
Janarda acuminata Moore, 1888 by original designation.- Idoea; Cotes, E.C. & Swinhoe, C. 1888. A Catalogue of the Moths of India: Geometrites. Calcutta : The Trustees of the Indian Museum Part 4. [574] [subsequent misspelling].
- Mnesterodes Meyrick, E. 1889. On some Lepidoptera from New Guinea. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1889: 455-522 [483].
Type species:
Mnesterodes trypheropa Meyrick, 1889 by original designation. - Xenocentris Meyrick, E. 1889. On some Lepidoptera from New Guinea. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1889: 455-522 [484].
Type species:
Xenocentris rhipidura Meyrick, 1889 by original designation. - Argia von Gumppenberg, C.F. 1890. Systema Geometrarum zonae temperatioris septentrionalis, Systematische Bearbeitung der Spanner der nördlichen gemässigten Zone. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 54: 433-544 [483, 492] [junior homonym; of Argia Rambur, 1842 (Odonata)].
Type species:
Dosithoea attenuaria Rambur, 1833 by original designation. - Pelagia von Gumppenberg, C.F. 1890. Systema Geometrarum zonae temperatioris septentrionalis, Systematische Bearbeitung der Spanner der nördlichen gemässigten Zone. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 54: 433-544 [483] [junior homonym; of Pelagia Peron and Lesueur, 1810 (Coelenterata)].
Type species:
Acidalia ossiculata Lederer, 1871 by original designation. - Gnidia von Gumppenberg, C.F. 1890. Systema Geometrarum zonae temperatioris septentrionalis, Systematische Bearbeitung der Spanner der nördlichen gemässigten Zone. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 54: 433-544 [482 (key)] [junior homonym; of Gnidia Koch, 1839 (Arachnida)].
Type species:
Geometra filicata Hübner, [1799] 1796 by original designation. - Aphrogeneia von Gumppenberg, C.F. 1890. Systema Geometrarum zonae temperatioris septentrionalis, Systematische Bearbeitung der Spanner der nördlichen gemässigten Zone. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 54: 433-544 [483].
Type species:
Geometra nexata Hübner, [1813] 1796 by original designation. Type species:
Androgrupos violacea Hampson, 1891 by original designation.- Carphoxera Riley, C.V. & Howard, L.O. 1891. Scale insects in Trinidad. Insect Life (Washington DC) 4: 214 [108, 109, 110, 112].
Type species:
Carphoxera ptelearia Riley, 1891 by original designation. - Synomila Hulst, G.D. 1896. A classification of the Geometrina of North America, with descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 23: 245-386 [294, 295].
Type species:
Eois subochreata Hulst, 1887 by original designation. - Ptenopoda Hulst, G.D. 1896. A classification of the Geometrina of North America, with descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 23: 245-386 [297, 307].
Type species:
Ptenopoda miranda Hulst, 1896 by original designation. - Hemipogon Warren, W. 1897. New genera and species of moths from the Old-world regions in the Tring Museum. Novitates Zoologicae 4: 12-130 [54].
Type species:
Hemipogon velutina Warren, 1897 by original designation. - Leptacme Warren, W. 1897. New genera and species of moths from the Old-world regions in the Tring Museum. Novitates Zoologicae 4: 12-130 [56].
Type species:
Leptacme malescripta Warren, 1897 by original designation. - Brachyprota Warren, W. 1897. New genera and species of Thyrididae, Epiplemidae, and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 4: 408-506 [432].
Type species:
Brachyprota abnormipennis Warren, 1897 by original designation. - Polygraphodes Warren, W. 1897. New genera and species of Thyrididae, Epiplemidae, and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 4: 408-506 [442].
Type species:
Polygraphodes boarmiata Warren, 1897 by original designation. - Cacorista Warren, W. 1899. New Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, and Geometridae, from the Aethiopian region. Novitates Zoologicae 6: 287-312 [292].
Type species:
Cacorista amputata Warren, 1899 by original designation. - Anteois Warren, W. 1900. New genera and speceis of American Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Epiplemidae and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 117-225 [146].
