Species Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878)
Bibliography for Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878)
The Eimeria zuernii (Rivolta, 1878) bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Callow, L.L. 1984. Animal Health in Australia. Volume 5. Protozoal and Rickettsial Diseases. Canberra : Aust. Govt. Publ. Service.
- McMeniman, N.P. & Elliott, R. 1995. Control of coccidia in young calves using lasalocid. Australian Veterinary Journal 72: 7-9
- Parker, R. 1981. The occurrence in Australia of the bovine coccidia Eimeria bukidnonensis Tubangui 1931 and E. wyomingensis Huizinga and Winger 1942. Journal of Parasitology 67: 724-725
- Parker, R.J., Boothby, K., Polkinghorne, I. & Holroyd, R.G. 1984. Coccidiosis associated with post-weaning diarrhoea in beef calves in a dry tropical region. Australian Veterinary Journal 61: 181-183
- Parker, R.J., Jones, G.W., Ellis, K.J., Heater, K.M., Schroter, K.L., Tyler, R. & Holroyd, R.G. 1986. Post-weaning coccidiosis in beef calves in the dry tropics: experimental control with continuous monensin supplementation via intra-ruminal devices and concurrent epidemiological observations. Tropical Animal Health and Production 18: 198-208
- Parker, R.J. & Jones, G.W. 1987. The development of eimerian infections during the first eight months of life in unweaned beef calves in a dry tropical region of Australia. Veterinary Microbiology 25: 1-7
- Parker, R.J. & Jones, G.W. 1990. Destruction of bovine coccidial oocysts in simulated cattle yards by dry tropical winter weather. Veterinary Microbiology 35: 269-272
- Railliet, A. & Lucet, A. 1891. Note sur quelques espèces de coccidies encore peu étudiées. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 16: 246-250
- Rivolta, S. 1878. Delia gregarinosi dei polli e dell' ordinamento delle gregarine e dei psorospermi degli animali domestici. Giornale di Anatomia, Fisiologia e Patologia degli Animale (Pisa) 10: 220-235
- Seddon, H.R. & Albiston, H.E. 1966. Diseases of domestic animals in Australia. Part 4. Protozoan and virus diseases. Canberra : Commonwealth of Australia Department of Health, Service Publication (Division of Veterinary Hygeine) Vol. No. 8 2.
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