Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory




Regional Maps



[After Nielsen 1996: 56]
Heliodinids are small metallic-coloured, diurnal moths which rest with the hindlegs raised. The family has been variously defined and in particular many species of the oecophorid subfamily Stathmopodinae have been associated with the Heliodinidae. Most species listed in Meyrick's (1913, 1914) treatments in Lepidopterorum Catalogus and Genera Insectorum are today placed in the Stathmopodinae. Indeed, Meyrick (1907) described the Australian species of Epicroesa Meyrick in the Plutellinae (as Plutellidae) and subsquently recorded them in the Glyphipterigidae (Meyrick 1913). Turner's (1941) revision of the Australian Heliodinidae contains only one species now regarded as a genuine heliodinid.

The family was defined by Kyrki (1984, 1990) and includes two genera in Australia Heliodines Stainton and Eicroesa Meyrick. There is no modern account of the Australian fauna. A species of Epicroesa Meyrick was recently described by Diakonoff & Arita (1979) from Japan and Emmet (1985) reviewed the single British species of Heliodines Stainton.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
06-Jul-2011 06-Jul-2011 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)