Type species:
Phalaena muricata Hufnagel, 1767 by original designation. - Hyriogona Warren, W. 1900. New genera and speceis of American Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Epiplemidae and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 117-225 [156].
Type species:
Hyriogona capitata Warren, 1900 by original designation. - Neochrysa Warren, W. 1900. New genera and speceis of American Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Epiplemidae and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 117-225 [157].
Type species:
Neochrysa comosa Warren, 1900 by original designation. - Pogonogya Warren, W. 1900. New genera and speceis of American Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Epiplemidae and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 117-225 [158].
Type species:
Pogonogya rufulata Warren, 1900 by original designation. - Prospasta Warren, W. 1900. New genera and speceis of American Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Epiplemidae and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 117-225 [160].
Type species:
Prospasta elata Warren, 1900 by original designation. - Cysteophora Hulst, G.D. 1900. New Species of Lepidoptera. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 8: 215-225 [215].
Type species:
Cysteophora pervertipennis Hulst, 1900 by original designation. - Thysanotricha Warren, W. 1903. New Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Uraniidae and Geometridae from the Oriental region. Novitates Zoologicae 10: 255-270 [264].
Type species:
Thysanotricha ziczacata Warren, 1903 by original designation. - Pentopoda; Dyar, H.G. 1903. A List of North American Lepidoptera and Key to the Literature of this Order of Insects. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 52: 1-723 [298] [subsequent misspelling].
- Deinopygia Warren, W. 1904. New American Thyrididae, Uraniidae and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 11: 493-582 [511].
Type species:
Dienopygia caudata Warren, 1904 by original designation. - Schematorhages Warren, W. 1905. New American Thyrididae, Uraniidae and Geometridae. Novitates Zoologicae 12: 307-379 [324].
Type species:
Schematorhages arhostiodes Warren, 1905 by original designation. - Lobura Warren, W. 1906. Descriptions of new genera and species of South American geometrid moths. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 30: 399-557 [451].
Type species:
Lobure ocellata Warren, 1906 by original designation. - Omopera Warren, W. 1906. Descriptions of new genera and species of South American geometrid moths. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 30: 399-557 [453].
Type species:
Omopera angulata Warren, 1906 by original designation. - Argyroscelia Warren, W. 1907. New Drepanulidae,Thyrididae, Uraniidae and Geometridae from British New Guinea. Novitates Zoologicae 14: 97-186 [137].
Type species:
Argyroscelia gravipes Warren, 1907 by original designation. - Pareupithex Warren, W. 1907. African Thyrididae, Uraniidae and Geometridae in the Tring Museum. Novitates Zoologicae 14: 187-323 [222].
Type species:
Acidalia eupitheciata Guenee, [1858] by original designation. - Euphenolia Grossbeck, J.A. 1907. A new genus and two new species of Geometridae. Entomological News 18: 252, 253 [252].
Type species:
Euphenolia skinnerata Grossback, 1907 by original designation. - Hirthestes Dognin, P. 1914. Héterocérès nouveaux de l'Amérique du Sud. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 57: 380-416 [383].
Type species:
Hirthestes laniata Dognin, 1914 by original designation.
Miscellaneous Literature Names
- Cnidia Gumppenberg, 1892. —
von Gumppenberg, C.F. 1893. Systema Geometrarum zonae temperatioris septentrionalis, Systematische Bearbeitung der Spanner der nördlichen gemässigten Zone. Fünfter Theil. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 58: 221-359 [Date published 1893: dated 1892] [223] (subsequent misspelling)
Tribal placement based on DNA and morphology (Sihvonen et al., 2020)
General References
Sihvonen, P., Murillo-Ramos, L., Brehm, G., Staude, H. & Wahlberg, N. 2020. Molecular phylogeny of Sterrhinae moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): towards a global classification. Systematic Entomology 45: 606–634
History of changes
Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
21-Feb-2022 | GEOMETROIDEA | 04-Dec-2021 | MODIFIED | Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG) |
21-Feb-2022 | GEOMETRIDAE | 05-Jul-2016 | MODIFIED | Dr Federica Turco (QM) |
21-Feb-2022 | 09-Aug-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
26-May-2010 | MODIFIED |