Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Hypographa epiodes Turner, 1930


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Banksia [PROTEACEAE] Proteas).


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [212] (Note #312: Hypographa epiodes Turner, 1930. In 1930 Turner published a revision of Australian Oenochrominae and in preparation for Turner's revision G.M. Goldfinch drew his attention to 3 undescribed species which Turner described. They are Hypographa epiodes Turner, 1930, Dichromodes oriphoetes Turner, 1930 and Dichromodes galactica Turner, 1930. G.M. Goldfinch died in 1943 leaving an unfinished manuscript on the Geometridae. Turner assembled a few of the descriptions that Goldfinch had written for a paper published in 1944 (Goldfinch 1944). Unfortunately, this included the three species Turner had described in his revision of the Oenochrominae in 1930 but different names were used in 1944. These were, respectively, Neolissoma gracilis Goldfinch, 1944, Dichromodes implicata Goldfinch, 1944 and D. simpla Goldfinch, 1944. Each pair of species names have the same syntypes and the same specimen should be selected as lectotype to ensure that they become objective synonyms)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
08-Mar-2012 MODIFIED