Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory




Regional Maps


Compiler and date details

March 2012 - You Ning Su, with advice from Ted Edwards, Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Canberra


[After Common in Nielsen et al. (1996: 94)]
The genera of this family have traditionally been treated as a subfamily of the Oecophoridae (e.g. Gaede 1939; Hodges 1974, 1978), but may be distinguished by the gnathos of the male genitalia, in the form of one or more spined knobs. This character also appears in the families Elachistidae, Agonoxenidae and Colephoridae. The group was raised to family status by Common (1990) and Nielsen & Common (1991). However, Minet (1990) suggested that several genera which have more or less erect and exposed pupae, such as Peritornenta Turner, should be included in the Hypertrophinae as a subfamily of a much expanded family Elachistidae.

The world fauna of Depressariidae was treated by Meyrick (1922) as his 'Group 5 Despressariades' of the Oecophoridae. In his catalogue of the Depressariinae Gaede (1939) closely followed Meyrick's (1922) treatment, and Turner (1947) dealt with most of the Australian genera.

The Depressariidae are represented in Australia by 72 described species referred to 24 genera, but reach their greatest development and diversity in the Northern Hemisphere. Eighteen of the Australian genera are endemic, the remainder being shared with New Guinea, South-east Asia and New Zealand (Eutorna Meyrick).

Common in Nielsen et al. (1996) groups the following species as unplaced to genus within Depressariidae:

Cryptolechia coriaria Meyrick, E. (1914). Exotic Microlepidoptera. 1(6-9): 161-192, 193-224, 225-256, 257-288 [173].
Machimia cyphopleura Turner, A.J. (1946). Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. Oecophoridae. XIII. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 70: 93-120 [112].
Machimia dystheata Turner, A.J. (1946). Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. Oecophoridae. XIII. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 70: 93-120 [118].
Oecophora iodes Lower, O.B. (1901). Descriptions of new genera and species of Australian Lepidoptera. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 25: 63-98 [94].
Cryptolechia anomarcha Meyrick, E. (1915). Exotic Microlepidoptera. 1(10-15): 289-320, 321-352, 353-384, 385-416, 417-448, 449-480 [305].
Zonopetala paroospila Turner, A.J. (1946). Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. Oecophoridae. XIII. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 70: 93-120 [104].


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 07-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)